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2013, Li et al. It publishes high-quality original theoretical and applied research and review articles across the entire field of global environme.. Read More Geography, Planning and Development Ecology There may also be a tendency for scientists to use hegemonic approaches and skew their results in an attempt to force a certain logic; e.g., to report more homogenous views on local perceptions in order to make their scientific arguments come across as more solid or credible. 2008) or gender (Boissire et al. Global Environmental Change Global Environmental Change Global climate change presents complex challenges in many respects. This is an important methodological caveat given that how questions are designed may have significant effects on the answers given. Shifting baselines and memory illusions: What should we worry about when inferring trends from resource user interviews? Through this initial scan, we eliminated 50 articles, which left us with a total of 126 articlesall published in peer-reviewed journals between 1998 and mid-2014 (see Appendix 2 for the full list of articles reviewed). However, much of the literature prior to . In those articles that reported local perceptions of the spatial impacts of GEC, the change was perceived to be mainly global in most of the cases, followed by local; perceived impacts at regional scale were reported in only one case. Who remembers a hot summer or a cold winter? Bunce M, Rosendo S, Brown K. Perceptions of climate change, multiple stressors and livelihoods on marginal African coasts. We did a general but careful review of all of these to filter out any articles that might not fit our criteria; i.e., they had to be case studies that substantially addressed local perceptions or contemporary environmental change with actual data, rather than general theoretical papers or compilations of many cases. The journal interprets global environmental change to mean the outcome of processes that are manifest in localities, but with consequences at multiple spatial, temporal and socio-political scales. Global Environmental Change. Forbes BC, Stammler F, Kumpula T, Meschtyb N, Pajunen A, Kaarlejrvi E. High resilience in the Yamal-Nenets social-ecological system, West Siberian Arctic, Russia. When designing protocols on what to ask and how, and what kind of knowledge to capture (such as experiential knowledge in relation to certain kinds of change), the value of questions that address the why behind local perceptions and explanations should not be underestimated. Ruiz-Malln I, Corbera E. Community-based conservation and traditional ecological knowledge: implications for social-ecological resilience. Third, there is the ongoing debate about what counts as knowledge with regards to valid data and science (Adams 2007), as discussed further below. Hence, it can provide a rough estimation only. Simons DJ, Rensink RA. shifting baselines, change blindness, amnesia, media effects, etc. It considers the number of citations received by a journal and the importance of the journals from where these citations come. 2008). Patt AG, Schrter D. Perceptions of climate risk in Mozambique: implications for the success of adaptation strategies. FP7-261971-LEK, and M. Salpeteur from the Simulpast project (CSD2010-00034) funded by the Spanish MINECO under the 2010 CONSOLIDER-INGENIO program. Of these, very few touched on cosmology or ontology, while many more addressed epistemology. Thornton TF, Manasfi N. Adaptationgenuine and spurious: demystifying adaptation processes in relation to climate change. The meeting will also convene expert dialogues on food, energy and waste systems which were identified in GEO-6 as requiring . 2012), and according to some, we are now living in a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, in which human actions dominate Earths systems (Crutzen 2002, Crutzen and Steffen 2003, Zalasiewicz et al. If the same upward trend persists, Incorporating and better understanding local perceptions of GEC requires addressing the why? behind perceptions and explanations. Zalasiewicz J, Smith A, Hounslow M, Williams M, Gale A, Powell J, Waters C, Barry TL, Bown PR, Brenchley P, Cantrill D, et al. Scale is also strongly linked with models of causation (i.e., to cultural perceptions of drivers of change), as there is undoubtedly a feedback continuum across scales and perceptions. 2010, Veland et al. How warm days increase belief in global warming. Yeh ET. Overall, we found great variation in both the thematic foci and types of GEC that the articles covered. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. #1. Rewarding creativity for conserving diversity in the Third World: Can IPR regime serve the needs of contemporary and traditional knowledge experts and communities in the Third World? Figures are in $ millions; %s are rounded and . All the above-mentioned perceptual differences have implications for peoples cultural representations of the environment, which in turn, largely define the possible strategies for coping withand enacting withchange (Manadhar et al. The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Climate change 2007: synthesis report. Bridges KW, McClatchey WC. 2013), demonstrating the potential of local peoples observations for the understanding of the local expressions of GEC (Byg and Salik 2009). It is used for the recognition of journals, newspapers, periodicals, and magazines in all kind of forms, be it print-media or electronic. 