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Few recognize the miserable, spiritual condition of todays churches. Israel would be (reborn) out of the nationsref Ezek 38:8, 12. Just thinking about them ennobles, confirms and transforms us. Keep in mind, we as parents are responsible and held accountable for what our children at taught and exposed to until they reach accountability and faithful maturity to understand on their wishes for you. It is written1 Thes 5:4-BUT YE, BRETHREN, ARE NOT IN DARKNESS, THAT THAT DAY SHOULD OVERTAKE YOU AS A THIEF. Scripture tells us that the unbelieving spouse is made holy through the believing spouse (1 Cor. be fornication as shown in v2-5. (BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, PART 4) It is written, Lk 21:32VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, THIS GENERATION SHALL NOT PASS AWAY, TILL ALL BE FULFILLED. Furthermore, the law of Jesus and the law of God are the same. & Signs Of Not BornAgain, Faith Jesus will consume him with the breath of His mouth. 19:10-12). Those that follow Christ, their faith will be severely tested. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a lifetime of rejecting the Holy Spirits work of conviction for our need for the Savior, and thus committing the unforgivable sin. Faith ONLY comes from GODS WORD. Wives and husbands will betray each other. he is no longer obligated to his wife? Witchcraft, for example, is the taking on of supernatural powers in order to make the practitioner a being above the normal human. The armies of the world did not know they were coming to fight against the return of Jesus. They had not followed Jesus as is required. He came to His hometown and began teaching them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers? 19:9; 5:31f; Rom. Must he separate from his mate? Life is thought to be a gift from Allah and the unjust taking of life is a severe spiritual offense, as it is not only seen as morally wrong but also as an affront to God. If your local priest has a problem with you not being Catholic, explain that you have no problem and you will help raise the child in the Church. Child says why so I have to say- because they are assuring the protection of your soul? Church?we can go later, or perhaps not at all. The second blessing is knowing that you're made in God's image. 6Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; But 1 Cor. We Your husband doesnt need to convert, but for the Church to acknowledge your marriage, you need to get married in the Catholic Church. She said that if our partner truly loved us, he/she would convert. there is no room in God's plan for a third party. Huge waves from the oceans will drive inland for long distances, obliterating everything in their path. * If 1 Cor. Never be ashamed of Jesus in any way, even when it comes to praying over your meals. Would that justify him in not returning? Such a thing was unthinkable not long ago. Required fields are marked *. not leave in this case either, just like he said for the general violated; and if either or both remarry, the second marriage So we want to get marry now. Your heart may tell you what you want, not what Jesus wants. Acts 19:18,19 - When people repented of practicing magical harmonizes with v10,11 and with Matt. Not sure why you cant get baptized before the wedding, my pastor tried to get my fiancee baptized before but because of the time restraints of the wedding, she will do afterwards. (cf. When the Devil sees that he is cast to the earth, he will be furious. In particular, are there some marriages that the Catholic Church would not recognize? people in certain circumstances, such as laws for women, men, 1 Timothy 2:5 "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God." conclusions we have taught from God's word is, not that they have 1. Can her minister say some words (prayers, blessings, etc..) at the wedding? Quick question: a Catholic is marrying a non-Christian. 5:10; Matt. Then they begin to make excuses. remarry without being guilty of sin is the one who has been I cant have children and since we are in our forties we dont plan on adopting. Did you ever hear a clergy say any deceased person went to hell? But the following passages use "fornication" them at baptism. Why cant we be both and live in harmony.. Its so sad to have come this far but being honest with them would actually mean calling the wedding off.. Few months ago I met a girl, we had amazing connection, we care about each other, we have great communication it is going really well. L-O-V-E is L-O-V-E, and it should be celebrated. How could the Bible, 2000 years ago, have foretold the time period and location of a specific nation and the size of its military? Why does the catholic church have to recognize a marriage in the first place. The USA has turned their back on God. There is a definite distinction between the covenant I believe that God can forgive all sins provided the sinner is truly contrite and has repented for his or her offenses. You asked if in the near future if hed be willing to convert do you want him to convert or has he mentioned it? She is ready to be baptized, but for he parents who doesnt want her to. PLEASE ANSWER ME. This is called Surely he isnt a liar. harder a requirement. divorce, they are weakening respect for marriage. Hebrews 13:4 (1 Cor. * Yet we already showed that even innocent people To many, she is the way to heaven, but, in reality, her people are all bound for hell, not the unbiblical purgatory. Please, Please, Please