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Dumping of radioactive substances into seawater. The melting icebergs in Antarctica have resulted in the rising sea levels. Criteria by which papers will be graded . Paper, plastics, glass, and electronic items can be processed into new products while using fewer natural resources and lesser energy. The structure of the essay is usually determined by your course prerequisites, level, and field of study. She has positive attitude and always being loyal to her work. Furthermore, these factors impact the immune systems of birds, making them carriers of viruses and diseases. There has been a sharp increase in the number of diarrhoea and cholera cases everywhere. Banning deforestation and planting trees could be a better option. Different countries around the world are responding to these calamities in the most effective way possible. Companies should also install recycling systems for computers and cell phones to reduce their need for landfills. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Smog is formed when carbon and dust particles bind together in the air, causing respiratory problems, haze, and smoke. The use of Fossil fuels should be restricted because it causes major environmental issues like global warming. 1) Water management. Firstly, air pollution is caused by the emission of toxic gases from cars, factories and open burning. Development and modernisation have brought with them a sharp increase in pollution and this has given rise to various human illnesses and most importantly global warming. Essay on the Control of Environmental Pollution. Moreover, the earth cannot restore its balance because of . Water is a substance that can easily be contaminated. The smoke pouring out of factory chimneys and automobiles pollute the air that we breathe in. If the environment will be polluted how can we live happily in these man-made houses? Some industries release chemicals into the air, which cause harm to the ozone layer that shields us from UV radiation. The smoke pouring out of factory chimneys and automobiles pollute the air that we breathe in. Water pollution due to release of industrial wastewater has already become a serious environmental problem. In India, we have an environmental protection law. In India, sufficient attention has not been paid to it so far. In other words, When our environment gets contaminated by pollutants, We refer to it as Environmental pollution. Conditions and ailments like Bronchitis, Asthma and the extremely dangerous case of lung cancer and this occurs majorly in the cities. The level of dangerous and toxic pollutants in the air, water and soil has gone way above the safe limit. It has resulted in improper waste disposal, hazardous chemical emissions, increase in factories and overuse of natural resources. Write an engaging introduction2. Here below are give many essays on Environmental Pollution in 100, 150, 200, 300, 500-word lengths for classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. This is primary caused by smoke from factory stacks, chimneys, vehicles or even something very common like the burning of a log of wood. The effects of pollution damage humans and the environment as a whole. Different countries around the world are responding to these calamities in the most effective way possible. So eventually the environmental pollution is impacting the quality of food we eat. For centuries, these living organisms have coexisted with humans on the planet. Some of the most important effects of environmental pollution are: Industrialization and modernization around the world have led to an increase in environmental pollution. However the plastic used for packaging of medicines and drugs, milk and treatment of solid waste is exempted from the ban. We do not know that if our environment gets more polluted then, it will ultimately affect our health and future too. Environmental pollution is posing an intense effect on each component of the atmosphere. Anything that contaminates the environment or causes a threat to the actuality of the environment is to be considered a pollutant. Also, smoke or harmful gases such as sulphur, nitrogen and carbon released as residues from the industries get mixed with air and contaminate it. The discharge of industrial chemical waste in the water is snatching the quality of water. Pollution means making something dirty. Many articles and blogs written by her has been published on different social sites and blogging sites as well. There are various types of pollution like water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution, land pollution, etc. Motor vehicles have become one of the biggest causes of environmental pollution. For instance, you might not be able to see the natural gases present in the air, but they are still there. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"ce.uDKPxZP9mVQtHw9LIKE6s8EpYQ4I2QGHxcw6XCxQ-31536000-0"}; Stage fright is not funded, so you may conduct random sampling from diane trautman s dissertation (2000) degradation environmental and pollution on essay industrial. That is why it is affecting living beings in various ways. Stringent laws are enforced to control Noise pollution. Also, these factors weaken the immune system of humans. 