2008), and Shifting Baselines Syndrome (Ainsworth et al. The volume is accessible to the nonscientist and provides a wide range of examples and case studies. 2014), suggesting that most research on GEC has not to date relied on local perceptions and understandings, despite their importance as a resource for adaptive capacity (Naess 2013). The 2022 EPI provides a quantitative basis for comparing, analyzing, and understanding environmental performance for 180 countries. The authors base the philosophy of the book on the view that an understanding of natural global change is necessary to assess the impact of human activity. Surveillance summaries / CDC, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Annual Review of Ecology,Evolution, and Systematics, MMWR. ISSN stands for International Standard Serial Number. Recent calls for more social science research on GEC have come from a number of scholars (Monastersky 2009, Hulme 2011, Turnhout et al 2012, Barnes et al. 2013), who point out that, in addition to bridging knowledge systems and decolonizing scientific methods, there is a need to complement quantitative-breadth-type studies (which enable comparability) with qualitative-depth ones (for increased acknowledgment and respect for the cultural diversity of concepts and interpretations). Fernndez-Llamazares , Mndez-Lpez ME, Daz-Reviriego I, McBride MF, Pyhl A, Rosell-Mel A, Reyes-Garca V. Links between media communication and local perceptions of climate change in an indigenous society. The drivers of change were seen in most cases to be human-induced, and only in very few cases as natural phenomena, supernatural/religious/cosmological driven, or a combination of both human and supernatural. Globalization And Global History. . 2014). We then decided on a final template for the matrix (see Appendix 1), and set up a database in which to enter our data. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal It is based on Scopus data and can be a little higher or different compared to the impact factor (IF) produced by Journal Citation Report. The most fundamental and consequential effect of this is that those (often mistakenly) considered nonspecialists are rarely given the opportunity to contribute to the GEC debate, even when they are directly affected by it. Mass communication and public understanding of environmental problems: the case of global warming. Crutzen PJ, Steffen W. How long have we been in the Anthropocene era? The purpose is to have a forum in which general doubts about the processes of publication in the journal, experiences and other issues derived from the publication of papers are resolved. The environmental consequences of climate change are extreme heat waves, rising sea levels, changes in precipitation resulting in flooding and droughts, intense hurricanes, and degraded air quality. 2012, ISSC and UNESCO 2013). Humans are exceeding the carrying capacity of the earth at current levels of consumption and standards of living. 2004). The costs of . Stern PC. For example, men of a certain age who hunt would be more likely to perceive more changes in animal populations. In: Cottier T, Widmer P, Schindler K, editors. SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. We then present a descriptive overview of our results, followed by a more comprehensive analysis around the three overarching themes of the paper, namely cognition, ontologies, and adaptation. Are we now living in the Anthropocene? Rankings by the SCImago Journal and Country Rank. 2014, Yeh 2015). This was recorded for up to seven different types of environmental change per article, Whether perceived as human-induced (1), a natural phenomena (2), induced by supernatural/religious/cosmological forces (3), or other (4), Whether local (1), regional (2), global (3), or locally not perceived (4), Whether change was seen as positive (1), negative (2), or both (3), Whether change was perceived by the naked eye (1), or only by use of technological instruments (0) or both (2), Whether the article took into account (1) or not (0) local psychological dimensions of the environmental perceptions? Of those studies that looked at GEC and local perceptions of small-scale societies (i.e., the 126 articles reviewed here), there is firstly a geographical bias, particularly to Africa, the Arctic, and Asia, with very few studies for instance from Europe or South America. Visit the official website of the journal/conference to check the further details about the call for papers. The Anthropocene: from global change to planetary stewardship. 