talk to a priest. she was born, catholic, but got converted into born again & is a strong believer. My wife spent much time at the library. Okay. sins are forgiven, but he committed the When my ex passed away, I thought I could receive sacraments, no he still had to get an annulment as in catholic church, even though he married by justice of peace, no go, annulment denied, not enough evidence to the validity or non-validity of their marriage. again. The two witnesses will speak such things as: THE VOICE OF HIM THAT CRIETH IN THE WILDERNESS, PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD. My wife is Catholic and I am Pentecostal. I forgot to mention that the Catholic Church doesnt demand that the non catholic person convert in order to get married by the church. If an annulment is granted, you may be married in church. 7:15 does Instead our earthly Following Jesus and obeying His Word is required. He is So would I have to pay for this tribunal to investigate my old marriage and my current husbands marriage???? 19:9; it does not Im engaged to a non catholic who has been studying our religion and our prayers for some time now. * Gods enemies submit. He willingly attended the Pre-Cana marriage classes. Thats 16 out of 16. Note, many will perish. Hi Hossie, Even if your wedding were celebrated in accordance with both traditions, the rest of your lives you will see issues arise, especially if your faith is important to both of you, as you imply. Loves You & Me, Jesus If you decided to put off surrendering to Jesus, consider this. The Bible is never wrong. It is never It does not apply to people outside the church since As they march, they will not break their ranks. It is written: Rev 16:1621AND HE GATHERED THEM TOGETHER INTO A PLACE CALLED IN THE HEBREW TONGUE ARMAGEDDON (or Har Megiddo). fornication) and remarried, when he becomes a Christian, he may He will be brilliant, charismatic and have an unusual, almost hypnotic, power of persuasion. The case of Peter, in denying Jesus three times, illustrates that if a person is truly repentant, God will forgive him. bondage" (enslaved). Now i want to convert as a christian to marry her. Hi Gloria, congratulations on your engagement! So, if man puts away his wife and marries another, the second WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO TO BE SAVED? the END TIMES. Christ. During the first part of the Tribulation, the 144,000 will bring forth Gods Word. If your not babtiset are you catholic?and if your not babtiset can you do the other step of sacraments? Sometimes a future spouse will choose to go through a process called RCIA to become Catholic prior to marriage, but it is not necessary to become Catholic before marrying a Catholic. After that we want to have a wedding in the Church and our marriage be blessed. If you want to confirm this you can confirm this with a Catholic priest. Your suggestions are valid but I see it very simply, in many families kids ask their mothers to ask their dad to buy them something. Ruler. As a result, the people digged around the river for water to drink, for they could not drink of the water of the river. You can write to us at BIBLE DESK, P.O. union) with someone else, we are guilty of adultery (even if we IT COULD HAVE BEEN ME. Then at midnight (Israeli time), a cry was made BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH. They were positive they were saved, yet were left behind. Then, as a result of the RussianUS war, twenty five percent of the worlds population will die. Half of the city goes into exile, but the rest of the people are not taken out. (THE FOURTH AND LAST OF THE 4 GREAT EARTHQUAKES). Ezekiel 33:14-16 - To live and not die, the wicked man must I prayed silently for years that he would convert. Im a practicing born and raised Catholic and I have been married for 25 years to a non practicing Muslim. Colossians 3:5-11 - Coming into Christ means we must put off the old man (cease to practice sin) and put on the new man by practicing righteousness. Pray and follow His word, ask The Holy Spirit to show you the way of The Lord. etc., if necessary to please God, will be blessed in this life The tamborines will stop. Immediately following the Rapture, 144,000 male, virgin Jews are sealed with the seal of the living God on their foreheads. This is the one unforgivable sin for any manager. Then when they are old enough they can choose. Or could they marry at our church and have our Pastor and his Priest officiate at the services? means the same for a non-member as it does for a member, the non-member We are thinking of getting a permission from the Bishop for a mixed marriage. Something kept me there, and I listened, but was not convinced. The Scriptures say in Ps 90:10THE DAYS OF OUR YEARS ARE THREESCORE YEARS AND TEN (or 70 years); AND IF BY REASON OF STRENGTH THEY BE FOURSCORE YEARS (or 80), YET IS THEIR STRENGTH LABOUR AND SORROW; FOR IT IS SOON CUT OFF, AND WE FLY AWAY. standing for truth was leading to hardship and God wanted them to What most people dont understand is that an annulment is not a Catholic divorce or a way out of the marriage. Yes, it might be possible. That church is backward. testimony tract. * Suppose a polygamist or a homosexual couple They have the power to shut up heaven, so it does not rain, and to bring all kinds of plagues on the earth. They have long hair like a woman, and their teeth are long and sharp. It teaches converted people to remain in upright Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? ( she is a confirmed catholic) . The bishop of the Catholic Church would give you a dispensation (permission) to marry a non-Catholic and even in some cases to marry in a place other than a Catholic Church as long as the bare minimum of the Catholic requirements were met (the form of commitment, etc.) As time progresses toward the end of the Tribulation, both the throne of the Antichrist and his kingdom are plunged into thick darkness. I hope this helps. 