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matt tullos: writer 2023 God is sovereign and in control, all of the time. It is time for the church to resist passivity and act in all our God-given power, both spiritual and civil, to act as good stewards of the liberty for which our predecessors dearly paid. Proud member Note that God had Jehu anointed to wipe out all descendants of Ahab, so that this spirit . What will your legacy be as a Christ follower? [3] The principal source for the events of his reign comes from 2 Kings. Its no wonder why Elisha gave his prophet apprentice the instructions for anointing Jehu to anoint him, tell him that hes king and then run for dear life. Emily Tomko's radical encounter with the Lord while at a nightclub changed her life forever and inspired her first novel, College Bound: A Pursuit of Freedom. For one thing, God is sovereign and in control. Jehonadab answered, "It is." Jehu was not a gentleman. They should be learning agile and flex their influence while communicating and delegating effectively. In 202, In Case You Missed The First Announcement: Former Pastor: If there is a God, does he even make a difference? In order for any presidential candidate of integrity to win the next election, the opponent he needs to defeat is the media. If this prayer for a Jehu anointing on Gods appointed candidate resonates with you, will you take a moment right now to agree in prayer? Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.Hebrews 13:17, 3. For just as through the disobedience of one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of one many the many will be made righteous.Romans 5:19, 8. King Jehu was a man who had served for years as a commander in the army of Israel (2 Kings 9:5), and was infamous for the ferocious way he drove his chariot (2 Kings 9:20). He was hard pressed by Hazael, king of the Arameans, who defeated his armies "throughout all of the territories of Israel" beyond the Jordan river, in the lands of Gilead, Gad, Reuben, and Manasseh. Jehu gathered all the usual suspects of idol worship and led them to believe that he, too, was a Baal worshiper. Where No One Stands Alone Lisa Marie Presley Duet with Elvis, Bills QB Josh Allen Describes 'Spiritual Awakening' after Hamlin Collapse: 'I Couldn't Deny' It. This article is about the king of Israel. ), son of Jehoshaphat son of Nimshi (ii Kings 9-10); reigned over the Israelite kingdom at Samaria for 28 years (c. 842-814 b.c.e.). The first mention of Jehu in the Bible is found in 1 Kings 19, following Elijahs showdown with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. Concordance 3058, 3068) 2. is not distracted by people questioning his motives during the execution Thank you, Timothy. 7 Comments All rights reserved. The 10 Characteristics of a Good Leader. They said of Jehu as he rode into Jezreel: The lookout reported, "He has reached them, but he isn't coming back either. Both kings fled in terror, but Jehu shot Joram with his bow and arrow, through the heart. "You [Jehu] shall strike the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, at the hand of Jezebel." 2 Kings 9:7 NASB I. The story illustrates Gods disdain of evil and idol worship when it ravages Gods people. Id be curious to hear if you have had any revelation about this and would love to read a follow up. When you get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram. No, she is not the manipulative woman in your local church. Once he had gathered the prophets in the temple of Baal, Jehu proceeded to slaughter the prophets and priests of Baal, leaving none alive (2 Kings 10:18-25). Jehu reminds us of the consequence of disobedience in this life. Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him. Psalm 128:1, 6. Jehu, Hebrew Yehu, king ( c. 842-815 bc) of Israel. Jehu commanded that they throw her down, and they tossed her out the window, literally to the dogs. There, Jehu earned his reputation for decisive action and violence, killing King Joram of Israel and King Ahaziah of Judah in short order (2 Kings 9:14-29). God gave Elijah specific instructions in order to dismantle the evil reign of King Ahab. at a conference of the Save Ancient Studies Alliance in 2021 (available on YouTube). Are you ready to confront the culture with the truth? Are all of them stronger than God? Joseph Stalin was passionate. What Is the Difference Between Prophetic Words and the Word of God? Im really conflicted on these stories where every man, woman and child is executed. "Jehu's Rebellion" is the eighth chapter in Manga Messengers (2011), the penultimate installment in the six volume Manga Bible (2006-19). Our passion must be funneled into the right direction. When he had departed from there, he met Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him. Jehu-class boats are 19.9 metres (65 ft) long and 4.3 metres (14 ft) wide, and have a draugth of 1.1 metres (3.6 ft). And nothing would stop him. He was the son of Jehoshaphat,[1] grandson of Nimshi, and possibly great-grandson of Omri,[2] although the latter notion is not supported by the biblical text. But now I wonder if we will get a Jehu and if Trump is King Jehu. We asked for confirmation at the beginning and he lead me to rev 5:6 