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The Republican Party has unequivocally recognized that the supreme law of the land is embodied in the Constitution, which guarantees to all people the blessings of liberty, due process and equal protection of the laws. Adaptation of new propulsion power units, including nuclear, must be sponsored and achieved. What exactly is wind? My theater teacher called me a name the other day. (d) five persons connected with general insurance business, nominated by the Authority for the purpose of representing such groups of insurers carrying on general insurance business or such areas as have not been able to secure adequate representation on the Executive Committee of the General Insurance Council or for any other purpose. (2) Where the Central Government is satisfied that for the purpose of securing uniformity in the scales of pay, remuneration and other terms and conditions of service applicable to employees of the Tariff Committee or the Regional Councils, it is necessary so to do, or that a reduction in the remuneration payable or revision of the other terms and conditions of service applicable to employees or any class of them is called for, the Central Government may, notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), or in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), or in any other law for the time being in force or in any award settlement, or agreement for the time being in force, alter (whether by way of reduction or otherwise) the remuneration and other terms and conditions of service to such extent and in such manner as it thinks fit; and if the alteration is not acceptable to any employee, the Advisory Committee may terminate his employment by giving him compensation equivalent to three months' remuneration, unless the contract of service with such employees provides for a shorter notice of termination. The most common way to measure GDP is the expenditure approach. We shall continue to oppose the seating of Communist China in the United Nations. We pledge to continue our efforts, blocked by the Democratic leadership of the 84th Congress, for a financially sound, more nearly self-sustaining postal servicewith the users of the mails paying a greater share of the costs instead of the taxpayers bearing the burden of huge postal deficits. A first fruit of the Caracas Doctrine was the expulsion of the Communist regime ruling Guatemala. What is the rule?". We favor freedom of mineral producers from unnecessary governmental regulation; expansion of government minerals exploration and research, and establishment of minerals stockpile objectives which will reduce, and, where possible, eliminate foreseeable wartime shortages. Let your friends, colleagues, and social network know about your specific need and what you want in a barter situation. (g) does not suffer from any of the disqualifications mentioned in sub section (4) of Section 42; the applicant, where he is a company or firm, satisfies the Authority that all his directors or partners, as the case may be, possessoneor more of the qualifications specified in C1ause (i) and none of such directors or partners suffer from any of the disqualifications mentioned in sub section (4) of Section 42. It is to the benefit of the United States, as well as to all nations everywhere, that the uses of atomic energy be explored and shared. Did Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation actually free any slaves? Special Provisions Relating to External Companies, Power of Central Government to impose reciprocal disabilities on non-Indian companies. 52-I or not (hereafter In this section and in Section 52-1 to 52-N and in the Eighth Schedule referred to as the acquired insurer), by order, direct that the assets and liabilities of the said undertaking, shall vest in the acquiring insurer, either on the publication of the notified order or no such other date as may be specified in this behalf in the direction. (6) The Authority may issue aduplicate licence to replace a licence lost, destroyed or mutilated on payment of such fee not exceeding rupees fifty as may be determined by the regulations. Separation of accounts and funds, 87. Is it still important for people who develop Web pages to know HTML? She is a library professional, transcriptionist, editor, and fact-checker. the reserve values held against policies effected. Previous sanction of Advocate-General for institution of proceedings, 107A. Short title, extent and commencement, 2A. Assignment and transfer of insurance policies, 40. What is the difference between matter" and "mass"?". It is the oldest form of commerce, dating back to a time before hard currency even existed. (12) This section shall apply in respect of a provident society as defined in Part III as it applies in respect of an insurer. Forces of liberalism within the Soviet Bloc challenge the brutal and atheistic doctrines of Soviet Communism. (1) When application is made to the Court for the making of any order to which this section applies the Court shall, unless the Authority has himself made the application or has been made a party thereto, send a copy of the application together with intimation of the date fixed for the hearing thereof to the Authority, and shall give him an opportunity of being heard. What is this in feet per minute? Power to exempt from certain requirements. (a) in a case referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1), one-half per cent of the premium, (b) in a case referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (1), two per cent of the first year's premium payable on the policy and. Cooperation between the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the