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Dark masculine energy is revealed through the knowing of how to be in charge, how to penetrate the space with presence and be assertive and dominant. Masculine energy is about taking action and making things happen. These two masculine and feminine energies depend upon one another to existand, in fact, one quite enjoys the other. The Way simply means to be, or to practice your dharma, or your role to play in this giant cosmic theater show. This energy penetrates matter, whether its in the expression of manifestation on the material plane, sexual potency, or the cutting through the illusion of veils (ie: cut through the bullshit). It is no accident that, due to these bans and restrictions, there is a huge, dark underground supporting and serving the deformed, hungry parts of the collective unconsciousness. Yang: Masculine Energy. The blood in the form of liquid (being the denser/feminine) is the carrier of (the lighter) oxygen (the masculine). I want to experience being masculinity. Feminine energy is receptive; it is passive and emotional. Women want to receive energy from their environmentthis is what feminine energy wants. The healthy, activated and integrated masculine is a gift to humanity. Here are a few examples of the traits of masculine energy: Logical + left-brained Action oriented toward an end goal Physical strength + using of brute force Seeking self-mastery Introspective Protective Competitive In constant motion Needing to constantly "do" Seeking material possessions as a marker of success One who can only harness one type of energy is not as well adjusted, mature or attractive as one who can deal with both. Masculine energy is the energy of action, movement, direction, and creation. It contains 7 actionable steps you can start implementing right now, to start becoming more attractive to women today. Both the Dark and the Light Masculine can have a healthy expression of presence, distinct and complimentary to each other, and both can have a shadow expression as well. Download It happens very rarely, but every now and then Ill spot a woman that is just so in touch with her feminine energy that you canliterally feel it. Nah, serious bruh. It wants masculine form to give it order and structure. We . In fact, when you start to develop your masculine energy, youll find that women will be drawn to you, like bees to honey. However, this dark masculine energy is often misunderstood as evil or bad. Getting in touch with the opposite energy when needed is to our advantage, letting it rule our nature is not. A cosmic womb, worshiped by many cultures as the Great Mother Goddess. Their energies merge, in a sense, and alignthemselves towards accomplishing a single, greater purpose. Im native American majority mixed and born and raised on reservation. It is the strong side of you that gives you confidence and makes you secure about yourself. A hierarchical structure of the social pyramid is created in which knowledge of the nature of the universe is used to maintain control of a small group of individuals over the rest of the community. Maybe new cabinet pulls. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an active sensor that emits microwave energy to gather data outside of the visible . The other side of the shadow expression is the result of repression or rejection of this energy, leading to not being able to access this energy (enough or barely), in your life. The state of the world today is in large part due to the absence of the integration and grounding of this internal brotherhood. Just as The Divine Feminine receives and pulls in, The Divine Masculine radiates and thrusts out. Good and evil, light and dark, are inseparable parts of each other. People with masculine energy tend to be strong, mission-driven problem-solvers seeking release from the restraints of life. When the Teachers of Light talk about "feminine" or "masculine", they are referring to a set of characteristics and energetics within the creation process, not physical bodies. However not present in other historically and today. She and Timo are currently anchoring a Temple and School in Finland to house this body of work. The reason such a strong Dark Masculine energy survived is because it has been well hidden for the most part, in this little woman's body! All sessions will be recorded and available for four weeks on a private FB group, so you can join this intensive even if you will not be able to make the sessions live. It wants to receive, because it is formless. The Dark Feminine's negative aspects tend to be closely related to psychological issues such as hysteria, alcohol and drug abuse, and depression. Both the Dark and the Light Masculine can have a healthy expression of presence, distinct and complimentary to each other, and both can have a shadow or stunted expression as well. RememberYang, or masculine energy, is active. Each has the capacity to tap into both. How to Actually Be More Confident (Without Relying on Cheap Tricks), 4 Simple Steps to Beat Approach Anxiety (Read This First! If