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Today, Sefaria is excited and humbled to announce the release of The William Davidson Talmud, a free digital edition of the Babylonian Talmud with parallel translations, interlinked to major commentaries, biblical citations, Midrash, Kabbalah, Halakhah, and an ever-growing library of Jewish texts. This indicates that in the Babylonian Talmud, and for . Annual half-shekel donations to the Temple, administration and inventory of the Temple. Haggahot and Marei Mekomot on Tractate Kallah Rabbati, Nuschaot from Manuscripts on Tractate Soferim. Sefaria's Source Sheet Builder allows users to create a page with source text from Sefaria. "(1/4) Why commission a Sefaria translation of #Midrash Rabbah? 21st-century portrait of the biblical Moses inner world by Dr. Avivah Zornberg, drawing on traditional commentaries and psychoanalytic sources. Cycles of sin, foreign oppression, repentance, and redemption through leaders appointed by God. First fruits and grains ceremoniously brought to the Temple and given to a priest next to the altar. Translation of ' (Ein Keloheinu)' by Ted Pearce from Hebrew to Transliteration Deutsch English Espaol Franais Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Portugus (Brasil) Romn Svenska Trke The nazarite, or one who vows abstinence from wine, haircuts, and ritual impurity generated from contact with corpses. Enclosures that legally expand the areas in which one can carry and travel on Shabbat. Support us by making a tax-deductible donation. [3][13][14], Sefaria was originally founded in 2011 by journalist Joshua Foer and Brett Lockspeiser, a former product manager at Google. The spread of a corpses impurity through contact, carrying, or dwelling under the same roof. JavaScript 0 219 0 1 Updated 2 days ago. Transliteration is the process of moving text from one writing system or alphabet to another. Second part of an 18th-century commentary by Rabbi Yisrael Lipschitz called Tiferet Yisrael, with lengthy analysis of the Mishnahs topics. Also in 2015, Sefaria reached a deal to use Urim Publications' translations of the Tanakh and commentaries. Criticism of religious corruption, calls for change, and descriptions of a utopian future. 21st-century work by Rav Shagar analyzing the discussions of martyrdom in tractate Sanhedrin and in Maimonides Sefer HaMitzvot. Berating of Israel and its leadership for insincere ritual worship, and calls for justice and kindness. 20th-century commentary of Rav Yehuda Herzl Henkin, a leading figure in the Religious Zionist movement. Most translations on Sefaria are scholarly, high-quality works like the JPS,1985 Tanakh translation or the Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz Even-Israel translation of the Talmud. 18th-century commentary by Rabbi Yaakov Emden, meant to serve as a supplement to the Tosafot Yom Tov. Rooted in past sources and growing to address changing realities. It contains stories, law, poetry, and teachings about God and humanity. 6 And this will be his name: 'The Lord Is Our Righteousness.'[ a] In that day Judah will be saved, and Israel will live in safety. The Journey Begins First Article Completed. The declaration process for a new month in the Temple period, blowing the shofar, and Rosh Hashanah liturgy. Primary Targum on the books of the Prophets, read publicly in synagogues in talmudic times and still today by Yemenite Jews. Oaths and the process of atoning for entering the Temple or eating from a sacrifice while impure. Consider adding qamats qatan. 20th-century commentaries on early Prophets by a student of Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook, highlighting the texts contemporary relevance. [23][7], Some works, such as Tanakh and the Talmud, feature English translations. 16th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by the Maharal of Prague with original interpretations. 12th-century commentary by Rabbi Shemaiah of Soissons, a student of Rashi, included in printed editions of the Talmud. May 11, 2017. 16th-century commentary on the Book of Esther by the Maharal. It is also traditionally referred to as Shas, a Hebrew abbreviation of shisha sedarim, (six orders). Start on Sefaria's home page and click on the menu (which looks like three horizontal lines) in the upper left corner to go to the library. Sefaria is an online open source, free content, digital library of Jewish texts. But notice also that the English translation begins with square brackets that say [2a] (and the Hebrew has square brackets that say [ ]). The judicial system, forming the court, accepting testimony, and executing capital punishment. Court-administered lashing, false witnesses, and cities of refuge for inadvertent murderers. the time at which they see menstrual blood) is [a] sufficient (starting point for determining whether the terumot and taharot they handled are ritually impure). Faamm a alins a nu i tha m a ibtal a hu rabbuhu faakramahu wanaAAAAamahu fayaqoolu rabbee akraman i. Waamm a i tha m a ibtal a hu faqadara AAalayhi rizqahu fayaqoolu rabbee ah a nan i. Wajeea yawmai th in bijahannama yawmai th in yata th akkaru alins a nu waann a lahu a l thth ikr a. Reading the scroll of Esther on Purim, expansions on the Esther story, synagogue rituals, and treatment of sacred objects. Relationships between neighbors, land ownership, sales, and inheritance. 14th-century commentary by the author of the Tur with summaries of traditional interpretations, particularly those of the Ramban. 14th-century commentary incorporating allegorical interpretation, philosophy, and mysticism. Creation, the beginning of mankind, and stories of the patriarchs and matriarchs. 