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Output: Write a Scala program to check two given integers whether either of them is in the range 100..200 inclusive. & ans. You can use whichever data structure from thestandard Scala collection types. C++ 3 chocolate biscuits at $3.99 each For this task we have used Spark on Hadoop YARN cluster. vw golf stock = 50 car uuid = bmw 5 series - 1450873046 Removing vehicle = Bike(bmw bike r 2000), Problem 23:In this Scala exercise, we will reuse most of the constructs from the previous exercise,and extend it to focus on one - out of the many - built-in patterns for dependency injectionin Scala. Use a List data structure from Scala's collection type to store the above students. Cloud Architect , Data Scientist & Physicist. Next, use an appropriate data structure to store the above-mentioned students. Output: We have used Spark DataFrame to run groupBy() on department columns and calculate aggregates like minimum, maximum, average, total salary for each group using min(), max() and sum() aggregate functions respectively. CS Basics Read vehicle = Car(mazda car 3 series) It is particularly useful to programmers, data scientists, big data engineers, students, or just about anyone who wants to get up to speed fast with Scala (especially within an enterprise context). Return 0 if the two numbers are equal. Write a Scala program to find the larger value from two positive integer values in the range 20..30 inclusive, or return 0 if neither is in that range. - a vw passat priced at 10,000 This particular base class should also define the methodsignature for a method named studentId() that will have no return type, and no implementation,as the actual implementation details will be left to the subsequent sub-classes. [SecondarySchoolStudent] - name: John - age: 11 Transformations output is an input of Actions. [An editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts. Output: To verify your uuid method,you can define the following car sample: Return true if 1 or other is in the said range otherwise false. pen is required in the classroom. Problem 24: This Scala exercise is yet another example of Scala's built-in . Found a valid item = Cupcake Output: Read vehicle = Car(mazda 3 series) Found another item. Node.js Name John is valid = true { Each sub class should provide its own implementation of the printName() method. Linux Write a Scala program to print "Hello, world" and version of the Scala language. Scala programs / examples: This section contains solved Scala programs/examples on the various topics such as basic programs, conditions & control statement-based programs, looping programs, array & string programs, structure programs, function & package-based programs, etc. Is there a student who is 15 years old = true, Problem 8:Write a Scala program and use an abstract class to define a student thatis required to have a name of type String, and an age of type Int. Donut Purchased: 10, Problem 9: Create a Scala program and use an appropriate data structure to present the following key and value pairs of children and their ages: Bill is 9 years old, Jonny is 8 years old, Tommy is 11 years old, and Cindy is 13 years old. Sort out the corresponding child to age in reverse alphabet order. So is treated as future replacement of Java in enterprise software development. Found another item. Click me to see the sample solution, 11. Student(John,7) Caching or persisting of Spark DataFrame or Dataset is a lazy operation, meaning a DataFrame will not be cached until you trigger an action, we create a file called DatasetRead.scala, Let us create a new file called DataSet1.scala, we can compile the program and we printed the dataset in a single line, Let us create another DataSet, called Datset2.scala. - a vw passat priced at 10,000 Modify the VehicleMaker class from the previous Scala exercise, and make its constructorargument optional, and do remember that the VehicleMaker had a type parameter with aconstraint to the Vehicle type. Problem 10:Write a Scala program to simulate a very basic car inventory. Let now perform additional manipulations of dataframe created before. Create vehicle = Vehicle(bmw car 5 series) Create a method named orderByLowestStock which will have as input the Collectiondata structure of cars to stock, and will order the car items from the collectionby the lowest or minimum stock quantity. 1. Adding oops something is not right! You can use the followingshopping cart item as an example: A packet of rice at $10.99 and quantity bought is 5. joe Number literals in set one but not in set two = HashSet(5, 10, 1, 3) Articles Joe is a primary school student of 7 years old and whose type should be the PrimarySchoolStudent class. Next, define a method named listStudents that will have input a List of Student types and output the details of each students as shown below. Go to the editor spark-shell create RDD Create vehicle = Car(bmw 3 series) Read vehicle = Bike(honda bike firestorm) and as you see you can run this program because you have already loaded the libraries. Finally, you should output each car's uuid methodas shown below. The first will becalled "nameIsJohn" and it will have a String input parameter, and will output true onlyfor the String literal "John". Output: "Customer's favorite movie" is totally awesome! 1 Learn Exercises start with the basics and progress with your skill level. Next, create a class named VehicleInventory with a type parameter constrained to sub-types of the Vehicle type, and adds the features of the VehicleInventory andthe VehicleDatabaseService traits. With the above defined andin scope, use a List data structure to create a "bmw car 5 series" and a "mazda car 3 series". Click me to see the sample solution, 8. Next, create a singleton object named ShoppingCart and define a totalCost() methodthat has two parameters - the first is the above CartItem type, and the second is a couponCodeof type String, but which is optional. 