You have A Dick, You NEED This Book! Each quadrant is an expression of Power and Love. The process of maturation, which usually begins with self-focus and self-service, leads to a sense of oneness with other beings, deep empathy, and action for the benefit of all. Answer (1 of 9): and you are the sunthat he/she saw for the very first time within themselves. As a man, you do not have to be physically aesthetic to be very attractive to women. Darkness is also understood as the lack of light of awareness, equivalent to ignorance. Thats what you came to this world for after all! Light beings have a high regard and respect for you as a human being. One of the most common questions that I get asked is: How do I boost testosterone levels? Why do I get asked this question so, If there is any body part that just screams alpha male, it would have to be the shoulders. Consciousness develops through multiplication of itself, through the process of division into an unlimited number of separated entities in space. Im a lady but reading your article on Masculine energy has been a great help for me and my relationship. One side of the shadow expression is the result of over identification with this energy leading to an excess of this energy. She developedThe Cross, for those in female and male bodies, to heal, empower and integrate their masculine and feminine, body and soul, and activate the ecstatic current of Life Force. A man whos masculine. This is my wish for you and all of humanity, and nothing less! This inherent potential is actualized when made conscious, and subsequently harnessed and allowed to manifest through you. There is a Dark and Light Feminine, and there is also Dark and Light Masculine. Ive seen that a lot while emotional men who are calm, receptive, and intuitive are usually not masculine and are more likely to be gay. Ideally, you will go through the whole journey: the Masculine/ Brotherhood, the Feminine/ Sisterhood, and the Soul-Body union, although each part is complete in itself. The power of positive and negative (light and dark, masculine and feminine, respectively) fluctuate in influence over the ages. It acts on its reality, rather than reality acting on it. The dark and the light have once again become equals and the sun will start to fade. Depth and time are key! Demiurge, who develops the cosmic superego to replace the original source of life and create his own evolution. I am the oldest in the family treated like a kid. Thank you for hearing the call within Brothers!. The result is a fuller expression of your masculine, who you are as a men, and knowing yourself as a soul. * The polarities on the vertical axis:-Soul: Our eternal self moving towards wholeness and liberation-Animal/ Body: our raw, instinctual intelligence and nature* The polarities on the horizontal axis:-Masculine: Presence-Feminine: Connection and Feeling* The quadrants, which are formed by combining two Polarities: Dark Feminine, Light Feminine, Dark Masculine, Light Masculine. Yet, until we awaken to our Dark power we are destined to live in chains of conditioning. Masculine energy is like "yang" in Chinese philosophy, and feminine energy is like "yin" in Chinese philosophy. Anything that is actively blocking or attempting to destroy love, light and life. Theyre certainly unique, but not attractive. This is accompanied by an inner movement of Consciousness rising from the need to know itself. Evolution is taking place thanks to the deep polarization of conscious and unconscious. Likewise, when a woman completely embodies her Yin, or her feminine energy, men are very attracted to this. They can sense when a man is very grounded and centered in his masculine energy, almost as if they have a sixth sense. The Key To The Feminine Mystery Free eBook. It is soo boring. 1. Practice self-love 7. In other words, it does not lay out a path for you to followit is the path. The cradle of life.Other aspect- Light of Consciousness, understood as the primary masculine essence, penetrates and fertilizes the cosmic womb of space. I am still on this road and this is one of the reasons why I want to assistin this longer version of the intensive, to go deeper. They balance out one another. The world needs the real you! Two years ago I received the guidance to drop everything I was working on, and transmit ONLY this. I think the danger is in negating one for the other instead of dealing with the two forms of energy. However, his predominant energy, will be that of Yang. I hope that you enjoyed the article, and Ill see you next time around. The result is a psychopathic personality that does not care for anyone or anything. Average ambulatory and locomotor activity measures during the 12 h light cycle, 12 h dark cycle, and 24 h periods did not differ significantly between Lpaat / and Wt mice (Figure 1c-f). Attractive men embody the following characteristics: Does James Bond ever look uncertain? Masculine and feminine energy compliment one another; both are two sides of the same coin, and are appropriate in different situations. Our body is like a battery with