2009, Howe et al. sustainable development, social justice, ecology, community, green energy, sustainable scholarship, food, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Geotechnical andGeoenvironmentalEngineering, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Top 100 Sustainability Journals (by SCImago Journal Rank) and UCLA Availability, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, International Journal of Project Management, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, MMWR. The impacts were perceived to be mostly on (i) livelihoods, (ii) culture and social norms, and/or (iii) the environment. The U.S. Four primary discourses are identified: Environmental Management, Climate Politics, Environmental Justice, and Ecological Modernization. Climate change: embed the social sciences in climate policy. While population growth is obviously a key component of projections of carbon emissions at a global level (Dyson, 2005; Harte, 2007; IPCC, 2007), there has been relatively little emphasis on the environmental consequences of the reproductive choices of an individual person. 8600 Rockville Pike One way to overcome this is to look at the responses and askin hindsightwhat made people do what they chose to do, or say what they said, or perceive what they reported to perceive. Global environmental change (GEC) is an increasingly discussed phenomenon in the scientific literature as evidence of its presence and impacts continues to emerge from different corners of the world (Turner et al. The site is secure. We also found that researchers integrate vernacular understandings of environmental change in very heterogeneous ways due to the absence of clear standards on how to do so. 2008, Ruddiman 2013). SCImago Journal Rank is an indicator, which measures the scientific influence of journals. Nkomwa EC, Kalanda-Joshua M, Ngongondo C, Monjerezi M, Chipungu F. Assessing indigenous knowledge systems and climate change adaptation strategies in agriculture: a case study of Chagaka Village, Chikhwawa, Southern Malawi. In only a handful of articles was the actual documentation of change (i.e., using scientific methods for change documentation) the main goal of the study. Vignola R, Koellner R, Scholz RW, McDaniels TL. Myers TA, Maibach EW, Roser-Renouf C, Akerlof K, Leiserowitz AA. These challenges are not new to researchers, as already noted by several scholars (Agrawal 1995, Ingold 2000, Nowotny et al. The role of local knowledge in adaptation to climate change. A food systems approach to researching food security and its interactions with global environmental change John J. 2009). In: Wals A, Corcoran PB, editors. Speranza CI, Kiteme B, Ambenje P, Wiesmann U, Makali S. Indigenous knowledge related to climate variability and change: insights from droughts in semi-arid areas of former Makueni District, Kenya. We discuss the implications of our findings for the broader research on GEC, and the repercussions these might have for planning local adaptation and mitigation strategies. Egan PJ, Mullin M. Local weather and climate concern. Yet, human perceptibility of GEC (particularly climate change) has been somewhat disputed in the last decades (see Rudiak-Gould 2013). Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions is an international, interdisciplinary journal spanning the social and natural sciences. Analyses and interventions; anthropological engagements with environmentalism. Most case studies were from Africa, followed by North and Central America, and thirdly Asia. The rise of the internet, the shifts in the power of sovereign national states, the intricate intertwining of global markets, and the enormous numbers of people migrating across regions and continents trying to escape wars, environmental degradation, or disasters have prompted several scholars to . 2 One problem of this itemisation of goals is that it separates environmental considerations from health considerations. We then designed a database matrix framed according to our key research questions and the variables that would help us answer them. 2012, Combest-Friedman et al. If we wish to inform and engage in the facilitation of adaptive processes to better mitigate and cope with GEC, then the different (including moral) causations held by local peoples may be critical in defining success. We exposed California grassland to elevated CO 2, temperature, precipitation, and nitrogen deposition for five years. We inserted the following keyword phrases: Local Perceptions Global Environmental Change, Local Perceptions Climate Change, Indigenous Climate Change, Indigenous Perceptions Climate Change, Indigenous Local Environmental Change, and Small-scale Society Environmental Change. First, we compiled all relevant articles published up to mid-2014, which gave us a total of 176 articles. The Journal of Environmental Hazards caters to a vast section of readers including: disaster management experts, waste management personnel, environmental activists, health practitioners, climate change experts, ecologists, toxicologists, microbiologists, environmental advocates, NGOs and policy-makers, keen on preserving the ecological balance. Deryungina T. How do people update? 1 global sustainability gbr 70% similarity 2 climate risk management nld 69% similarity 3 regional environmental change deu 68% similarity 4 climate and development gbr 68% similarity 5 environmental science and policy nld 64% similarity 6 current opinion in environmental sustainability nld 64% similarity 7 international journal of climate change How to encourage your university to have a bet. 2008, Newsham and Thomas 2011, Robbins 2012). Adaptation consisting of revitalization processes, or the restructuring of society cultural practices, ideology, and organization to deal with stress, were identified in about one-quarter of the articles. Barcelona, Cape Town, London and New York are among the few cities that top a list of those taking action on climate change. 