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Padm Amidala makes her first film appearance in The Phantom Menace. [7] Mothma soon met with Bail, and together they attended Padm's funeral on Theed alongside thousands of others.[38]. Mothma, however, told him not to lecture her on vulnerability, as if they were discovered, she would be the first to fall. The designs for the station were transferred to the massive databanks of the Citadel. Because she's pregnant, I wanted a soft quality to be apparent in the fabrics that were used."[25]. In reality, however, Mothma had come to speak with Rael, whom she was trying to smuggle money to in order to feed the rebels he was working with. The second version involved a father, his son, and his daughter; the daughter was the heroine of the film. Bridger and the rest of the Ghost crew readily agreed, though Mothma could not guarantee their extraction due to the Empire's massive blockade. Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, the leader of the Empire, then joined the conversation and claimed that she was the Operator. Leia urged her advisers to remain vigilant for traitors in their midst. Skywalker later interrogated Poggle alone and learned the brain worms were susceptible to cold temperatures. [39], The Mundi costume and prosthetics were designed by the Industrial Light & Magic visual effects creature shop. [34] The Star Wars Databank notes, "Despite her initial objections to a Republic army, Padm nonetheless fought alongside the newly created clone troopers against the Separatist droid forces. Mundi chastised Dibs for his actions, which were deemed both treasonous and heretical, but nevertheless gave him the chance to defend himself. [56] However, Syndulla's squadron of X-wing starfighters was intercepted and largely wiped out by Thrawn's Seventh Fleet. Having sympathized with the Ghormans since the Empire cut off their shipping lanes, Mothma left the Senate in the aftermath of the Ghorman Massacre, publicly denouncing Emperor Palpatine in the process. [21] Joe Pappalardo likewise believes that the AT-M6 is even worse than the AT-AT because it has all of the same problems but increased in scale. [23][29] During major ground combat, AT-STs protect the flanks of AT-ATs and hunt down any infantry or smaller threats which evade the assault walkers. [8] Like his fellow Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, he was disturbed by Skywalker's brutal interrogation methods on Poggle the Lesser shortly after Poggle's capture during the Second Battle of Geonosis. The case was dismissed with the court noting that not only did Seiler not produce the supposed drawings at trial, but that the copyright came one year after The Empire Strikes Back debuted. In one chapter, Padm travels with Yoda (voiced by Tom Kane) aboard her ship when he senses a disturbance in the Force coming from the ice planet Ilum. New Andor Trailer, Lawrence Kasdan Talks Light & Magic, and More! Her message to Leia indicated that she had suspected the truth for some time before the announcement. Padm returns to Naboo to fight for her planet's freedom, enlisting the aid of Jar Jar Binks (Ahmed Best) and his Gungan tribe and having her handmaiden Sab (Keira Knightley) pose as her. [12][13] Biggar worked as costume designer on the three films. When Wartol reiterated his denial, Mothma vowed to fight him at the next election. Suns Built around a massive turbolaser cannon carried on its back, this simian-shaped walker combins equal parts devastating firepower and psychological warfare. [72], Twenty days after the Battle of Endor, Mothma tasked Organa with traveling to Naboo in order to gather support for the formation of a New Republic. In initial drafts of the Star Wars story, "Leia is the daughter of Owen Lars and his wife Beru and seems to be Luke's cousintogether they visit the grave of his mother, who perished with his father on a planet destroyed by the Death Star. New Andor Trailer, Lawrence Kasdan Talks Light & Magic, and More! [32] She demonstrates a devotion to the disadvantaged and deprived beings of the galaxy. The All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) is a quadruped mechanized infantry combat vehicle used by Imperial ground forces. Mundi was one of the few Jedi to survive the battle at Geonosis, which formally marked the beginning of the Clone Wars. While Mothma feared that she sounded like Palpatine, Auxi reassured her that it was a great speech. Order 66, also known as Clone Protocol 66, was a top-secret order identifying all Jedi as traitors to the Galactic Republic and, therefore, subject to summary execution by the Grand Army of the Republic. The design for what eventually became Mundi began when Star Wars creator and executive producer George Lucas asked McCaig to draw sketches for alien characters to be featured on the Jedi High Council. Perrin remained mostly silent during the exchange. She admits to him, "Naboo can scarcely afford to become embroiled in a dispute that pits the Republic against the Trade Federation. Mothma responded by asking her and Chopper to wait outside while she discussed the matter. Silas was trained by stunt coordinator Nick Gillard for his lightsaber scenes in Attack of the Clones. 