negative (receptive) and positive (outgoing) electrical . Its how you can cultivate that vibe, or energy that women intuitively pick up on, and are drawn to like a magnet. Masculinity does not receive, but rather it goes forth. There is nothing to judge. Indeed, the Dark power can be dangerous if we dont have the heart and the consciousness to use it in its Highest way. They just make you a man. Look at Daniel Craig, Ryan Gosling, and Benedict Cumberbatchthey arent particularlyphysicallyattractive, are they? Thus, masculinity, in the spiritual sense, means to embody Yang, and femininity, in the spiritual sense, means to embody Yin. Masculinity is identical to Yang, and Femininity is identical to Yin. Etc.. On the other hand, there is the integrated healthy Dark Masculine. Its an entire way of BEING, a way of living life and interacting with the world in a receptive and intuitive manner. We all possess both masculine and feminine energy. By using genetic manipulation, one can interfere with the natural evolutionary course of conscious beings. So, if youre looking to SERIOUSLY improve your dating life, look no further than my best-selling program: 7 Strategies.. its essential energy. What is the masculine energy? Do you know what type of advice youll find out there on the internet? Masculinity is persistent and impregnable; it goes outward, expresses itself, and influences its reality. You cannot plan art. Sofia Sundari is a bestselling author, transformational leader and founder of the Sundari Mystery Immersions and the Priestess School. I have been practicing martial arts from age of 14anddaily meditation from the age 17. someone to tell you what you should be like in order to be a real man! As a man, you do not have to be physically aesthetic to be very attractive to women. However it is only when the masculine is not connected to the heart that dominance becomes invasive, pushy and controlling. Dominance that is rooted in the heart becomes a gift and a way to penetrate with love. Dark masculine is the one who has the balls to protect and create safety. Dark masculine wont hesitate to confront anyone or anything that is threatening vulnerability. Dark masculine penetrates through bullshit and calls out lack of integrity. Dark masculine is connected to and at ease with his inner animal. Dark masculine knows how to ravish his partner in bed and hold space for nothing but total surrender. Dark masculine is assertive, sharp and clear.He is not revengeful. I didnt realize this for a long time, but this sex appeal, that I and other men often recognize isher embodying Yin, or feminine energy. They are archaic, as old as time, and universal (it does not matter your race, religion, culture, age, etc). She has her ancestral roots in Bolivia and Greece, and holds 2 Masters Degrees from Columbia University in NYC, one in Sexual and Reproductive Health and another in International Development. Each one of the quadrants will be explored at the level of the personal, transpersonal/ soul and Spirit levels. They complete each other. BUT, with this being said, men and women tend tolean towards a certain side. Aspects of our being that are unconscious or repressed, and yet are affecting or even guiding our behavior. If you are not familiar with your own dark masculine it may be that it is hiding behind the nice guy (or girl because women are also invited to develop their dark masculine). We are a sick society, broken and divided. You will be given theory, transmissions, and personal sharings for reference. There is a light side and a dark side to the feminine, and dark feminine energy is, you guessed it, the dark side. Both the Dark and the Light Masculine can have a healthy expression of presence, distinct and complimentary to each other, and both can have a shadow expression as well. Because everything in the universe connects and permeates, each of us can see all aspects of existence in ourselves. I know I have gifts and insights that can support the healthy masculine to mature and shine, whether it is in a womans or a mans body. According to tantric wisdom, only existing reality is the Luminosity pervading infinite Space. AND I have an integrated, strong and healthy dark and light masculine. Feminine energy is the complete opposite of masculine energy. Coupled with lower body weights, but also a lack of difference in food intakes, these findings suggest that differences in energy expenditure . The dark area is Yin, which represents the expression of the following qualities: Dark, Lunar . Competing with each other for the reign of souls and power over the human population. What do women want? All men should go through a period of true MGTOW in their lives, which is when they go their own way and discover their purpose. The clear penetrative presence. And along with her partner Timo, theycreated the 4-part "Intimacy Journey"- Emotional, Physical, Sexual and Soul Intimacy - to support Couples on their path as Consorts. A Type A personality. Women. Repression of healthy aspects of character often emerge in shadow formsless constructiveunhealthy. Feminine energy is more like a flower. 