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NBS is a broad group of strategies to use ecosystems as an aid in managing environmental challenges and has a variety of classes that have come before it. Next, it examines the extent to which stimulus measures and broader policy responses address biodiversity. Countries are invited to take further action to integrate biodiversity into the One Health approach by CBD Decision 14/4 Health and Biodiversity, which was adopted by the 14th Conference of the Parties to the CBD in 2018 (CBD, 2018[97]). The fundamental roles of the ocean and cryosphere in the Earth system include the uptake and redistribution of anthropogenic carbon dioxide and heat by the ocean, as well as their crucial involvement of in the hydrological cycle. Upslope migration of individual species, mostly due to warming and to a lesser extent due to cryosphere-related changes, has often increased local species richness (very high confidence). Projected changes in waves arising from changes in weather patterns, and changes in tides due to sea level rise, can locally enhance or ameliorate coastal hazards (medium confidence). The framework is based on scientific evidence that human Wildlife trade has increased over the past decades. History. This report highlights the requirements for transformative governance, international and transboundary cooperation, and greater empowerment of local communities in the governance of the ocean, coasts, and cryosphere in a changing climate. Depending on the effectiveness of 21st century mitigation and adaptation pathways under all emission scenarios, most of the low-lying regions around the world may face adaptation limits beyond 2100, due to the long-term commitment of sea level rise (medium confidence). Ecological Engineering 37/2: 113122. 665-689. Rates of calcification (by which marine organisms form hard skeletons and shells) declined in the Southern Ocean by 3.9 1.3% between 1998 and 2014. Freshwater Science (FWS) publishes articles that advance understanding and environmental stewardship of all types of inland aquatic ecosystems (lakes, rivers, streams, reservoirs, Human activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1.0C of global warming above pre-industrial levels (SR15). Polar regions support several of the worlds largest commercial fisheries. Mangroves are halophytes, found in tropical evergreen forests. Download PDF. There are a total of 17 international partners involved, including the Technical University of Crete (Project Leader), the University of Helsinki and BiodivERsA. A large portion of the world's fresh water resides underground, stored within cracks and pores in the rock that make up the Earth's crust. Warming related mangrove encroachment into subtropical salt marshes has been observed in the past 50 years (high confidence). {}, Both polar oceans have continued to warm in recent years, with the Southern Ocean being disproportionately and increasingly important in global ocean heat increase (high confidence). Second, improved coordination of SLR responses across scales, sectors and policy domains can help to address SLR impacts and risk (high confidence). [15] Halliday,F. and J.Rohr (2019), Measuring the shape of the biodiversity-disease relationship across systems reveals new findings and key gaps, Nature Communications, Vol.10/1, pp.1-10, [43] Harris,J. etal. {}, to cause the Arctic and Southern Oceans, as well as the North Pacific and Northwestern Atlantic Oceans to become corrosive for the major mineral forms of calcium carbonate under RCP8.5, but these changes are, to be avoided under the RCP2.6 scenario. {3.3.1; Cross-Chapter Box 8 in Chapter 3;}. reduced agricultural productivity due to declines in populations of pollinators and soil fertility), increased scarcity and costs of inputs (e.g. Malaria* Malariais an acute febrile illness caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium, which is transmitted between people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. [22], Similarly, the concept of ecological engineering generally refers to "protecting, restoring (i.e. (2014), Changes in the global value of ecosystem services, Global Environmental Change, Transit times across the Northern Sea Route have shortened due to lighter ice conditions, and while long-term, pan-Arctic datasets are incomplete, the distance travelled by ships in Arctic Canada nearly tripled during 19902015 (high confidence). Methane will contribute a small proportion of these additional carbon emissions, on the order of 0.01, 70% of the total permafrost-affected radiative forcing because of its higher warming potential. Meanwhile, an estimated 24% of the worlds more than 31500 terrestrial bird, mammal, amphibian, and squamate (scaled) reptile species are traded globally (legally or illegally) (Scheffers etal., 2019[38]). climate change, waste management, water and air pollution etc.) An official website of the United States government. Yet biodiversity loss and climate change are challenges of a similar magnitude and urgency, and are fundamentally interlinked. Under RCP8.5, estimates for 2100 are higher and the uncertainty range larger than in AR5. Revenue from biodiversity-relevant taxes and other environment-relevant taxes could be used to reduce budget deficits, or it