State Departments of Agriculture and land grant colleges and universities is at an all-time high. Who is the only U.S. President who never won a nationwide election? The Republican Party will, realistically and in conformity with constitutional safeguards for the individual, continue to protect our national security by enforcing our laws fairly, vigorously, and with certainty. We fully appreciate the importance of scientific knowledge and its application particularly in the military field. This can be attained only in an economy that, as today, is sound, free and creative, ever building new wealth and new jobs for all the people. Choosing a higher excess for private health insurance is one way to reduce your monthly contributions. It is also the policy of my Administration to enforce the antitrust laws to meet the challenges posed by new industries and technologies, including the rise of the dominant Internet platforms, especially as they stem from serial mergers, the acquisition of nascent competitors, the aggregation of data, unfair competition in attention markets, the surveillance of users, and the presence of network effects. ", Was there supposed to be a nuclear war in, What is an inciting incident, and how do I find one in. (2) Any liquidator appointed by the Authority under subsection (1) may be removed by the Authority if satisfied that the duties entrusted to him are not being properly discharged. ), or other relevant laws, and on grants, loans, and other support that may enhance access to retail markets by local and regional food enterprises; and (v) to help ensure that the intellectual property system, while incentivizing innovation, does not also unnecessarily reduce competition in seed and other input markets beyond that reasonably contemplated by the Patent Act (see 35 U.S.C. We recognize the existence of a major threat to international peace in the Near East. (d) Nothing in subsections (a) through (c) of this section shall be construed to suggest that the statutory standard applied by an agency, or its independent assessment under that standard, should be displaced or substituted by the judgment of the Attorney General or the Chair of the FTC. Certain claims for compensation barred, 110E. ); (B1) there shall be taken, a sum equal to a percentagedetermined by the regulations made by the Authority not exceeding one per cent of the sum at risk for the policies on which the sum at risk is not a negative figure, and, (B.2) the amount of sum at risk at the end of the preceding financial year for policies on which the sum at risk is not a negative figure after the deduction of re-insurancecession shall be expressed as a percentage of the amountof that sum at risk before any such deduction, and, (B.3) the sum arrived at under item (B.1) above shall be multiplied-, (B.3-1) where the percentage arrived at under item (B.2) above is greater than fifty per cent, by that greater percentage; and, (B.3-2)in any other case, by fifty per cent. We shall continue to support the collective-security system begun in 1947 and steadily developed on a bipartisan basis. (7) On and from the date of the coming into operation ofthe scheme or any provision thereof; the scheme or such provision shall be binding on the insureror, as the case may be, on the transferee-insurer and any other insurer concerned in the amalgamation and also on all the shareholders, policy-holders and other creditors and employees of each of those insurers and of the transferee insurer, and on any other person having any right or liability in relation to any of those insurers or the transferee insurer. (1) Except where proceedings are instituted by the Authority or an Administrator appointed under Section 52A, no proceedings under this Act against an insurer or any director, managing agent, manager, secretary or other Officer of an insurer or any liquidator or any employee or agent of an insurer or any person who is liable under sub-section (2) of Sec. It is further the policy of my Administration to support the enactment of a public health insurance option. Powers of Executive Committees to act together in certain cases. Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25, from 1 September 2014. How can I make the most out of my first draft? When speaking about Native Americans, what is the difference between an Indian tribe and an Indian Nation? To be eligible for state healthcare, youll need to get an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) before you arrive. What are easy ways to identify figurative language? Can you remind me? After the fertilised egg undergoes embryo culture for 26 days, In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay if the other does not comply or is not ready to comply in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him. How do I decide which type of pronoun to use when I have multiple pronouns? If any person, who is required under this Act, or rules or regulations made there under,-, to furnish any document, statement, account, return or report to the Authority fails to furnish the same; or. I'm a huge procrastinator. I mean, I don't think it helps you concentrate. (4) In the case of an insurer having his principal place of businessor domicile outside India, the Authority may, on application made by the insurer, extend the periods of fifteen and thirty-one days mentioned in the foregoing sub-sections to thirty days and sixty days, respectively. The Republican Party pledges continuous, vigorous development of Atomic Energy: for the defense of our own country and to deter aggression, and. We have adopted the most modern methods of transportation, accounting and cost control, and other operating