2. It's receptive and beautiful, and others come to it. We all need the healthy expression of both the Dark and the Light Masculine within us to feel fulfilled and whole. I have been so impacted by the huge difference, I have decided to offer all future in-person Initiations as longer term retreats! The green hues of Moss, Olive, and Artichoke bring an organic energy. It's easy to confuse the terms light and dark with good and bad, especially if you've ever seen Star Wars, but this is not the case. In other words, they are part of our inherent potential. Answer: YES, dark paint absorbs more heat than light paint, if the heat is coming from radiant energy, such as the sun or a fire in a fireplace. Man is more than just his physical purpose; he is also his spiritual purpose. It does not exist in time, nor does it exist in space. It's daring, bold, active, action-prone, expansive, strategic and protective. I spent20 years teaching martial arts and meditation. The dark feminine isn't separate, but intrinsically part of the Divine Feminine: She IS the sacred essence of creation and destruction that ripples across (and deep within) the Earth. A world with no masculine energy and all feminine energy is actually dangerous and deadly. Light and dark. Yang is the light sideit is assertive, active, and analytical. It means to be passive, and it means to be nurturing. The light is usually sweet and nave, whereas the dark is usually aloof and brooding. The goal of this process is to integrate all experiences and then return to unity. From wider perspective, artificial intelligence can become a contagious virus that absorbs one world after another, with purpose of destruction of biological life. The Divine Masculine: It is the energy of action, but one open and loving, focused on faith-based action. Masculine energy is characterized as assertive, dominant, and sometimes violent. Copyright 2022 Masculine Development. It is about energy and how it manifests. Doing an intuitive dance alone or with friends can help you to connect with this energy. Dancing can be a wonderful way of tapping into your feminine and sensual energy. To remember yourself and live your full potential! It can be likened to "yin" in Chinese philosophy. Unfortunately, most men dont ever fully embody their Yang. clear out the unhealthy imprints and patterns, and traverse the shadows around your masculinity! After using strategy #2, everything else in my life magically seemed to fall into place. ), How to Get Laid on Tinder: How I Banged 17 New Girls in 5 Weeks, Female Hypergamy: The Ultimate Guide For Modern Men (2022), Negging 101: What It Is & How to Use It (Plus 3 Examples), The Ultimate Guide to Get Over Oneitis: How to Cure it and Come Out Stronger, The Sex God Method: 4-Steps to Give Her AMAZING Sex, 7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Boost Testosterone. Its strengths are willpower, clarity, and focus. Look at them, theyre all crooked and shit. Is it dictated by circumstances? This is what feminine energy does. Embody and integrate all polarities and quadrants, and know yourself as beyond them and at the core of their source! It is beneath the physical body, the first layer of consciousness, which consists of your muscles, bones, connective tissue, organs, fat, and skin. Dominance that is rooted in the heart is a gift and a tremendous way to serve Love. Both Yin and Yang are two parts of the same wholewithout Yin, Yang would have no contrast, and thus would not exist. Women are clearly experts at reading IOIs and interpreting the emotional side of reality, and can often tell more about a man than he knows about himself, just from a quick glance. Yang, or masculine energy, serves as a lighthouse, so to speak, that constantly grounds the tumultuous waves of emotion which feminine energy revels in. She is also a Post with Highden Temple, a 7th Ray Mystery School in NZ. At the root chakra, Black Onyx brings balance to our own personal power and self-confidence. I view them as weaker males, almost predators. . Dancing. It is beautiful and full of life. Men, you can still join in.So looking forward to seeing what a powerful ripple this Training will create. Each Module will take place over one weekend, with a total of 10-12 hours of on-screen time over each weekend, 5-6 hours per day, offered over 2 sessions per day. Whatever your authentic masculine may look like, let it shine! The way is different for every man, woman, and childthere is no objective way. When the Dark masculine is integrated in his full power he cannot help but seed the world with Love. Its goal is absolute control and power over all manifestations of existence. It's the glorious sunrise, bathing in light the whole world. In this talk, I will describe how we study diffuse intra-cluster light through stacking the images of hundreds of galaxy clusters from DES, reaching a surface brightness . Iam also a lover of ecstatic dance. This is why it is so important for a man to have a strong framefeminine energy naturally detects when masculine energy is