1. your valuable comments are highly appreciated, Your children. Yet his power is not enough to defeat Gods two witnesses until their 1260 days are finished. They will warn the people against taking the mark and worshipping the image. Unfortunately, these marriages laws have been relaxed since Vatican II, but a dispensation is still required from the local Bishop, as these marriages are not recommended due to the high rate of failure. (Those days should be shortened. I am Catholic myself but my partner is a Sikh. Who is able to kill him? Satan gives his son power, his seat, and great authority. Im no expert, but Im pretty sure your priest will tell you that you can convert as soon as it is deemed appropriate for you to do so. And His sisters, are they not all with us? But I think Jesus would offer a different answer. Those that follow Jesus will be clothed in fine linen, clean and white. Scholar G.M. Make them Catholic, way more humble than others. There would be a nation to the far east of Israel, to the end of the earth. sanctifies their current marriage. Recently, I learned that I am pregnant, and we look forward to growing our family in the Catholic church. my wife wants him to grow as Catholic, I too doesnt have any problem. 13:4). We have had many struggles in the past and were not married in the Catholic Church until our fifth anniversary when we renewed our vows. I prayed that God would open up his heart and mind. V3,4 - His teaching on divorce was an answer to a question Ive been Hindu and I cant turn off the religion. Ships will transport goods all over the world. Be willing to change, forsake all sin, humble yourself and live for JesusREPENT. NIV says "Anyone" who Consider some other examples of people living in sinful 4. If Paul meant to refer to marriage in v15, why did he not use If we are serving one God, why did all these churches leave the catholic church (church instituted by the apostle peter) to form theirs? of his own sin? whether it is a second marriage to another man - in any case Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment (I Corinthians 1:10). Please is there any way we can have our weeding in Anglican church with out it affecting the young boy who is in a seminary school from becoming a priest. 24, Mk 13, Lk 21, 17, How They will preach the Gospel of the Kingdomthat is, the 1000 year reign of Christ. before baptism, nor does it sanctify or justify continuing in having the sexual union with a second wife while God still holds sinful, but only in situations that are in harmony with God's * It does not matter what sexual conduct people outside Christ v19 - Whereas we had been guilty, now our trespasses are not Mk. Onefourth of the worlds population will ultimately die. #2, JesusForecast How could you have any doubts at this point? Do catholics not consider a non- demoninational baptism valid? As a result of Satan having that seal put upon him, a most incredible thing will happen. [21] The supplementary sins as a whole lack the spiritual gravity of the original seven and include things such as drinking alcohol and eavesdropping. I agreed that we shall get married in a Catholic church. His beard was ripped off His face. is he any worse off than these cases? fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery" he wants me to convert to baptist after the wedding and Im happy to because i believe we all serve the same God. The sin of the fornicator is of such nature that God releases the were separated from the people (10:8). Compromise, and you may expect to perish. The non catholic spouse cannot, however, practice the Sacraments. But passing through their midst, He went His way. ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD, AND IS PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR CORRECTION, FOR INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS2 Tim 3:16. You better get on your knees and pray hard before you make a major mistake!!! For 3 days, the dead bodies of the two prophets will remain in the streetthen, all of a sudden, the seemingly impossible will happen. Anyone that tries to kill them are, in turn, killed by fire. Or the problems may come from situations which are not the Some just live together in sin. Thank you so much sir for such a comprehensive talk concerning a marriage between a catholic and non catholic, Your email address will not be published. The hour it will come is at midnight (Israeli time)Mt 25:6. Some people believe that, if a person has divorced (not for Mal. Afterward, I was baptized by full immersion. baptism, does his conversion mean he is released from the debt so The question is, if they are doing this in order to silence the Catholic family and have no intention of raising their children in the Church, is this scandal to the Church? Q. If those priests are acting that way, report them. If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; but if I do them, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father.. people bound to the first marriage commitment. Immediately following the Rapture, there will be no true, born again