could be re-directed towards green stimulus measures that improve the sustainability of agriculture and other land-use. Subterranean ecosystems. The CMA incorrectly relies on self-serving statements by Sony, which significantly exaggerate the importance of Call of Duty, Microsoft said. While revenue from biodiversity-relevant taxes was USD7.5 billion per year (average 2016-2018) in OECD countries, it is less than one percent of total revenue from environmentally-relevant taxes (OECD, 2020[89]), which in turn account for approximately five percent of all tax revenue (OECD, 2020[90]). We use science to improve peoples lives, save species, and protect ecosystems. (2018), Biological responses to the press and pulse of climate trends and extreme events, Nature Climate Change, Vol.8/7, pp.579-587, In some Arctic areas, such expansions have affected the whole fish community, leading to higher competition and predation on smaller sized fish species, while some commercial fisheries have benefited. Although ambitious adaptation will not necessarily eradicate end-century SLR risk (medium confidence), it will help to buy time in many locations and therefore help to lay a robust foundation for adaptation beyond 2100. ", "Seven lessons for planning nature-based solutions in cities", "Nature-Based Solutions in the EU: Innovating with nature to address social, economic and environmental challenges", World Water Development Report 2018: Nature-based Solutions for Water, "Political and financial support for new efforts to scale up use of nature-based solutions to be announced at Climate Action Summit",,, "Addressing Challenges of Urban Water Management in Chinese Sponge Cities via Nature-Based Solutions", "How can we plan resilient systems of nature-based mitigation measures in larger catchments for flood risk reduction now and in the future? Winter runoff has increased in recent decades due to more precipitation falling as rain (high confidence). Despite the modest global warmth of the Last Interglacial, GMSL waslikely69 m higher, mainly due to contributions from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (GIS and AIS, respectively), andunlikelymore than 10m higher (medium confidence). The scientific basis for Oregon's stream temperature standard: Common questions and straight answers. The governance landscape is currently not sufficiently equipped to address cascading risks and uncertainty in an integrated and precautionary way within existing legal and policy frameworks (high confidence). Support for fossil fuels in 77 economies (principally OECD and G20), was USD478billion in 2019. (2020), G20 - Energy Policy Tracker, (accessed on 25September2020). Kelp forests at low-latitudes and temperate seagrass meadows will continue to retreat as a result of intensified extreme temperatures, and their low dispersal ability will elevate the risk of local extinction under RCP8.5 (, ). [66] UK Government (2020), Government announces 40 million green jobs challenge fund, The potential for reduced (further 510%) but stabilised Arctic autumn and spring snow extent by mid-century for Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP)2.6 contrasts with continued loss under RCP8.5 (a further 15, ). Diverse adaptations of ocean related governance are being tried, and some are producing promising results. Physical properties reflect patterns of flowthe volume, speed, and direction of ground water flow in a given location. The use of the term ecoregion is an outgrowth of a surge of interest in ecosystems and their functioning. While the comparative importance of climate-driven RSL rise will increase over time, these findings on anthropogenic subsidence imply that a consideration of local processes is critical for projections of sea level impacts at local scales (high confidence). {Box 5.3}, Since the early 1980s, the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and pathogenic organisms (e.g., Vibrio) has increased in coastal areas in response to warming, deoxygenation and eutrophication, with negative impacts on food provisioning, tourism, the economy and human health (high confidence). [39] However, different stakeholders view NBS from a variety of perspectives. The increase in climatic hazards beyond thresholds of tolerance of deep sea organisms will increase the risk of loss of biodiversity and impacts on functioning of deep water column and seafloor that is important to support ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration (, ) will face moderate to high risk at temperature above 1.5, C global sea surface warming. Type 3 is linked to concepts like green and blue infrastructures and objectives like restoration of heavily degraded or polluted areas and greening cities. {6.9}, Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction require capacity building and an integrated approach to ensure trade-offs between short- and long-term gains in dealing with the uncertainty of increasing extreme events, abrupt changes and cascading impacts at different geographic scales (high confidence). (2012), Ecohealth Research in Practice: Innovative Applications of an Ecosystem Approach to Health | IDRC - International Development Research Centre, Springer, (accessed on 5June2020). {}, Transit times across the Northern Sea Route have shortened due to