16th-century anthology of commentaries on Pirkei Avot compiled by Rabbi Shmuel Di Uzeda, a student of the Arizal. Measurements and descriptions of the Second Temple and the Temple Mount. Daf 1b. 21st-century English commentary on the Book of Jonah authored by Rabbi Chaim Jachter together with his son, Binyamin. Tzaraat, a discoloration condition on skin, houses, or clothing, purification for the infected. Each folio is double sided and starts on page 2a. The ritual impurity of a woman in her menstrual cycle or experiencing particular discharges. 13th-century commentary attributed to the French Tosafist Rabbi Shimshon of Sens, printed alongside the text of tractate Sotah. Sefaria keeps a count document to summarize the number of available text versions for every segment of a text. 19th-century academic work of the Shadal analyzing the methods of Targum Onkelos and presenting its textual variants. Sefaria is an open source, non-profit project. Karet, divinely-issued severance from the Jewish people, and sacrifices for unintentional sin. 17th-century supercommentary on Rashi, often beginning sections by identifying the textual difficulties that made Rashis comments necessary. Required donations of agricultural produce to priestly households and its sacred status. [9][10] The technology is maintained by a team of 18 engineers. Court-administered lashing, false witnesses, and cities of refuge for inadvertent murderers. The Mishneh Torah English translation on Sefaria is dedicated in memory of Irving . 20th-century translation of the Talmud into modern Hebrew with accompanying explanations by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. This is an English translation of Exodus 6:2-9:35, the Torah reading for Parashat Va'era, transtropilized. Mekor Torah Sources. It was founded in 2011 by former Google project manager Brett Lockspeiser and journalist-author Joshua Foer. 19th-century commentary known for its assumption that every word in Tanakh carries unique meaning, with no synonyms or repetitions. 18th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by the Vilna Gaon, noting biblical verses that correspond to each Mishnah. Additional commentary of the Tosafists, traditionally printed alongside the text of the Talmud in several tractates. Companion volumes to the Mishnah, containing laws and discussions that were not included in the Mishnahs redaction. Sefaria is home to 3,000 years of Jewish texts. Recounts of events in the Torah and early Prophets, focusing on King David. Some sefarim on sefaria have been translated with a machine translation (literally, google translate or similar) and then touched up and slowly improved by anonymous users. Writing the mezuzah, a scroll of parchment containing the Shema, and hanging it on the doorpost. > > > Keep in mind that Sefaria supports multiple translations, and we are looking forward to being able to offer translations geared for different purposes and types of users. The translation, which . 19th-century commentary on tractate Kinnim by Rabbi Yitzchak Aizik Safrin of Komarna. Rav Saadia Gaons influential 10th-century translation of the Torah into Arabic using Hebrew characters. Characteristics of a scholar, teachings about the messianic age, and a chapter extolling peace. We are a non-profit organization offering free access to texts, translations, and commentaries so that everyone can participate in the ongoing process of studying, interpreting, and creating Torah. First major work of rabbinic literature, compiled around 200 CE, documenting a multiplicity of legal opinions in the oral tradition. Rebuilding the Temple after decades of exile and religious revival led by Ezra the scribe. Converts to Judaism, the conversion process, and non-Jewish residents of Israel who observe the seven laws of Noah. Ethics and morals, proper etiquette and conduct in daily life. 20th-century commentary analyzing the Talmud through a feminist lens by Dr. Judith Hauptman, professor of Talmud at The Jewish Theological Seminary. The Sefaria leadership expects the translation of Avot D'Rabbi Natan to be popular, as Pirkei Avot is the site's most visited text after the five books of the Torah. Hillel says, From [a more recent] check (where she is found to be ritually . 12th-century commentary focusing on the simple meaning of the text and incorporating grammar and linguistics. It was founded in 2011 by former Google project manager Brett Lockspeiser and journalist-author Joshua Foer . Medieval commentary by an unknown Tosafist, printed alongside the talmudic text in the Vilna edition of the Talmud. We are a non-profit organization offering free access to texts, translations, and commentaries so that everyone can participate in the ongoing process of studying, interpreting, and creating Torah. Medieval commentary on Tractate Rosh Hashanah of the Babylonian Talmud, attributed to Maimonides. ", "Sefaria and Urim Publications Strike Unprecedented Agreement", "Sefaria releases new 'Democracy' project", "Forward 50: Meet The Machers And Shakers Who Influenced, Intrigued And Inspired Us This Year", "The greatest Jewish website in the world", "English Translation of Davidson Talmud on Sefaria", "A pioneering German translation of the Talmud, finished in 1935, is now accessible online", "The Five Steps to Make a Source Sheet on Sefaria",, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 4 July 2022, at 21:21. We are assembling a free, living library of Jewish texts and their interconnections, in Hebrew and in translation. Atoning for erroneous rulings of the court and inadvertent sins of leaders. Many works are linked with their respective commentaries. Vessels - tools, utensils, appliances, furniture, and clothing - and their statuses in purity laws. Medieval work summarizing the bottom-line legal conclusions that emerge from the Tosafists Talmud commentary. 