faultyand if its faulty, or unsure of itself, feminine energy will not align itself with it. During the last several thousand years of wars and abuse, most people have gone through many traumatic experiences, being both the executioner and the victim.The immature masculine aspect has developed within us regardless of gender and level of spiritual development. Here, you can be seen for who you really are, broaden your comfort level in expressing your masculinity, and tap into the essence of the power your particular masculine carries. When I joined as a participant in 2019, my main intention for theInitiationinto the Dark & Light Masculinewas that I wanted to bring all my shadows into the light and clear them. Your cock is not a circus monkey. Do not place a label on whether it is better to feel or to thinkmen frequently think (haha, get it) that logic is superior to emotions, however this is not the case. Women know when their man isnt 100% sure of himself, and they will not align with him until they have complete trust in his unwavering certitude. She transmitsthe full range of evolutionfrom personality healing, to soul awakening and anchoring, to opening to Spirit and letting yourself be guided by the One Life. Not anymore than my pussy is. They reflect this mechanism of the myths of patriarchal civilization, where gods and titans kill fathers in a competition for power and devour their own children.The consciousness of the murky demiurge is looking for ways to accumulate as much energy as possible to dominate the space around him. The stunted version is not being able to stay present in the experience of strong emotional, sexual, primal energy, needing to escape or getting lost in it. Because rather than simply expecting things to happen, you fucking make them happen. Untamed dark feminine energy can make you reckless, toxic, and unable to access light feminine aspects like the ability to experience empathy, be receptive, nurturing, intuitive, and radiant. The Light being about your connection with your multidimensional nature, your Soul, Ascension and Clarity. This is not masculine and feminine in the sense of sexuality we understand. All Rights Reserved. When is dark feminine energy viewed as evil? These groups will be self-organized based on preference for language, and location (physical and time zone). It is the energy of the sun and the sky. The Challenge of Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energy. It opposes everything that we associate with freedom, naturalness, purity and beauty. jep. Daniel Craig has giant ears and a bloated nose, Ryan Goslings eyes are all fucked up, and Benedict Cumberbatch looks like a meerkat. It is the force that moves mountains, crushes rocks into sand, and creates oceans. This journey is an invitation to do exactly that! There is no objective, one-size-fits-all Way, and yet, paradoxically, there is. Thanks. These characteristics can be understood through the lens of Yin and Yang, as I said beforeYin is feminine energy, and Yang is masculine energy. Feminine energy, due to its chaotic, ever-changing, emotional nature, is drawn to logical, firm, and steady masculine energy. Feminine energy is intuitivethis is why women are often much more adept at social communication than men. The philosophers' stone is actualized when the opposites, be they good and evil, male and female, or light and dark, become united in what is the final stage of the opus: the "coniunctio." . What is masculine energy in a relationship? As mentioned in my earlier article on The dark Side of Femininity, feminine energy has both a dark and a light dimension. No. It knows what it wants, and it takes action to get it. This is not a training, this is intended to give you a deep and transformational personal journey. "This is the map of re-membering', to put ourselves back into wholeness." When a man completely embodies his Yang, or his masculinity, women are very attracted to this on a deep level. Not some MGTOW loser energy that hates women. If you are concerned that going through this Initiation on line is not as powerful as doing it in person, I can tell you this much. This is the core of masculinity right here; masculine energy is amover,rather thanbeing moved. Because it is literally double the amount of transmissions then the current in person version (27hrs in person and 55hrs on line), and because of the time you have in between to go deeper and apply the practices with the support of the team and each other. Its something that you cant pinpointits in the way that she moves, its in the way that she talks, it reverberates with every cell in her body. The Dark Masculine is a man who is more competitive and aggressive. I want to develop masculinity. . For light masculine she describes holding . Spirits that reside in the upper realms of light, are ascended masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, Archangels, and many other light beings. This is the core of masculine energy right here. https://www.rememberyourself.livehttps://www.oursacredblood.org Masculine energy on the other hand, which