lighter ice conditions, and while long-term, pan-Arctic datasets are incomplete, the distance travelled by ships in Arctic Canada nearly tripled during 1990, ). {5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.4, 5.3.6}, Coastal and near-shore ecosystems including salt marshes, mangrove and vegetated dunes in sandy beaches have a varying capacity to build vertically and expand laterally in response to SLR. 5 M Publishing, 2016. By 2050, 70% of Arctic infrastructure is located in regions at risk from permafrost thaw and subsidence; adaptation measures taken in advance could reduce costs arising from thaw and other climate change related impacts such as increased flooding, precipitation, and freeze-thaw events by half (medium confidence). The Pacific EBUS are projected to have calcium carbonate undersaturation in surface waters within a few decades under RCP8.5 (, ); combined with warming and decreasing oxygen levels, this will increase the impacts on shellfish larvae, benthic invertebrates and demersal fishes (, ) and related fisheries and aquaculture (, ). Human communities in poorly monitored areas are among the most vulnerable to these biological hazards (, Few studies have assessed the success of implementing these frameworks due to the time-lag between implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting (, The 02000 m layer of the ocean is projected to warm by a further 2150 ZJ (, range 17102790 ZJ) between 2017 and 2100 for the RCP8.5 scenario. Where coastal risks are already high, and population size and density are low, or in the aftermath of a coastal disaster, retreat may be especially effective, albeit socially, culturally and politically challenging. These impacts of higher {,, 5.5.1, 5.5.2,,}, The maximum global mitigation benefits of cost-effective coastal wetland restoration is, to be more than 2% of current total emissions from all sources. 2010. {3.2.2; 3.3.2; 3.4.2, Cross-Chapter Box 6 in Chapter 2}, that both the Southern Ocean and the Arctic Ocean will experience year-round conditions of surface water undersaturation for mineral forms of calcium carbonate by 2100 under RCP8.5; under RCP2.6 the extent of undersaturated waters are reduced markedly. While ecosystem services are often valued in terms of immediate benefits to human well-being and economy, NBS focus on the benefits to people and the environment itself, to allow for sustainable solutions that are able to respond to environmental change and hazards in the long-term. The carbon emission associated with the loss of vegetated coastal ecosystems is estimated to be 0.041.46 Gt C yr-1 (high confidence). In regions with mostly smaller glaciers and relatively little ice cover (e.g., European Alps, Pyrenees, Caucasus, North Asia, Scandinavia, tropical Andes, Mexico, eastern Africa and Indonesia), glaciers will lose more than 80% of their current mass by 2100 under RCP8.5 (, ), and many glaciers will disappear regardless emission scenario (, ). On Arctic land, projections indicate a loss of globally unique biodiversity as some high Arctic species will be outcompeted by more temperate species and very limited refugia exist (medium confidence). The post-2020 global biodiversity framework was due to be adopted in 2020 at the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15). [79] Hepburn,C. etal. Get the report to find out about our activities and achievements this past year. Protecting biodiversity is vital for avoiding the next pandemic. Differences in sensitivity and the scope for adaptation to, exist across a broad range of marine species groups. [87] DeBoe,G. (2020), Economic and environmental sustainability performance of environmental policies in agriculture, OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, No.140, OECD Publishing, Paris, The few model studies available addressing time scales of centuries to millennia indicate multi-metre (2.35.4 m) rise in sea level for RCP8.5 (. Biological contaminants can include bacteria, viruses, protozoans, and other Where coastal risks are already high, and population size and density are low, or in the aftermath of a coastal disaster, retreat may be especially effective, albeit socially, culturally and politically challenging. Summer melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) has increased since the 1990s (very high confidence) to a level unprecedented over at least the last 350 years, and two-to-fivefold the pre-industrial level (medium confidence). Nexus Dialogue Synthesis Papers. Warming has increased the frequency of large-scale coral bleaching events, causing worldwide reef degradation since 19971998 with cases of shifts to algal-dominated reefs (high confidence). Freshwater and water security Governance - law and rights. These approaches also offer opportunities to support social-ecological systems, through the development and optimisation of storage and the release of water from reservoirs (, ), while being cognisant of potential negative implications for some ecosystems. Scientists suspect that the SARS-COV-2 virus causing COVID-19 originated in bats and passed to humans via an intermediary host (possibly a species of pangolin) found in live-animal markets (MacKenzie and Smith, 2020[9]; Wong etal., 2020[10]; Zhang, Wu and Zhang, 2020[11]). This would help governments to evaluate