and said Ive started the end time overthrowing of satans kingdom. When they went out to bury her, they found nothing except her skull, her feet and her hands,2 Kings 9:35 records. Ninth century bc. Paul wrote to the Ephesians: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you.Jeremiah 7:23, 7. And if you are wondering if this prophetic picture has anything to do with the election, I will boldly say YES IT DOES. I guess the point is we all deserve it, and thankfully eventually Jesus came and put a stop to this cycle. Wiki content for Jehu. I see the Lord standing before this nation and we are asking Him: Are you on our side?. He enjoyed the life of power and passion in the company of demons, perhaps never considering that there would be a price to pay for his world view. This was about 44% of all the recorded Jehu's in the UK. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Jehu was a man of courage and action. Jehu saw Jezebel there in the window, and asked her servants whether they were on the Lords side or Jezebels. Copyright 2023, The Bottom Line Ministries. The character of Jehu is apparent from the acts recorded of him. Yahweh rewards Jehu for being a willing executor of divine judgement by allowing four generations of kings to sit on the throne of Israel. Jehoram was wounded and returned to Jezreel to recover. [5][6], With a chosen band, Jehu planned his conspiracy against King Jehoram and secretly entered Jezreel. There is no room for spiritual loners. Your email address will not be published. King Jehu was the 10th king of the northern Kingdom of Israel and anointed by God to enact judgment against the house of Ahab for its wickedness,Joel Ryan explains. h. God has called us to a level of living that is . His new manspirit manhis resurrection life. The Jezebel influence causes fear, flight and discouragement. Jehu's "zeal for the LORD" (2 Kings 10:16) began well, with his destruction of the cult of Baal. and censured Jehoshaphat for joining King Ahab of Israel in the attack on Ramoth Gilead (II Chron. As I think about this issue, I cant help thinking of James Ray, the self-help spiritualist who motivated people to enter the sweat lodge in Arizona where three people died last year. We know that you are the ones who could not condemn the Black Lives Matter protests that destroyed minority businesses and cities and they didnt worry a moment about social distancing. Ecclesiastes: Wisdom for Living Well An In-depth Bible Study. Plants and animals have unique and diverse life cycles. Jehu was blessed by God for his obedience, however, his neglect in removing the high places at Bethel proved costly, as the size of Israel gradually decreased and portions of the land God had promised to His people were surrendered to Hazael of Syria and other foreign leaders in the years that followed (2 Kings 10:32-33). Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International. He stands in history as one who did Gods will but with dangerous and ungodly means. Sometimes they are used to bless Gods people; other times they are used as instruments of judgment. Jehu was a captain in Israel's army, who God anointed as king over Israel. [7] King Ahaziah fled after seeing Jehoram's death but Jehu wounded him. So he can't be stopped in the mission God has placed on his life. To ensure that the spirit of Ahab cannot return, it has to be replaced with a Jehu, or righteous man of legitimate authority, willing to act. The waywardness of the world and consequences for disobedience lie under His just and merciful hand. The relatively unknown Jehu's are: A son of Obed of Judah and father of Azariah (1 Chronicles 2:38). I. JEHU WAS DRIVEN A. Here are 4 lessons we can learn from Jehu: Its safe to say that Jehus legacy was as violent as they come. Amons officials conspired against him and assassinated the king in his palace. No wonder he asked fearfully, Do you come in peace? He probably already knew that he was a dead man. [4], The reign of Jehu's predecessor, Jehoram, was marked by the Battle of Ramoth-Gilead against the army of the Arameans. God hand picked a Good Soldier like Jehu!! Then, the Lord appointed Jehu to be the king of Israel for his godliness and driving energy. Jehu recognized his faith and asked Are you with me? Jehonadab said yes and they joined forced. 10.She loves to point the accusing finger but she's guilty of the same thing herself. And when he was departed there, he lighted on Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him: and he saluted him, and said to him, There was much that was wrong mingled with Jehu's zeal, there was something wanting in all Jehu's zeal, God gives such agents of his justice and providence their own reward, There is a limit to the extent and to the ways in which he will use godless men, And when he was departed thence, he lighted on Jehonadab the son of Rechab. For the last two years as Ive travailed in prayer for the nation, a cry of my heart is that the Lord would raise up a candidate with a Jehu anointing who can overcome the manipulation and trappings of the media. The most Jehu families were found in the USA in 1880. The fast and furious driver for God. You are not alone. So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered the wall and the horses as they trampled her underfoot. Their displacement at full load is 32 tons. There, he was to anoint Jehu as king in an inner chamber and explain to him that he was to act as an agent of divine judgement against the house of Ahab. F, This journal begins December 1st! I was thinking we needed a King Josiah & that Cruz might be a Josiah. Shortly afterwards, Jehu encountered the forty-two "brothers of Ahaziah" (since the brothers of Ahaziah had previously been taken away and probably killed by the Philistines,[8] these must have been relatives of Ahaziah in a broader sense, like nephews and cousins) at "Beth-eked of the shepherds". The mass media is hell bent on slandering any candidate who goes against the devils world system which calls good evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20). a. until you find it, easy to drag and drift through life b. find it, everything is much .read more We know that you called half the country deplorable for simply unifying under the banner of liberty and working to cast of the chains of globalist government that was seeking, through BOTH sides of the aisle, to crush the American spirit. According to the Obelisk, Jehu severed his alliances with Phoenicia and Judah, and became subject to Assyria. Jehu was one such king, who was obedient to God in dismantling the wicked King Ahab, whose evil queen Jezebel was known for leading him astray to worship Baal. When Jehu caught up with Joram at Jezreel, the former king of Israel asked Jehu if he had come in peace. characteristics of jehu <p>To himself we owe the information that he was present at the judicial murder of Naboth, and that Naboth's sons were put to death with their father (2 Kings 9:26). Just read the chapter with Jehu and he sounded like a psychopath! Your email address will not be published. Elijah was taken up to heaven, and Elisha became the next leader of the prophets of Israel during the period when King Ahab and Jezebel were alive. However, the Bible tells us that, Jehu was not careful to walk in the law of the Lord, the God of Israel, with all his heart; he did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam, which he made Israel sin (2 Kings 10:31). The mandate upon Jehu 's generation is the same that was upon Jesus. Furthermore, through the prophet Isaiah, God reminded Israel that, there is no peace for the wicked (Isaiah 57:21). COPYRIGHT BLAISE FORT 2019 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, The Spirit of Jehu & The Destruction of Jezebel: Prophetic Picture for 2020. Scripture warns us to guard our hearts. Scripture tells us, however, that even unlikely, imperfect rulers are established by God and used for His purposes (Romans 13, 1 Peter 2). We are not just to destroy idols but we are meant to draw people to worshipping the only true God. who according to the account in II Kings had Jezebel killed in accordance with Elijah's prophecy 2 : a driver of a coach or cab Did you know? What you call healthcare, we all know is the slaughter of a generation of leaders, prophets, teachers, lawyers, doctors, government officials, revivalists, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, and children that were birthed into the womb for a purpose but were aborted and killed for convenience. Jehu is Anointed King. g. Jehu was found pushing forward with all his might. We say in that same spirit to all those calling for a false unity and peace: We know that you are the ones who have been supporting the crushing of small businesses at the behest of your tyrant governors who refuse to follow their own lockdown suggestions. Oh my?!? Required fields are marked *. But it is NOT this day. But as the kings of Israel and Judah led, so followed the people. Jehu later commanded Jezebel's eunuchs to throw her out of the palace window. Jehu's name, meaning "Yahweh is he," portrays well . They told Jehu that they were visiting the royal family. While Jehoram waged war against Hazael at Ramoth-gilead, Elisha, the son of Shaphat, who had replaced Elijah as prophet to Israel, anointed Jehu, a captain in Israels army, as king over Israel (2 Kings 9:1-13). An entrepreneur's ability to remain curious allows them to continuously seek new opportunities. In view of the family loyalty characteristic of Sem. How long would he be an outcast among his people and ostracized for his faithfulness? In accordance with his theory that the Books of Samuel and Kings were written successively by the prophets who witnessed the events (cf. . Jehu had an eager spirit. Like Jehu! they throw her down, and some of her spattered. Skull, her feet and her hands,2 Kings 9:35 records so they threw down! Caught up with Joram characteristics of jehu Jezreel, the opponent he needs to defeat is the thing! Fled after seeing Jehoram 's death but Jehu wounded him against king Jehoram and secretly entered Jezreel do! Worship when it ravages Gods people their influence while communicating and delegating effectively ( II Chron to... Love to read a follow up Ahaziah fled after seeing Jehoram 's death but Jehu him. Say that Jehus legacy was as violent as they come Ahaziah fled after seeing Jehoram 's but! 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