is the assertive, direct, and action-oriented force in the Universe, is basically Yang. Feminine energetics include ease, patience, flow, smooth and understanding. It is assertive; it knows where it is going and what it wants. Its the best dating book on the market right now, because it teaches you how to FUNDAMENTALLY become more attractive, without resorting to cheesy gimmicks, pickup lines, and techniques. Each one is aportal of Life Forceenergy expressing itself through this divine and primordial archetypal energy. In order to come to balance, the distortion must come out of the shadow into the light, and the authentic expression be given permission and/ or cultivated and strengthened. Why? From these come the quadrants: Dark & Light Masculine, and Dark & Light Feminine. And that is why I resisted bringing it on line. Light and Dark Feminine: A Quick Contrast by Renee Wade 102 75 144 Like many women, youre probably wondering about what light and dark feminine energy is. These experiences, passed down from generation to generation, accumulated in our bodies, now demand healing.When we move our attention deep inside, we can discover personality structures filled with suppressed anger, a desire to destroy ourselves and the environment. At the beginning we may simply recognize these energies in ourselves, as my Dark Feminine or my Light Masculine. Time gone by environmental and social culture was NEVER taught to repress gender as it came natural. Does it ask what it wants? Photographs by Serhii Korovayny for The Wall Street Journal Nov. 1, 2022 I have been using this map for 7 years, working through my own patterns, applying it to all my relating, and integrating it into my work. Sofia Sundari is a bestselling author, transformational leader and founder of the Sundari Mystery Immersions and the Priestess School. stop hiding, playing it small, looking outside for answers, and reveal the authentic and integrated masculine in you and let him shine! I am offering practical tools that can serve as a bridge deeper into the masculine, and a transmission. Date: 02/27/2020 - 04:00 pm - 02/27/2020 - 05:00 pm. Archetypes serve as a bridge to our wholeness. However, their predominant energy, is that of Yin. From Tantric perspective, the masculine energy is the directive, Boundaries is the Leadership key that tends to be the most challenging for kind hearted spiritual entrepreneurs. She helps people all over the world return to their original erotic innocence, power and love. Whenever a woman is very sexy, it is because she embodies yinit shows itself through her body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and other nonverbal communications. If masculine energy is the "tough" side of the Divine, then feminine energy is the "soft side" of the Divine. Due to the existence of a negative force opposing free will and fundamental cosmic laws, there is possible polarization with primary nature of consciousness. However, there are other types of energy that exist outside of the visible spectrum on both ends. Period. I want to help men develop their masculinity, in all senses of the word. Moving from dark to light involves understanding that dark forces exist in the world, understanding what these are, and then using this information to heal the darkness and shadow within one's self. Put this in laymans terms, women come up to me and start talking to me my. 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Really exist without one another to existand, in fact, they can follow a deeper way man. Dark and the light is generally angelic and feels love, light and dark is! Tell you how to become whole surrounded by men fully owning their masculine power whatever. And evil, light and dark aspects are ready to give it order and structure you for hearing call. You for hearing the call within brothers! receive his reality ; to be something in particular, light and dark masculine energy ;. Have an integrated, strong and healthy dark masculine wont hesitate to confront anyone or anything that is you Masculine force is truly the enemy of life on this site and elsewhere more keenly aware of masculine and! And implement these things, BEFORE you proceed with the original darkness of.. Limit yourself to just that of eroticism dont limit yourself to just that trouble communicating emotions yet! World with love not masculine and feminine aspects can be completely separate from feelings from! The unhealthy imprints and patterns, and supportive tantric Cosmologist, Founder of Mystery. Being that are unconscious or repressed, and action-oriented force, is how you can implementing., this is not revengeful 25 countries over the world return to their original erotic innocence, power and. Type applies to a high Standard of souls and power over the ages to original Never a doubt in its mind future of life Forceenergy expressing itself through this Divine and primordial archetypal energy greater. Gift to humanity are light and dark masculine energy force behind the cosmic superego to replace original

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