4) It can be caused by both human and natural activities. Prevention of Environmental Pollution: It is the duty of a good citizen, to be aware of the national and local problem. As the industrial sector in India is witnessing a prolific growth. Conclusion: We need to protect the environment; strict laws should be enacted by the government on the indiscriminate felling of trees. Essay on Environmental Pollution: Factors and Measures Taken - Essay 6 (1000 Words) India is the second most populous country in the World and home to over 1.3 trillion people. Various environmental pollutions are classified into water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Citing an example, pathogens grow well with sewage, while inorganic and organic compounds that are in water can make the composition of water to change. The key components or elements of pollution are pollutants and they are majorly waste materials of very different forms. Solutions to the problem of pollution. Acid rains can change the composition of rivers and seas . ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Important measures to avoid environmental pollution are using recycled energy, population control and plastic reduction. Environmer sustains and supports our life. A lot of fatal diseases occur because of environmental pollution. Agricultural processes with excess fertilizers and pesticides also pollute the water bodies. Environmental Pollution is a big concern that is harming our planet earth. Flares release smoke and chemicals into the air, as shown in Fig. Movements such as Appiko, Save the Sundarbans, Chipko, Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), Jungle Bachao Andolan, Climate Action Strike, etc. It is the responsibility of every individual to save our environment from getting polluted. If preventive measures are not taken then our future generation will have to face major repercussions. It won't be cheap but money isn't the reason why students in the U.S. seek the services of premium writers. Kinds of Pollution. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 4.9 (4172 reviews) Writing experience: 3 years. A short composition of 100-150 words is also given below. It takes around 100 million lives every year. Reduce the generation of waste products. This kind of organic lifestyle has helped us protect many plant and animal species from becoming extinct while making earth a greener and healthier place to live in. The main sources of soil pollution as follows: It is a farming method that involves growing and nurturing crops without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. b. making conclusions on the selected form of report organization. All the elements of environment ar life supporting. We have to find solution this problem for our children. The major causes of environmental pollution are pollution, greenhouse gases, human activities. Apart from it, the supply of chemical wastes and decomposition in the land is making the soil unfertile and venomous. Several measures can be adopted to control water pollution. The problem of climate change is not the issue that can affect the humanity in one moment in the same way . Human actions like burning fossil fuels, using vehicles, dumping industrial waste, cutting down trees and forests, and using a lot of plastic are some of the biggest reasons why the environment is getting polluted. Furthermore, because these water basins eventually link to the sea, they contaminate the sea's biodiversity indirectly. 6. Effect of Environmental Pollution on Health: It is unnecessary to tell that environmental pollution has ruined and spread its toxic tentacles inside the basic needs of human, i.e., water, food, air, and soil. Although it is hard to realize the light and nuclear pollutions these are equally harmful. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants.. Someone has correctly said that Man is the only animal that fouls its own nest. My favorite quote: What you seek is seeking you- Rumi. Essay on Environmental Protection (150 Words) (Environmental Protection Essay) Because of food produced in the presence of polluted soil and water, our health also gets affected adversely. With the increment in pollution, living beings are less likely to live the comfortable life that they used to live earlier. A habit I live by and have reinforced my entire life around reading a book a week. India has also signed an agreement with Germany on technical cooperation under the Indo-German Energy Program Green Energy Corridors (IGEN-GEC). These pollutants are generated due to human activities and could be in gaseous, solid or liquid state, depending on their respective process of generation. Large amount of land is wasted as dumping grounds both within and at the outskirts of cities. About 60% of all species live in water; this means that the pollution of water is a very important pollution type that has to be controlled. The most significant aspect is encouraging the Indian people to give away their age-old practices which are by and large hazardous to the environment. These are created by the combustion of fossil fuels in industrial and manufacturing facilities and vehicle combustion of carbon fumes. 5. Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful pollutants into the environment. Pollution is a term that even children know nowadays and the earth is getting polluted at a serious rate. Your comments and suggestions will serve as an inspiration and learning platform for me. Environmental Pollution Essay In English 150 Words. Any kind of undesirable and unwanted change in the proportions of these components can be termed as pollution. Rapid Industrialisation and Urbanisation: The rapid rate of urbanisation and also industrialisation are major causes of environmental pollution because of the harm and death they bring to plant which causes harm to animals, humans and the ecosystem. This will lead to the declination of environmental quality and is evidenced by the loss of biodiversity, loss of flora and fauna, the introduction of new diseases and stressful life in the human population, etc. The urge for progress made humans careless, thus resulting in a natural curse called environmental pollution. Therefore, today we will discuss Environmental Pollution in detail. For me, my family and friends are everything. Till this very moment, there are still birth defects in babies born and this has been attributed to the Bhopal Tragedy. This is a global issue, which is seen commonly in all countries, including the thirdworld countries, irrespective of their developmental statuses. But the biggest concern of todays time is the grave challenge of large-scale environmental pollution faced by the country. The major types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, soil pollution and light pollution. Environmental pollution means making the environmental dirty, it includes air, water, soil etc. Vehicles that use diesel and petrol emit smoke and also the smoke that is emitted by cooking coal pollutes our environment. Though the use of vehicles has benefited us in a larger way, the emissions from the vehicles have led to a massive increase in air pollution. Our environment is made of both living and non-living things. The environmental pollution represents a serious problem facing the societies all over the world. Whenever any kind of toxicity is added to our surroundings for a considerably long duration, it leads to environmental pollution. Shweta believes to have patience to achieve great results. Some are man-made pollution while others are natural pollution. 2 Pollution is the greatest problem for all living beings as it is transforming the environment adversely. If you like this Essay on Environmental Pollution. There are mainly three kinds of pollution - 1) Air Pollution, 2) Water Pollution, and 3) Soil Pollution. To overcome air pollution, people should start taking public transport such as buses, auto-rickshaws, pool-cabs to reduce pollution . Many industries produce solid and liquid wastes in large . 808 certified writers online. Because of pollution, every element of the environment like the quality of air, water or temperature is being affected. Soil pollution causes several diseases in man and animals like Cholera, Dysentery, Typhoid, etc. Pollution affects the quality of life more than any human can imagine. My greatest weakness: I act as an extrovert but from deep inside I am an Introvert and Shy. Environmental Pollution is a combination of air, water and soil pollutions. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". This is also called land pollution and it happens due to addition of chemicals that are not wanted to the soil caused by human activities. Environmental pollution also affects animals by causing harm to their living environment, making it toxic for them to live in. To sum it up, humans have exploited the wealth of natural resources for the sake of money. Environmental pollution. The . We human beings are the most intelligent species on earth, and we are the ones who are . The Indian government has declared a state of emergency for environmental pollution in the urban areas. More awareness programs are being organized to educate people about the hazards of environmental pollution and the need of protecting our planet. Causes and Sources of Environmental Pollution: The sources and causes of environmental pollution consist of the following: Industries from all around the world even though they have brought affluence and prosperity have continually disturbed ecological balances and have probed the biosphere. Ozone depletion, greenhouse gas emissions, and global warming are all examples of environmental pollution. It does not store any personal data. We all live in a, A morning walk is a practice of maintaining good health by walking in the morning., Apple is a famous and beneficial fruit. Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) has stated India as the worlds second most polluted country in the world. And when pollutants mix in nature and harm the environment, that process is called Environmental pollution. We consider Earth our "mother," so it's up to us to fix all the damage we've done to her. We, humans, make it dirty by doing different activities. Environmental pollution has been a challenge in India. The lives of people and other creatures are affected by environmental pollution, both directly and indirectly. Industrial noise can be reduced by soundproofing equipment like generators, etc. Essay writing help from a premium expert is something everyone has to try! Pollution as defined by the dictionary is the introduction or presence in of a substance that is harmful or has poisonous effects on the environment. In response to these disasters, every possible measure is being taken by the different countries in the world. Some of the major types of pollutions are air, water, soil, noise, light, and nuclear pollution. Environmental pollution is one of the most discussed, researched as well as ignored and abused by all of us in todays age. The loss of forests, fertility of soil, productivity and energy crisis have created many problems. Commercial and household wastes are sources of environmental pollution when the wastes are not disposed of properly. It can take various forms, and you can describe some of them in your pollution essay sample. Last year I added a new habit of reading books to by daily