19 Problem 3: Create a Scala program to prompt customers for their name and age. Scala programs can convert to bytecodes and can run on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). The output will be partitioned by either numPartitions or the default parallelism level. - a bmw 3 series with price of 20,000 and stock of 200 Scala program to convert string to integer. vehicleB = bmw car 5 series Problem 13:Write a Scala program and use the Tuple type to represent items in a shopping baskets: name = Joe, age = 14, Problem 9:Write a Scala program and use a case class to represent a Student with a name property of type String, an age property of type Int, and an optional favoriteSnack property of type String. car uuid = vw golf - 790852193 vehicleA = honda bike firestorm Go to the editor Write a Scala program to create a new string taking the first 3 characters of a given string and return the string with the 3 characters added at both the front and back. In the body of the make() method, you cansimply access and call the printName() method for a given Vehicle type. The best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions. Sum for elements in the List = 600, Problem 3:Create a Vector with the following numeric items: 0, 10, 20, 47, -2, 99, -98. 3 chocolate biscuits at $3.99 each The 8th character literal in Output: Cars sorted by lowest stock: T-SHIRT is priced at $4.99 for the Small size. Use the value function to verify if the magic number of 77 is part of the aforementioned numeric values. Learn, play and contribute. They are instead in a comma separated format within the Sequence. Delete vehicle = Bike(bmw bike r 2000), Problem 20:Write a Scala program and use a trait to define a Vehicle type with an abstract method namedprintName() that has no return type. spark-shell By default, spark-shell provides with spark (SparkSession) and sc (SparkContext) object's to use. Write a Scala program to print "Hello, world" and version of the Scala language. This particular trait will act as the underlying feature to interact with some underlying storage layer and, as such, it will have the following methods: addOrUpdate(), get(), and remove(). DBMS "Vest", "Small", 5.99 A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Click me to see the sample solution. map() transformation is used the apply any complex operations like adding a column, updating a column e.t.c, the output of map transformations would always have the same number of records as input. You are free to use whichever data structure is appropriate to store the above-mentioned items. Create three shopping cart items for the following items: buying vehicle Car(mazda 3 series) The sequence should include the 100 starting number literal, and ends with the 110 number literal. ], Scala Programming Basic [ 26 Exercises with Solution ], Scala Programming String [ 46 Exercises with Solution ], Scala Programming Array [ 40 Exercises with Solution ], Scala Programming List [ 24 Exercises with Solution ], CoffeeScript Exercises, Practice, Solution, Twitter Bootstrap Exercises, Practice, Solution, C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution, C# Sharp Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution, R Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution, SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution - JOINS, SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution - SUBQUERIES, JavaScript basic - Exercises, Practice, Solution, Java Array: Exercises, Practice, Solution, C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution : Conditional Statement, HR Database - SORT FILTER: Exercises, Practice, Solution, C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution : String, Python Data Types: Dictionary - Exercises, Practice, Solution, Python Programming Puzzles - Exercises, Practice, Solution, JavaScript conditional statements and loops - Exercises, Practice, Solution, C# Sharp Basic Algorithm: Exercises, Practice, Solution, Python Lambda - Exercises, Practice, Solution, Python Pandas DataFrame: Exercises, Practice, Solution. With the above classes defined, create two instances of Pastry, one with an upper type bound constraint of VanillaDonut, whereas the other, is bound to the abstract Donut type. Go to the editor Spark Cache and Persist are optimization techniques in DataFrame / Dataset for iterative and interactive Spark applications to improve the performance of Jobs. Scala stands for Scalable language. Output: Using the Vehicle type as the base class, create two case classes, namely, Bike and Car, to model a given bike or car object, respectively. It is recommended to do these exercises by yourself first before checking the solution. Output: Create another method similar to the above-mentioned, but this particular method should accept an arbitrary integer input parameters as opposed to just one. Scala is a general-purpose programming language providing support for both object-oriented programming and functional programming. The largest item in the Vector = 99, Problem 4:Let us assume two data structures to represent the following numerals: (1) 1, 3, 5, 10, 20and (2) 20, 17, 18, 99, 0. Getting familiar with String and basic text literals, Problem 1:Create a Scala program to reverse, and then format to upper case, the given String: " Go to the editor Item 7 of type Int is not valid. The former is obviously the above-mentionedCar type, and the Int type represents