9,112 km[1] The wardrobe in The Phantom Menace was designed by concept artist Iain McCaig and costume designer Trisha Biggar; concept artist Dermot Power joined McCaig and Biggar in the design process of Attack of the Clones. Captain Rex, CT-7567, leads Torrent Company of the 501st Legion, often under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano. [13], Although Geonosis had been captured by the Republic at the onset of the Clone Wars, resistance from the Geonosian natives and their loyalty to Count Dooku proved stronger than the Jedi Order anticipated, and the Jedi soon discovered Separatist leader Poggle the Lesser had established several battle droid foundries on the planet capable of creating thousands of weapons. Yellow[4] Mothma was quick to respond, demanding to know his reasons for contacting them. Padm appears in the micro-series Star Wars: Forces of Destiny, again voiced by Catherine Taber.[39]. .mw-parser-output .vanchor>:target~.vanchor-text{background-color:#b1d2ff}Queen's Shadow, a novel by E.K. Johnston released on March 5, 2019, features Padm as the main character, as well as several of her handmaidensespecially Sab. Ewoks and rebels celebrating victory on Endor. She realized, however, that while she could have helped win a battle, she could contribute more as the leader of the Alliance. By 32 BBY,[17] she had joined the Republic's Galactic Senate,[8] becoming one of the youngest senators to date. In December 2001, it was rumored that members of *NSYNC were filmed as extras in Attack of the Clones. Mothma reintroduced Mothma to Leida, whom he had met when she was young but Leida couldn't remember, but Leida showed very little interest and only wanted her mother's permission to be excused from the party as Perrin had told her that she needed to ask Mothma. Alarmed by these abrupt chain of events, a small group of concerned senators, such as Organa, Amidala, Mothma, and Meena Tills, met in Organa's office at Cantham House[16] to discuss the developments. Mothma briefs the Rebel Alliance on the plan for the Battle of Endor. [7], ILM created models ranging from sixto fifty centimetres (220 inches) in height. .mw-parser-output .vanchor>:target~.vanchor-text{background-color:#b1d2ff}Queen's Shadow, a novel by E.K. Johnston released on March 5, 2019, features Padm as the main character, as well as several of her handmaidensespecially Sab. Roger Ebert, for example, charged that in Attack of the Clones "too much of the film is given over to a romance between Padm and Anakin in which they're incapable of uttering anything other than the most basic and weary romantic clichs, while regarding each other as if love was something to be endured rather than cherished. Diameter [49], During the journey, the rebels came under attack from Grand Admiral Thrawn's prototype TIE Defender starfighter and two TIE Interceptors. Anakin's fear of losing Padm serves as the catalyst in driving him to the dark side of the Force and becoming Darth Vader. Inspiration for the AT-AT came from Paraceratherium, an extinct genus of rhinoceros and the largest land mammal in history. The next morning, Mothma briefed Kyrell and other pilots on a mission they were to carry out for the Alliance. Pale blue-green[5] It was the most labor-intensive of several Star Wars-themed cars debuted in the run-up to the movie's release. [29] The AT-ST must rely on high-intensity power cells as it is too small to carry a full power generator, limiting its range. [35] Shortly thereafter, Mothma was present in a Senate session in which Queen Julia of the neutral planet Bardotta spoke via hologram and requested the Republic's assistance in uncovering why Bardottan spiritual leaders were disappearing. Leia is adopted by Organa and his wife on Alderaan to be raised as a princess, while Obi-Wan brings Luke to Tatooine, where the boy is to be raised by Vader's stepbrother Owen Lars (Joel Edgerton) and his wife Beru (Bonnie Piesse). [59], Reactions by critics to Portman's performances were mixed. [52], Weeks later, Mothma informed Ezra of a message from Azadi concerning a new development of the TIE Defender. Master Ti was among the group of over 200 Jedi assembled by Windu to free Kenobi, as well as Skywalker and Amidala, who had led a failed rescue attempt themselves, from execution in the Petranaki Arena on Geonosis. Padm proceeds to negotiate an alliance between the Republic and the Hutts which would allow Republic warships to use unknown Hutt hyperspace lanes. [6], Although Scarif's planetary mantle was filled with dense metals valuable in starship construction, its remote location deep within the Outer Rim Territories meant that supplying shipyards of the Core Worlds proved too costly. [1] The world had a temperate and comfortable climate and from the surface appeared as a tropical paradise despite its challenging ecosystem and dangerous predators. Perrin then asked Mothma, for the second time that day, for their driver's name which she told him was Kloris before he asked him to take the Expressway. In Mundi's opinion, the adventurous natures of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano were unusual. [12], The pair were then interrupted by Perrin who assumed that they were reminiscing about their school days and reminded the pair of an upcoming reunion. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [70], Three years after the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance learned from Bothan spies that the Empire was building a second Death Star in orbit of the Forest Moon of Endor. In another deleted scene, Padm is seen as a dissenter in Palpatine's government and an early constituting member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic the future Rebel Alliance along with senators Bail Organa (Jimmy Smits) and Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly). The All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST) is a two-legged mech walker introduced briefly in The Empire Strikes Back and featured extensively in Return of the Jedi.These vehicles were designed to screen and protect the flanks of slower moving AT-ATs and the larger tanks used by the Empire. After learning about the listening device, Chancellor Mothma decided to pay Senator Wartol a visit. After learning from Admiral Yularen that Enigma's Providence-class Dreadnought was planning to attack Taris, the Council decided to authorize a mission to rescue Vos. Mothma had approved the clandestine action because it had been successful. Windu ordered the pilot to land in an assembly area in the desert. "Actor Silas tackles three roles in Phantom" (July 14, 1999). In the Attack of the Clones novelization, Padm's sister Sola Naberrie tells her, "You're so tied up in your responsibilities that you don't give any weight to your desires. [28], Yoda informed the Council that he had been contacted by the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn. [65], Mothma later sent Skywalker on a mission to retrieve logs of Imperial communications that were intercepted by several rebel cells along the Shipwrights' Trace. In the subsequent TV series, Padm is mostly portrayed working in the Senate toward a peaceful resolution to the Clone Wars, although a few episodes have portrayed her fighting the Separatists alongside Anakin, Ahsoka and Jar Jar Binks. Luthen didn't care about this, however, as he saw the suffering of others, due to the Empire's paranoia, as necessary to defeating the Empire. The leadership began planning for an assault on the Death Star II over Endor, but first the Alliance Fleet, which had broken up following the Rebellion's defeat during the Battle of HothMothma insisted that it break into smaller groups to avoid another disaster that the Empire could celebratewould have to regroup near Sullust. As Sab attempts a peace deal between Naboo and the Gungans, Padm intervenes and reveals her true identity. The concept was ultimately not used in the final film. Starships[12]Supplies for the Death Star[12] [49], While Hera and Chopper readied the Ghost's hyperdrive, Mothma tried to stall Governor Pryce with a list of demands. In the end, the Council decided to test Vos' loyalty by sending him on a mission to kill Dooku. Species "[2] In an interview, Lucas answered a question about the development of characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke, and Leia; their mother was not a factor: The first [version] talked about a princess and an old general. Erso, Andor, and their crew disobeyed her orders and formed the Rogue One squad, which fired the opening shots of the Galactic Civil War at the Battle of Scarif. According to The Phantom Menace production notes, "The role required a young woman who could be believable as the ruler of that planet, but at the same time be vulnerable and open." "[33], Padm relies on diplomacy to resolve disputes, often appearing as a pacifist. [54] Erik Tiemens's short comic "The Artist of Naboo" follows a young, unnamed artist on Naboo who becomes captivated by Padm's beauty, features her in a series of paintings and later risks his life to save her. "[7], According to concept artist Iain McCaig, the earliest reference to Portman came about through his designs for the character. Todd McCarthy of Variety likewise lamented that "Lucas's shortcomings as a writer and director of intimate, one-on-one scenes" hampered Portman's performance. Ki-Adi-Mundi is shown with a green-bladed lightsaber, while he has a blue lightsaber in all other scenes. For Revenge of the Sith, Biggar says, "We knew that Padm was going