the greenness of their economic recovery programmes, and to re-consider measures that could potentially have a significant negative impact on biodiversity. The number and area of glacier lakes has increased in most regions in recent decades (, that the frequency of glacier lake outburst floods (GLOF) has changed. {,, 5.5.1, 5.5.2,,}, The potential climatic benefits of blue carbon ecosystems can only be a very modest addition to, and not a replacement for, the very rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Inundation, coastline erosion and salinisation are causing inland shifts in plant species distributions, which has been accelerating in the last decades (medium confidence). Estimates of SLR higher than the likely range are also provided here for decision makers with low risk tolerance. Distributions of seagrass meadows and kelp forests are contracting at low-latitudes that is attributable to warming (, ), and in some areas a loss of 3643% following heat waves (, ). Ice-melt or the thawing of permafrost involve thresholds (state changes) that allow for abrupt, nonlinear responses to ongoing climate warming (high confidence). Work is underway at the OECD to strengthen the biodiversity component of RBC guidelines. Biodiversity underpins current and future human health, well-being and economic prosperity. The survival of some keystone ecosystems (e.g., coral reefs) are at risk, while governance structures are not well-matched to the spatial and temporal scale of climate change impacts on ocean systems. {5.2.3, 5.4.1}, Warming-induced changes in spatial distribution and abundance of fish stocks have already challenged the management of some important fisheries and their economic benefits (high confidence). Social barriers (including governance challenges) to adaptation are already encountered. An ecosystem engineer is any species that creates, significantly modifies, maintains or destroys a habitat.These organisms can have a large impact on species richness and landscape-level heterogeneity of an area. (2020), Zoonotic host diversity increases in human-dominated ecosystems, Nature, pp.1-5, {6.7}, Coupling insurance mechanisms with risk reduction measures can enhance the cost-effectiveness of adapting to climate change (, Sea Level Rise and Implications for Low-Lying Islands, Coasts and Communities, Changing Ocean, Marine Ecosystems, and Dependent Communities, Extremes, Abrupt Changes and Managing Risks, Integrative Cross-Chapter Box on Low-lying Islands and Coasts, Implementing responses to ocean and cryosphere change, Sea Level Rise and Implications for Low Lying Islands, Coasts and Communities, Low-lying Islands and Coasts (Integrative Cross-Chapter Box), Role of the Ocean and Cryosphere in the Earth System, Ocean and Cryosphere in Earths Energy, Water and Biogeochemical Cycles, Interactions Between the Ocean and Cryosphere, Time Scales, Thresholds and Detection of Ocean and Cryosphere Change, Observed and Projected Changes in the Ocean, Observed and Projected Changes in the Cryosphere, Risk and Impacts Related to Ocean and Cryosphere Change, Hazards and Opportunities for Natural Systems, Ecosystems, and Human Systems, Exposure of Natural Systems, Ecosystems, and Human Systems, Vulnerabilities in Natural Systems, Ecosystems, and Human Systems, Addressing the Causes and Consequences of Climate Change for the Ocean and Cryosphere, Mitigation and Adaptation Options in the Ocean and Cryosphere, Adaptation in Natural Systems, Ecosystems, and Human Systems, Knowledge Systems for Understanding and Responding to Change, The Role of Knowledge in Peoples Responses to Climate, Ocean and Cryosphere Change, Communication of Confidence in Assessment Findings, Integrated Storyline of this Special Report, Atmospheric Drivers of Changes in the Mountain Cryosphere, Mountain Social-Ecological Systems: Impacts, Risks and Human Responses, International Policy Frameworks and Pathways to Sustainable Development, Additional Information on Global and Regional Glacier Mass Change Estimates for 20062015, Introduction: Polar Regions, People and the Planet, Sea Ice and Polar Oceans: Changes, Consequences and Impacts, Polar Ice Sheets and Glaciers: Changes, Consequences and Impacts, Components of Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Change, Components of Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Change, Observations, Components of Change, and Drivers, Arctic Snow, Freshwater Ice and Permafrost: Changes, Consequences and Impacts, Human Responses to Climate Change in Polar Regions, Arctic Non-Renewable Extractive Industries, International Climate Governance and Law: Implications for International Cooperation, Purpose, Scope, and Structure of this Chapter, Future Sea level Rise and Implications for Responses, Sea Level Rise Impacts and Implications for Responses, Response Options, Governance Challenges and Ways Forward, Physical Basis for Sea Level Change and Associated Hazards, Observed Changes in Sea Level (Past and Present), Global Mean Sea Level Changes During the Instrumental Period, Contributions to Global Mean Sea Level Change During the Instrumental Period, Regional Sea Level Changes During the Instrumental Period, Attribution of Sea Level Change to Anthropogenic Forcing, Global and Regional Projections of Sea Level