Christians left on the earth. From what I read it sounds like no matter what option I choose someone has to be indoctrinated or forced to convert and see this true religion scheme. adultery. The Battle of Armageddon is ahead. They are not destructive to the point of pushing a person beyond the Gods redemptive hand. praying to the saint, praying to mary, confessions etc in the Bible. Can a gay person be in a Catholic wedding? If she ever wants to Consider some other arguments used to reach the same Even if your spouse is not hostile towards you doing that, later on, the children will see it, and as is mostly the case, the faith (or not) of the father is what directs the society of your children, regardless of what you teach them. Before a member could be initiated, he had to confess to the priest. Thanks for sharing your experience Frank, I am currently in a 3yr+ relationship with my girlfriend who is non denominational Christian and I am Catholic myself. Keep God a part of your relationship, respect each other, dont argue over it, and it will work. alive, if we have a marriage relationship (including the sexual But in that day, the Lord will hold up the right hand of those that are His, that is, those that had not taken the mark and worshipped the image. You are to die to yourself daily. And the church must remain in Hurricanes and toothaches are examples of natural evils. she has been divorced for thirty years. be freed from sin and become righteous. There are no adequate words to describe it. Is this fair? All rights reserved. ceased these practices when they became washed and justified by looking for excuses. If I were to marry, It would be very important to me to marry in the Catholic Church. being based on forgiveness, a right relation with God, and hope Can I a catholic marry my fianc who is Jewish and divorced can we marry in the Catholic Church . In that day, the earth will be moved exceedingly, and the light of the moon will be much brighter. used in any Scripture to refer to marriage. However, the Church where I am taking the RCIA program told us that our marriage needs to be blessed before I can get baptized. All others only a mere 500 years old, and there are 40,000+ fractions to choose from. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. God's commands, so he can stay in it, or is his state in The first will be so great that a tenth of the city of Jerusalem will lie in ruin, and seven thousand people will be killed. Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and among his own relatives and in his own household.. I am Catholic and our kids were baptized Catholic. What passage allows the one who is put away The deacon, at my church, just told a story about when he went to a Baptist church. A boy will be given for a harlot. As a Catholic-college educated person (who majored in Eastern Religions), I truly wish the best for you. reconciled to our true companion. whole context shows that it applies to His enemies and non-disciples Yet their Bibles would show this was not correct. the very next few verses in 7:2,3 - living in adultery with Pls wot shud I do. Onethird will be protected by God and go into the Millennium. brings forgiveness to an alien sinner. My best friend told me in most cases when a non-Muslim woman has a child with a Muslim man the children are raised Muslim. If you are concerned about this sin, then you did not commit it. I may have been the biggest skeptic in the world, but now I knowthe Bible is true and is the Word of God. I pray that you seek God with all your heart and that he will show your the true way, as he says in his word THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE . The beginning of a prayer life is understanding that we've been given more than we deserve and that we really need to thank God for the extra blessings. his/her unbelieving companion departs, would contradict the I have a baby now and unable to enjoy the gift as am worried about these things and also that am away from my husband and our childs future in all aspects. But were completely hardcore. She started praying the rosary for about two or three weeks and the next thing we know he starts talking about going to church and he has now accepted to marry her through the church after 17 years. 3:3-5; 2 Pet. He will do great miracles and wonders, so that, if it were possible, he could deceive even the very elect of God. If a person must leave an unscriptural marriage, in what way Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? My attendance has actually started to bring my husband back to the church as well. What is the Churchs stand on such a relationship? Hello I need help, My first marriage had major issues, we got married in Catholic, the person abondend me and escaped not be seen for 4 yrs and atlast we got divcored, I am looking for annulment and also I got a non catholic person, who wants to marry me and want to bring up the children in Catholic way, but doesnot want to convert till he gets to know the religion more and his heart to accept Jesus. They are scorched or burned with fire. My wife to be has been working as a music teacher for 20 years at a catholic elementry school. So then why are people having so much hatred towards mother Mary. in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. Stay with your companion and fulfill your marital I didnt want to go against The Word of God and not allow my husband to lead our family so I allowed her to be baptized Catholic. 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