19th-century annotations based on classes that the author, Rabbi Shmuel Strashun, delivered in a synagogue in Lithuania. 14th-century short introductions to biblical passages by the author of the Tur, often containing gematria and linguistic devices. The mandated marriage of a widow to the brother of her childless husband and the alternative rite discharging that obligation. Tractates not included in the canonizations of the Mishnah and the Talmud. [2] [3] [4] Calling itself "a living library of Jewish texts", Sefaria relies on volunteers to add texts and translations. Laments of Jerusalems destruction, grappling with theological explanations. 13th-century kabbalistic commentary of Rabbi Ezra ben Shlomo of Gerona, selected, translated, and annotated by Seth Brody in the 20th century. However it is often identical to another vowel mark. Al-Fajr. If correct Qamets Qatan transliteration is essential, consider using the Miqra according to the Masorah text as found on Sefaria. Since June 2016, the translation has been the default choice on the popular site . 20th-century commentary of the Rogatchover Gaon with a focus on analysis of biblical text through a legal lens. The seventh year of the agricultural cycle, when working the land is prohibited and debts are forgiven. 13th-century commentary by a prominent Italian Tosafist, who compiled several editions to some tractates and often critiqued his own earlier positions. Author: Hazzan Blum Created Date: 11/14/2018 3:09:14 PM Sacrifices offered on pilgrimage to Jerusalem on the Festivals, ritual purity, and esoteric discussions of creation. Everett Foxs essays expanding upon his 20th-century Bible translation, a work designed to draw the reader into the world of the Bible through the power of its language. Slaves and indentured servants; their sale, acquisition, working conditions, and liberation process. 14th-century commentary attributed to the legal codifier Rabbi Asher ben Yechiel. It is written in Tannaitic Hebrew and Aramaic, and contains the teachings and opinions of rabbis on a variety of subjects, including Halakha (law), Jewish ethics, philosophy, customs, history, lore and many other topics. Manuscript of Rashis 11th-century commentary on tractates Menachot and Bekhorot, included in printed editions of the Talmud. 21st-century English commentary on the Book of Daniel by Rabbi Chaim Jachter, incorporating questions and insights from his students at Torah Academy of Bergen County. The entire Talmud consists of 63 tractates, further subdivided into chapters and folios. The word Tanakh is an acronym of its three parts: Torah (The Five Books of Moses), Neviim (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings). 18th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by Naphtali Herz Wessley with a focus on linguistic aspects of the Mishnah. Poetic conversations of two lovers, traditionally read as a metaphor for God and Israel. 18th-century super-commentary on Rashi on the Torah by Rabbi David Pardo, an Italian Rabbi and poet. Influential 14th-century code presenting practical legal conclusions of talmudic passages, based on the work of the Rif. Popular 13th-century commentary focusing on the simple meaning of the text and incorporating grammar and philosophy. Commentators who lived in the 11th through 16th centuries. But one translation will need to be the . Laws relating to divorce, focusing on the get (bill of divorce) and its delivery. Oaths and the process of atoning for entering the Temple or eating from a sacrifice while impure. Laws relating to divorce, focusing on the get (bill of divorce) and its delivery. The following two parameters belong on the url. Atoning for erroneous rulings of the court and inadvertent sins of leaders. Writing and treatment of a Torah scroll; almost identical to the beginning of Tractate Soferim. Early 20h-century encyclopedia of the passages in rabbinic literature relevant to each biblical verse accompanied by brief explanations. 15th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot by the Abarbanel, structured as questions on each Mishnah followed by resolutions. 11th-century commentary on Pirkei Avot attributed to Rav Shlomo Yitzchaki, acclaimed commentator on Tanakh and Talmud. New Interfaces for Constitutional Texts. 21st-century commentary on the Book of Ruth by Rabbi Chaim Jachter. 13th-century commentary on the Rif by a student of the Ramban and grandson of the Baal Hameor. The sanctity of animals dedicated for sacrifice and the prohibition of exchanging them for others. Disputed property, returning lost objects, guarding, renting, borrowing, and responsibilities of workers and employers. The daily Temple service, including the burnt-offerings brought every morning and afternoon. Read the text of Siddur Ashkenaz online with commentaries and connections. Bird-offerings that are mixed up and the complex math involved in determining their status. Animal and bird sacrifices in the Temple. 16th-century commentary combining simple and allegorical interpretations by the uncle of Rav Yosef Karo based on sermons he delivered. #1 Terry Sampson, Dec 30 . 21st-century English book examining the connections between the personalities of the 12 sons of Jacob and the territories that each tribe later inherited. Support us by making a tax-deductible donation. Zornberg, drawing on traditional commentaries as well of Israels kingdoms, and inheritance starts on page 2a downfall. Second part of the kingdom, and a prayer and elaborations upon biblical.. Are mixed up and the Koren-Steinsaltz Talmud, based in part on sermons he delivered 2019, Lockspeiser was among! 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