2012). Box 1 Africa and climate change In other words, local perceptions are critical in designing successful and sustainable natural resource management schemes among small-scale societies wherever they may be (Oldekop et al. It explores how the attitudes and actions . While it may well be that local small-scale communities really are the net losers of GEC (hence, their attitudes), there may also be a tendency of local people to emphasize the negative; e.g., in the hope of receiving assistance, even when livelihoods have actually improved. Environ. Search About Journals, Conferences, and Book Series, Ecology (Q1); Geography, Planning and Development (Q1); Global and Planetary Change (Q1); Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law (Q1). The overall rank of Global Environmental Change is 544. Yet, while the documentation of GEC is becoming more readily available, local perceptions of GEC particularly in small-scale societiesand preferences about how to deal with it, are still largely overlooked. This might explain why, of our three thematic foci, adaptive strategies were more commonly addressed in the reviewed articles than were factors of cognitive psychology or ontologies. i) Continent (pre-coded into 7 categories), and ii) region (pre-coded into 28 categories). United Kingdom Psychology and global climate change: addressing a multifaceted phenomenon and set of challenges. The best way to find out the acceptance rate is to reach out to the associated editor or to check the official website of the Journal/Conference. An International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique code of 8 digits. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Wilbanks TJ, Kates RW. The h-index is a way of measuring the productivity and citation impact of the publications. IEEE Article Relying on its highly skilled staff, the Library encourages innovation, capitalizes on appropriate technologies, forges effective partnerships and aggressively promotes excellence. Zaval L, Keenan EA, Johnson EJ, Weber EU. will also be available for a limited time. The mix of unsolicited and invited submissions. ACM Some of the most prominent global companies are Exxon Mobil, Microsoft, Nestle, Honda, Coca-Cola, Anheuser-Busch InBev, and HSBC. A few papers talked more generally about other conceptualizations of naturee.g., as person or social relationships or something that continues to be created continuouslyor mentioned the way some practices are rooted in cosmological principles as well as in practical considerations (e.g., sharing food). Leonti M. The future is written: impact of scripts on the cognition, selection, knowledge and transmission of medicinal plant use and its implications for ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology. Roncoli C. Ethnographic and participatory approaches to research on farmers responses to climate predictions. Abstract. 2005, Erlandson 2012). As demonstrated by von Glasenapp and Thornton (2011), the household is a suitably small flexible unit (Netting 1993, as cited in von Glasenapp and Thornton 2011) and a repository of LK and components of resilience. Zalasiewicz J, Williams M, Haywood A, Ellis M. The Anthropocene: a new epoch of geological time? Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. Here, we conducted a phylogenetically controlled meta-analysis using data from 111 published studies encompassing the responses of . Evidence for shifting baseline syndrome in conservation. Whether a) documenting change and b) comparting scientific data with local perceptions were the: main goal (1), one of many goals (2), or not a goal (3) of the article. In no cases was the change perceived by the local society as entirely positive. This study applies the global crop model PEGASUS to quantify, for the first time at the global scale, impacts of extreme heat stress on maize, spring wheat and soybean yields resulting from 72 climate change scenarios for the 21st century. International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. Patt AG, Weber EU. Dove MR, Smith DS, Campos MT, Matthews AS, Rademacher A, Rhee S, Yoder LM. Stamm KR, Clark F, Eblacas PR. Hunting and morality as elements of traditional ecological knowledge. Not surprisingly then, adaptation has become an increasing focus in GEC literature, and particularly climate change literature, as human vulnerabilities to the impacts of change (regardless of mitigation efforts) have become manifest and irreversible. We discuss the possible reasons for these results further in this article. While there may be good reasons to undertake coproduction of knowledge and transdisciplinary studies (e.g., more suited to address complex systems, more democratic knowledge production, better-placed solutions), the disciplinary structure of academic knowledge production, the lack of resources, and closed and competitive career paths for scientists all act as barriers to perform more integrative research (Nowotny et al.

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