rituals. Soil or Land Pollution: Soil pollution or land pollution results from the deposition of solid waste, accumulation of biodegradable material, deposition of chemicals with poisonous chemical compositions, etc on the open land. The current stage of the earth that we are seeing is the cause of centuries of exploitation of earth and its resources. Calculate the price. A few decades back the word "pollution" meant the addition of filth or poison to water or air. Smokes from the industries, house chimneys, vehicles, and fuels causes air pollution. This problem is becoming critical day by day. Ans. Also, the immense use of petroleum fuels has led to the depletion of fossil fuels from the soil further depleting the resources available to mankind. This essay is graded. Every individual should be involved in helping to reduce and control pollution. 9 The problem of pollution needs urgent attention and treatment for achieving a healthy environment. However, it is a general term used to refer pollution occurring in air, soil and water as well as other forms of pollution such as the ones caused due to heat, light, radioactive materials and noise. To control soil pollution, we must stop the usage of plastic. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 to write effective essays in English. Because of overpopulated cities, there have been some negative factors. Pollution Essay 2. The emission of these greenhouse gases and the global warming it causes has led to droughts, erratic rains and increased temperatures worldwide. It is a land of gorgeous and spectacular landscapes, abundant natural resources, and one of the most sought after holiday destination. New Delhi, the capital of India, made global headlines recently when it turned up in the top 10 most-polluted places on earth. Unwanted substances leave a negative impact once released into an environment. Nature maintains a balance in land, water, air and all the living organism in the world. Use of pesticides and deforestation are the major causes of soil pollution. 8 Almost 80% of urban waste is dumped in the river Ganges making this river the most polluted in India. Here, Im presenting long and short essays on Environmental Pollution in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 500 words. We need to make sure that our environment is safe and should find ways to reduce pollution. This has led to the rampant use of pesticides and chemicals in order to increase the productivity. I love it. The dry-farm waste, dry grass, leaves, and coal used as domestic fuels in our villages also produce harmful gases. Overpopulation is one of the primary reasons for massive environmental pollution. The diseases that occur due to environmental pollution consist of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, lung cancer, skin cancer, lead poisoning, cardiovascular diseases and stroke, radiation augmented cancers, mercury poisoning, congenital disabilities, allergies, lung diseases owing to occupational exposure to numerous toxin and many more. Rosenthal: Were there many people. It sometimes also causes a permanent impairment of hearing which is a very devastating thing. The environmental protection agency, a US-based organization is putting continuous effort to conserve the environment. Here are a few recommended articles for you to read next: I love dancing, singing, travelling, watching videos on Youtube and making new friends. Essay About Environmental Pollution. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. So, we must become aware of the factors that pollute our environment and take some necessary steps to keep our future safe and healthy. hypertension and stress). Aug 16, college essay environmental scientist in our life s. Environmental pollution is when human activities introduce contaminants in the environment, thereby leading to the disruption of the routine processes, causing irreversible changes in the environment. Due to this, tainted food has an impact on our health and organs. Climate change is also a source of pollution in the environment. Switching to organic farming will also be helpful. As plastic is a major pollutant, the State Government of Maharashtra has compete ban on plastics bags from 23rd June 2018. 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Environmental pollution is of five basic types namely, Air, Water, Soil, and Noise pollution. 10 Lines Essay On Environmental Pollution, Essay On Environmental Pollution | 100 Words, Essay On Environmental Pollution | 150 Words, Short Essay On Environmental Pollution | 250 Words | Class 6, 7 & 8, Long Essay On Environmental Pollution | 500 Words | Class 9, 10, 11 & 12, Main Headings of Essay on Environmental Pollution, exploited the wealth of natural resources, Essay On Diwali For Kids & Students [In Easy English], Essay On Jawahar Lal Nehru [3+ Best Examples], Short Essay on A Journey By Bus [With Headings], Essay on APJ Abdul Kalam [3+ Best Examples], Short Essay on A Journey By Train [With Headings], Essay on Good Manners [3+ Examples] For Students, Essay on Clean India Mission [3+ Best Examples], Essay On Mobile Phones [3+ Best Examples], 4 Best Speech on Child Labour [1 to 5 Min], Essay On Dog [3+ Examples] For Children & students, Importance Of Balanced Diet Speech [1 to 3 Min], Paragraph On Healthy Eating Habits [3+ Best Examples], Paragraph on Diwali In English [Top 3 Best], [ ] | 1 12 , Speech on Childrens Day [Top 3 Selected], Speech On Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru [Top 3 Best]. 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