procedures; through them we have saved many millions of dollars a year for the taxpayers while advancing the delivery of billions of letters by a day or moreall this while reducing the enormous deficit of the Department from its all time high of almost three-quarters of a billion dollars in 1952 to less than half that amount in 1955. Furthermore, the process of free collective bargaining has been strengthened by the insistence of this Administration that labor and management settle their differences at the bargaining table without the intervention of the Government. In typing a term paper, what is the proper spacing after a period? . Publication 525 (2021), Taxable and Nontaxable Income. My dad mentioned that his granddad was there for a long time during World War I. 87A (1) The insurance business of a provident society may be transferred to any person or transferred to or amalgamated with the insurance business of any other provident societyin accordance with a scheme prepared under this section and sanctioned by the Authority. (3) No act of the Executive Committee of the Life Insurance Council or of the General Insurance Council shall be called in question on the ground merely of the existence of any vacancy in, or defect in the constitution of, the Committee concerned. appears to the Court hearing the case that a person is or may be liablein respect of negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust but that he hasacted honestly and reasonably and that having regard to all the circumstances of the case he ought fairly to be excused for the negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust, the Court may relieve him either wholly or partly from his liability on such terms as it may think fit. Particulars to be filled by insurers established outside India, Every insurer, having his principal place of business or domicile outside Indian, who establishes a place of business within. Membership of an insurance fund typically runs for 18 months. What's the definition of. Acquisition of surrender values by policy. SUBTITLE C. DECEPTIVE, UNFAIR, AND PROHIBITED PRACTICES partnership, reciprocal or interinsurance exchange, Lloyd's plan, fraternal benefit society, or other legal entity engaged in the business of insurance, including an agent, broker, or adjuster. Restriction on dividends and bonus, 50. 67, 46 U.S.C. (6) Any rights and remedies of an assignee or transferee of a policy of life insurance under an assignment or transfer affected prior to the commencement of this Act shall not be affected by the provisions of this section. Penalty for false statement in document, 105. ACHIEVEMENTS: St. Lawrence Seaway and power projects, Colorado River Storage Project, Great Lakes connecting channels, small watershed protection and flood prevention under local control, Mississippi Gulf level canal, extension of water-pollution control program, survey of power potential of Passamaquoddy Bay tides, expansion of small project development for flood control, navigation and reclamation; extension to all 48 States of water facilities act, accelerated research on saline water conversion, authorized planning surveys and construction of more than 200 navigation, flood-control, beach erosion, rivers and harbors, reclamation, and watershed projects throughout the nation, advanced partnership water resource developments in a number of states. I saw some old guy in a soldier's uniform selling fake red flowers. What did Mendel discover about heredity when he was playing around with plants? I got marked down on a paper for using the word, Can you help me understand the difference between the words, I can t keep principal and principle clear Can you help, My teacher lowered my grade on a paper because I described a scene as, Can you help me figure out when to use the word. The barter dollars are reported as income and taxed in the fiscal year in which the barter occurred. (6) The provisions of this section relating to the life insurance business shall apply also to any such sub-class of insurance business included in the class "Miscellaneous Insurance" as may be prescribed under sub-section (1) of section 10; and the Authority may authorize such modifications and variations of the regulations contained in Part I of the Fourth and Fifth Schedules and of the requirements of Part II of those Schedules as may be necessary to facilitate their application to any such sub-class of insurance business: (b) a register or record of claims, in which shall be entered every claimmade together with the date of the claim, the name and address of the claimant and the date on which the claim was discharged, or, in the case of a claim which is rejected, the date of rejection and the grounds there for. They have a wide access to trusted hospitals, clinics and doctors and provide expats with help on tailoring a plan to suit your individual healthcare needs. (8) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-sections (4) and (5) where new shares are issued to the existing shareholders by a company, theexisting shares of which are covered by Clause (e) or clause (. Is there a dude with a gun and stuff sitting next to them in class? Du Bois mean when he wrote of second-sight? We have extended city carrier service to millions of new homes in thousands of urban and suburban communities which have grown and spread under the favorable economic conditions brought about by the Eisenhower Administration. Job satisfaction, employee satisfaction or work satisfaction is a measure of workers' contentedness with their job, whether they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision. What is the current law on compulsory vaccinations in the U.S.? Working capital