the current stock inventory for a particular Car item. Making two CAR vehicles: Discussion. Next, you should use an implicit function thatdefines a uuid method for each Car object, but without manually modifying the aboveCar type and definition. PHP Combined sequence of names to ages = James,7,Andy,8,Tommy,10,Bob,13,Sam,10 "T-Shirt", "Small", 4.99 Using the above-mentioned partial functions,combined them into a single partial function that match this particular type: PartialFunction[String, Boolean]. - a vw passat with price of 10,000 and stock of 100 The given position will be in the range 0string length -1 inclusive. If there is nocouponCode parameter, then the total cost for a given CartItem will be basically the associatedprice of the CartItem multiplied by its quantity. - John who is 11 years old and whose favorite snack is nothing! The next step is create new folder from the root src/main/scala/com.ruslanmv.spark. : A sample solution is provided for each exercise. As its name implies, though, this particularmethod will accept objects, say, a HondaBike with a BmwBike. Go to the editor VanillaDonut First Name: Nadim Scala is a general-purpose, high-level, multi-paradigm programming language. The SQLImplicits provides some more functionalities like: Convert scala object to dataset. : Use the above case class and create the following student objects: Create vehicle = Car(bmw car 5 series) Click me to see the sample solution, 19. Shopping Basket One = Cake - Milk - Cheese - Toilet Paper Sum of ages = 48, Problem 9:Write a Scala program and list all the odd numbers between 300 and 350. Next, create an object, or instance, of the CarItemto represent a Chocolate item, with 10 quantity at a price of $2.50 each. Output: CSS with examinations and outputs. You can configure the IDE to automatically add import statements if there are no options to choose from. Common items are: Problem 11:Assume a shopping basket with the following items: "Milk", "Cheese", "Donuts", "Apples", "Bananas". If the length of the string has less than 4 then uppercase all the characters. Go to the editor Lowest number literal = -1.0 checking price for vehicle = Bike(honda bike firestorm). (By toDF). Web programming/HTML Write a Scala program to get the absolute difference between n and 51. To use the above layers, create a singleton object named VehicleApp that will extendthe VehicleSystem and inject, or mixin, the VehiclesServices trait, for the Vehicle type. Cloud Computing Android HR name = Jill, age = 10 let back to the class lets use the navigate to test action. Functions such as groupByKey(), aggregateByKey(), aggregate(), join(), repartition() are some examples of a wider transformations. Combined number literals = List(99.5, 100.0, 50.0, 55.0, 70.0, 100.0, -1.0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50) EachStudent type should also have a printName() method with Unit as the return type. - bmw car 5 series Using this new Bike class, create two further sub-classes, namely, a HondaBike, and a BmwBike, class. You should of course also create a List data structure to store the above-mentioned students. Scala program to declare string variable and print the string. More Scala Exception Handling Programs Scala program to print the state of the thread, Scala program to check a thread is alive or not, Scala program to set and get the priority of the thread, Scala program to implement multi-tasking using thread, Scala program to create a thread by extending Thread class, Scala program to find the largest number using scala.math.max() function, Scala program to find the smallest number using scala.math.min() function, Scala program to perform ceiling operation on given number using scala.math.ceil() function, Scala program to perform floor operation on given number using scala.math.floor() function, Scala program to get the natural logarithm of a Double number using scala.math.log() function. The printVehicles() method will simply iterate through each of the Vehicle typeand output its corresponding make property. car uuid = mazda 3 - 846423990, Problem 12:This exercise is very similar to the previous one. Scala program to find largest number among two numbers. How to count the number of characters in a string in Scala? bmw g 310 r bike C# With the above objects created, create an object, or instance, of the VehicleInventorySystem,and pass-through the bmw car to the create() method, the mazda car to the read() method,the honda bike to the update() method, and the bmw bike to the delete method. name = John, age = 8 checking stock for vehicle = Car(mazda 3 series) C++ STL O.S. What you will observeis that given the upper type bound constraint of P <: Donut on the Pastry type's constructorargument, you will receive a compile time error because a Pastry of type Lollipop doesnot match P <: Donut - in other words, a Lollipop is not a sub-type of the base Donut type. Write a Scala program to check two given integers, and return true if one of them is 30 or if their sum is 30. "Polo-Shirt", "Large", 4.99 ; Functional: It is also a functional programming language as every . Click me to see the sample solution, 13. "T-Shirt", "Medium", 10.99 Technology and Finance Consultant with over 14 years of hands-on experience building large scale systems in the Financial (Electronic Trading Platforms), Risk, Insurance and Life Science sectors. - a mazda 3 priced at 15,000 Use these new above-mentioned classes, and create two lazy objects, or instances,in a new trait named VehicleServices with a type parameter for all sub-types of Vehicle. When you are pasting blocks of code that contain references to classes or static methods and fields that are not yet imported, the IDE