to be pregnant through the whole film, and nobody in the outside world could know that. As a ruler and politician, Padm is distrustful of bureaucracy, opposed to corruption, and a firm believer in democracy and the rule of law. [49], During her time as a Republic senator Mothma held pacifist beliefs which occasionally led to conflict with Amidala[8] though the two never truly fought and they remained close allies. [17], Some weeks later, Mundi also viewed a holocomm strategy session led by Koon on Coruscant along with Tano and Secura, who were interrupted by the astromech droid R2-D2. White[4] [9] They chose 16-year-old actress Natalie Portman to play the role. Since Nakadia was an agrarian world, it was classified as a Class A protected planet by the New Republic. She has appeared in seven episodes in the first season and third season, four episodes in the second season, nine episodes in the fourth season, and one episode in the fifth season. [20], Sometime afterwards the Jedi received an extraordinarily shocking transmission sent from the Outer Rim planet of Raydonia by Darth Maul - the Sith Lord that killed Qui-Gon Jinn on Naboo years earlier. For other uses, see, "AT-RT", "AT-TE", and "AT-AP" redirect here. Eventually, Palpatine plays on Anakin's fears by saying that the dark side of the Force holds the power to save Padm, which ultimately leads to Anakin becoming Palpatine's Sith apprentice, Darth Vader. In response, Fleet Admiral Rax ordered the Imperial fleets to assemble at Jakku. "[10], In The Phantom Menace, Portman had to portray a character younger than herself. While recognizing Jyn's criminal tendencies, Mothma argued that everybody including criminals and outcasts deserved a second chance. An AT-ST also appears briefly in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, patrolling Jedha City following an attack by Saw Gerrera's forces. Mothma told Leia that there was very little that could be done with the evidence that she'd gathered. [13] As the head of government, Mothma developed a sense of pragmatism since she had to manage a state that was also embroiled in a galactic war. Yoda[7] Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars after the First Battle of Geonosis, Mundi became a Jedi General of the Grand Army of the Republic. In fact she is able to keep up with Jedi in speed and take huge falls with minimal damage. [47], Many vehicles were created for various Star Wars media and depicted as technological evolutionary predecessors and successors to the walkers featured in the original trilogy. [13] Scarif became the principal construction facility for the Empire's vast war machine. He was therefore brought before the Council to stand trial for this. [16] The planet's islands were filmed in the Maldives, while the interior of the Citadel Tower was filmed at the Canary Wharf stop on the London Underground. Mundi supported Vos' arguments that Ventress should come along on the grounds that the Council had given her a full pardon. "[25] He was aghast when she instead chose to walk away from the Order. At the request of Princess Leia, Sinjir contracted the services of his slicer friend Conder Kyl. [31], In the Star Wars Rebels second-season episode Relics of the Old Republic, a heavily customized AT-TE is used by clone troopers Rex, Wolffe and Gregor as a mobile residence on the planet Seelos. Palpatine, who is secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious who controls the Trade Federation, persuades her to make a motion in the Senate to have Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum (Terence Stamp) voted out from office, which later enables Palpatine to be elected in his place. She was portrayed by Caroline Blakiston,[4] who was cast while working in Manchester, England on a television series. While presiding over the Empire's surrender, Mothma took care to co-opt non-combatant Imperial functionaries in order to ensure a smooth political transition. According to The Phantom Menace production notes, "The role required a young woman who could be believable as the ruler of that planet, but at the same time be vulnerable and open." He'll take our concerns to heart. Mothma served as chancellor of the Rebel Alliance and a member of the Alliance High Command. After entering the cave, which disrupted their communications, Mundi sensed an incoming presence and ordered his men to take defensive positions just as a swarm of winged Geonosian warriors attacked them. Including Mothma, relocated to Yavin 4, shortly after the events that to Battle at Geonosis, Mundi remained skeptical needed to do away with those,. She wears three million the fighting hostage aboard his ship stories, Blakiston became of. Well as the leader of the sentient Dulok, Ewok, and Mundi in particular, met Windu Of these dinner parties, Mothma survived because she was intrigued by this fact [ 85 ] [ ]! 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