of Mutual Insurance Companies and Co-operative, 98. The Eisenhower Administration has brought to our people the highest employment, the highest wages and the highest standard of living ever enjoyed by any nation. We commend the Eisenhower Administration for encouraging state and local governments, public agencies, and regulated private enterprise, to participate actively in comprehensive water and power development. (4) Every direction under this section shall be issued by an order made by the Authority: (2) Where any insurer engaged in the business of insurance before thecommencement of this Act employs a managing agent for the conduct of his business, then notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Indian Companies Act, 1913 (7 of 1913) and notwithstanding anything to the contrary containedin the articles of the insurer, if a company, or in any agreement entered into by the insurer, such managing agent shall cease to hold office on the expiry of three years from the commencement of this Act and no compensation shall be payable to him by the insurer by reason only of the premature termination of his employment as managing agent. Companies may want to barter their products for other products because they do not have the credit or cash to buy those goods. (2) Any scheme prepared under this section shall set out the agreement under which the transfer or amalgamation is proposed to be effected, and shall contain such further provisions as may be necessary for giving effect to the scheme. Continual study of additional ways to correct inequities in the effect of various taxes. Dividend Yield: A financial ratio that indicates how much a company pays out in dividends each year relative to its share price. Given the set of numbers [7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42], find a subset of these numbers that sums to 100. (8) Any person who acts as an intermediary or an insurance intermediary without holding a licence issued under this section to act as such, shall be punishable with fine, and any insurer or any person who appoints as an intermediary or an insurance intermediary or any person not licensed to act as such or transacts any insurance business in India through any such person, shall be punishable with fine. (u) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget, through the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, shall incorporate into its recommendations for modernizing and improving regulatory review required by my Memorandum of January 20, 2021 (Modernizing Regulatory Review), the policies set forth in section 1 of this order, including consideration of whether the effects on competition and the potential for creation of barriers to entry should be included in regulatory impact analyses. Technical and economic assistance programs are effective countermeasures to Soviet economic offensives and propaganda. 1005); (ii) support existing price transparency initiatives for hospitals, other providers, and insurers along with any new price transparency initiatives or changes made necessary by the No Surprises Act (Public Law 116-260, 134 Stat. and 7 U.S.C. Power of the Advisory Committee to constitute Regional Committees, 64UK. (6) Any person who acts as a principal agent, chief agent or special agent, without holding a certificate issued under this section to act as such, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, and any insurer or any person acting on behalf of an insurer, who appoints as a principal agent, chief agent or special agent any person not entitled to act as such or transacts any insurance business in India through any such person, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees. Dealing with the myth of Cinderella, written by the Grimm brothers, how could you analyze it in terms of archetypes that Carl Jung used? (3) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1), no insurer carrying on lifeinsurance business shall grant. If Father, Son, and Holy Ghost aren't names, what is God's name? Can you tell me about that phrase?". (s) The Secretary of Defense shall: (i) ensure that the Department of Defenses assessment of the economic forces and structures shaping the capacity of the national security innovation base pursuant to section 889(a) and (b) ofthe William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Public Law 116-283, 134 Stat. (1)It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee of theLifeInsurance Council to meet at least once before the 31st day of March every year to advise the Authority in fixing under the proviso to sub-section (2) of Section 40-B the limits by which the actual expenses incurred by an insurer carrying on life insurance business in respect of such business in the preceding year may exceed the limits prescribed under that sub-section, and in fixing anysuch limits the Authority shall have due regard to the conditions obtaining in life insurance business generally during that year and he may fix different limitsfor different groups of insurers. What place did the underworld have in Egyptian mythology? The Organization of American States has grown in vigor. (5) If it appears to the Court that a satisfactory discharge for the payment of the amount cannot otherwise be obtained by the insurer it shall allow the amount to be paid into Court and shall invest the amount in Government securities pending its disposal. Regulation of employment of chief agents and special agents, 42D. How can I reduce my test anxiety? . (2) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall apply to any alteration of a scheme already in operation, but the Authority may, if he is of opinion thatthe alteration unfairly affects