Rise, Exposure, Vulnerability, Impacts and Risk Related to Sea Level Rise, Dimensions of Exposure and Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise, Towards a Synthetic Understanding of the Drivers of Exposure and Vulnerability, Terrestrial Processes Shaping Coastal Exposure and Vulnerability, Observed Impacts, and Current and Future Risk of Sea Level Rise, Attribution of Observed Physical Changes to Sea Level Rise, Submergence and Flooding of Coastal Areas, Coastal Erosion and Projected Global Impacts of Enhanced Erosion on Human Systems, Conclusion on Coastal Risk: Reasons for Concern and Future Risks, Key Findings on Future Risks and Adaptation Benefits, Observed and Projected Responses, their Costs, Benefits, Co-benefits, Drawbacks, Efficiency and Governance, Types of Responses and Framework for Assessment, Governance challenges in responding to sea level rise, Understanding Barriers to Adaptation as Governance Challenges, Governance Challenges in the Face of Sea Level Rise, Planning, Engagement and Decision Tools for Choosing Responses, Planning, Public Participation and Conflict Resolution in the Face of SLR, Enabling Conditions and Lessons Learned From Practice, Towards Climate Resilient Development Pathways, Changes in Physical and Biogeochemical Properties, Changing Temperature, Salinity, Circulation, Changing Ocean Primary and Export Production, Open Ocean Seafloor - Abyssal Plains (3000-6000 m), Changing Coastal Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Coastal Wetlands (Salt Marshes, Seagrass Meadows and Mangrove Forests), Changing Marine Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being, Climate Risk, Vulnerability and Exposure of Human Communities and their Well-being, Impacts of Changing Ocean on Sustainable Development Goals, Risk-reduction Responses and their Governance, Context for Blue Carbon and Overview Assessment, Ocean-based Climate Change Adaptation Frameworks. [112] Whitmee,S. etal. The Brief first outlines how biodiversity loss is a key driver of emerging infectious diseases and poses a variety of other growing risks to businesses, society and the global economy. for fertiliser purchase), and temporarily waived or reduced biodiversity-relevant taxes (e.g. Sustainable cities: Nature-based solutions in urban design (The Nature Conservancy): This page was last edited on 15 September 2022, at 23:29. For example, a top-down cascade will occur if predators are effective enough in predation to reduce the abundance, or alter the behavior of their prey, thereby releasing the next lower trophic level from predation (or herbivory if the (1) Te Mana o te Wai is a concept that refers to the fundamental importance of water and recognises that protecting the health of freshwater protects the health and well-being of the wider environment. Examples of green budgeting initiatives include OECDs Paris Collaborative on Green Budgeting, launched in 2017 (OECD, 2020[76]), and Frances development of a green budgeting methodology in 2019 (Green Budgeting: proposition de mthode pour une budgetisation environnementale) (Waysand etal., 2019[77]). {6.9}. The following table shows examples from around the world: In 2018, The Hindu reported that the East Kolkata wetlands, the world's largest organic sewage treatment facility, had been used to organically clean the sewage of Kolkata for several decades through the use of algae. It infects humans through skin contact with the free-swimming larval stage of trematodes (blood flukes). Further research needs to be conducted in the Global South to determine the efficacy of NBS on climate, social and ecological standards. {}, Climate-induced changes in seasonal sea ice extent and thickness and ocean stratification are altering marine primary production (high confidence), with impacts on ecosystems (medium confidence). (2020), The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Africas Protected Areas Operations and Programmes. There is increasing evidence of an increase in the seasonal exposure to acidified conditions in the future (high confidence), with a very likely increase in the amplitude of seasonal cycle of hydrogen iron concentrations of 7190% by 2100, relative to 2000 for the RCP8.5 scenario, especially at high latitudes. Ground water can contain chemicals that occur naturally or that result from human activities. Sea ice loss in the Arctic has also increased wave heights over the period 19922014 (medium confidence). {}, Oxygen is projected to decline further. Over the past decades, studies focusing on biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships (BEF) have gained much attention due to the unprecedented loss of biodiversity caused by human activities (Cardinale et al., 2012; Duffy et al., 2016, 2017).Freshwater ecosystems are among the most important on Earth (Dudgeon et al., 2006), occupying <1% of Changes affect physical, biological and human communities in poorly monitored areas among Along this gradient both in space and time is one of the term ecoregion is an of Ocean have warmed at rates of tropical cyclones permafrost carbon losses recovery plans to jobs These and other measures such as early warning systems ( EWS ) for events. Regional departures of about 30 % around the time of the 21st century ). 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