automatically inserts the missing import statements. Besides the "BasketValidator" class, you should also define its companion object, along withthe relevant apply() method. If you do not have Apache Hadoop installed, follow this link to download and install. Click me to see the sample solution, 23. Starting from left to right, removing items that are factors of two, and will Spark Context Content Writers of the Month, SUBSCRIBE It is recommended to do these exercises by yourself first before checking the solution. Go to the editor A packet of rice is currently priced at $10.99, and the customer bought 5. Represent the above items into an appropriate data structure, and thereafter define and use a value function that will remove all fruit items from the shopping basket. Java I know is very simple but just we were doing only the simple setup. name = Jack, age = 11 name = James, age = 13 Due to it is recommendable use the main method , we create another file called DataFrame2.scala. Problem 15:Write a Scala program and use an abstract class to model a Donut pastry with a name property of type String, and having also a printName() method that does not have a return type. If n is greater than 51 return triple the absolute difference. - a bmw 3 series priced at 20,000 Write a Scala program to check whether a given positive number is a multiple of 3 or a multiple of 7. Similar to SQL GROUP BY clause, Spark groupBy() function is used to collect the identical data into groups on DataFrame/Dataset and perform aggregate functions on the grouped data. The behavior and type of objects are depicted by the classes and traits in Scala. "James", 7, Instructions for sharing are on thescala-exercisessection. Checking vehicle stock for vehicle = Bike(honda bike firestorm) Hope, these exercises help you to improve your Scala programming coding skills. Below examples are in no particular sequence and is the first part of our five-part Spark Scala examples post. and Twitter, SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution - JOINS, SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution - SUBQUERIES, JavaScript basic - Exercises, Practice, Solution, Java Array: Exercises, Practice, Solution, C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution : Conditional Statement, HR Database - SORT FILTER: Exercises, Practice, Solution, C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution : String, Python Data Types: Dictionary - Exercises, Practice, Solution, Python Programming Puzzles - Exercises, Practice, Solution, JavaScript conditional statements and loops - Exercises, Practice, Solution, C# Sharp Basic Algorithm: Exercises, Practice, Solution, Python Lambda - Exercises, Practice, Solution, Python Pandas DataFrame: Exercises, Practice, Solution. The action collect() -Return the complete dataset as an Array. Scala has been created by Martin Odersky and he released the first version in 2003. and then you get you first run Hello world. 10 vanilla ice cream at $2.99 each [PrimarySchoolStudent] - name: Jill - age: 8 - a bmw 3 series priced at 20,000 Internship Though Spark provides computation faster than traditional Map Reduce jobs, If you have not designed the jobs to reuse the repeating computations you will see degrade in performance . Name Jack is valid = true - Jill who is 10 years old and whose favorite snack is ice cream. Use an appropriate data structure from Scala's collection types to storethe above car sample. Output:SESICREXE-ALACS/MOC.ALACSTUOBALLA//:PTTH. Click me to see the sample solution, 12. This particular function will be used to apply thegiven format to the "name" input. Finally, output all itemswith the literal " is required in the classroom.". This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. They should, however, be only visible to sub-types of the VehicleDatabaseService. Output: Using this new Vehicle type, create a new class namedCar with a name property of type String that is a sub-class of the former Vehicle type. Write a Scala program to check whether two given integers are in the range 40..50 inclusive, or they are both in the range 50..60 inclusive. For instance, define a base abstract class named Student with a name property of type String,and an age property of type Int. You shouldalso define the respective companion objects for the PrimaryStudent and the SecondaryStudenttypes. When you persist a dataset, each node stores its partitioned data in memory and reuses them in other actions on that dataset. Scala Exercises is an open source project for learning various Scala tools and technologies. Write a Scala program to create a new string which is n (non-negative integer ) copies of a given string. Getting vehicle = Bike(honda bike firestorm), Problem24:This Scala exercise is yet another example of Scala's built-in supportfor dependency injection, and we will reuse some of the constructs from the earlierScala exercises that you are already familiar with, such as, the abstract class Vehicle,the case class Car, and the case class Bike. "price":2.5 Assume a second data structure with the following number literals: 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0. The output for yourScala program should be as follows: More Scala Classes & Objects Programs Scala program to implement simple inheritance, Scala program to implement multilevel inheritance, Scala program to implement hierarchical inheritance, Scala program to implement hybrid inheritance, Scala program to demonstrate the protected access specifier, Scala program to demonstrate the final data member, Scala program to demonstrate the final method, Scala program to demonstrate the final class. 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