the interests of existing policy holders, prohibitthe alteration, and, if he does so, the society shall not put the altered scheme into operation, unless it first discharges to the satisfaction of the Authority all its liabilities to those of the existing policy holders who dissent from the alteration. What's a quadratic equation, and how do I solve one? That Summit Conference set new forces into motion. Is it part of the circulatory system in our bodies? (2) Where the insurer is an insurer specified in sub-clause (, (3) Where the deposit to be made by an insurer not carrying on insurance business in India immediately before the commencement of the Insurance (Amendment) Act, 1968, a deposit of rupees ten lakhs shall be made before the application for registration is made, and the provision of clause (. In some cases, you may be subject to a co-payment (Zusatzzahlungen) towards the costs of treatment and prescription drugs. Use a critical eye to go through your home, and consider possessions you may have in storage or that another family member or friend is currently using. (l) Where the insurancebusiness or any part of the insurance business of an insurance company has been transferred to another insurance company under an arrangement in pursuance ofwhich the first mentioned company (in this section referred to as the secondary company) or the creditors thereof has or have claims against the company to which such transfer was made (in this section referred to as the principal company) then, if the principal company is being wound up by or under thesupervision of the Court, the Court shall (subject as hereinafter mentioned) order the secondary company to be wound up in conjunction with the principal company and may, by the same or any subsequent order appoint the same personto be liquidator for the two companies and make provision for such othermatters as may seem to the Court necessary with a view to the companies beingwound up as if they were one company. There are some local reasons. We are determined to maintain that strength so long as our security and the peace of the world require it. How can I explain to my friend what I mean when I call him. I know some French, but only greetings. Cancellation of contracts and agreements, 52D. This is as it should be, for as President Eisenhower said: "Labor is the United States. (3) A copy of the memorandum and articles of association of the insurer, if a company shall on the application of any policy-holder, be supplied to him by the Insurer on payment of one rupee. Is there a way you can help me out? If you choose to take the private route, youll typically pay doctors fees upfront and then ask for reimbursement later. (ii) a proper value shall be placed on every item of liability and liabilities in respectof share capital, general reserve and other reserves of similar nature not created tomeet specific liabilities and investment reserves, reserve for bad and doubtful debts, and depreciation fund shall be excludedand liabilities hereafter mentioned shall beincluded to the extent indicated, namely: (a) provision for dividends declared or recommended, and outstanding dividends in full; (b) reserves for unexpired risks in respect of. How do positive and negative reinforcement work? We applaud the effective, unhindered, collective bargaining which brought an early end to the 1956 steel strike, in contrast to the six months' upheaval, Presidential seizure of the steel industry and ultimate Supreme Court intervention under the last Democrat Administration. We recognize the United States' world leadership in aviation, and we shall continue to encourage its technical development and vigorous expansion. There shall be twoCouncils of the Insurance Association of India, namely: (a) the Life Insurance Council consisting of all the members and associate members of the Association, who carry on life insurance business in, (b) the General Insurance Council consisting of all the members and associate members of the Association who carry on general insurance business in, Authority of members of Association to act through agents. We pledge the continuation and improvement of our drive to aid small business. 3130), by: (A) promptly issuing Covered Product Authorizations (CPAs) to assist product developers with obtaining brand-drug samples; and (B) issuing guidance to provide additional information for industry about CPAs; and (viii) through the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, prepare for Medicare andMedicaid coverage of interchangeable biological products, and for payment models to support increased utilization of generic drugs and biosimilars. The Middle East has been strengthened by the defensive unity of the four "northern tier" countriesTurkey, Iraq, Iran and Pakistanwhich hold gateways to the vast oil resources upon which depend the industry and military strength of the free world. To study better, I want to get organized with some of the stuff I see advertised. This Republican Administration has increased support for agricultural research and education to the highest level in history. We shall continue our cooperation with our sister states of the Americas for the strengthening of our security, economic and social ties with them. (1) The Tribunal shall have the powers of a Civil Court, while trying a suit, under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908), in respect of the following matters, namely:-. Initiated leasing of the Federally owned 83 per cent of the Continental Shelf which is expected ultimately to bring from 6 to 8 billion dollars into the Treasury and already has brought in over 250 million dollars. 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