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Ive even reached out to the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, and my assumption that the complexity of my case would induce a great level of experience for law students, even they turned me away. I can not get back those 7 years but I can tell you that the children will figure out in time what the other parent has done. Id already had my gallbladder removed. At our first hearing he was granted temporary sole legal custody and joint physical. Oh yeah, at one hearing why was nothing addressed as he literally bragged about making false allegations on me and how he learned how to do it. Its the most terrible, indescribable feeling when your child looks at you in fear like that!! Meanwhile my older daughter was so disturbed and unhappy because of the guilt her dad made her feel she wrote a note with thoughts of suicide (Stating she wanted to kill herself). 6 weeks later the judge supposedly is receptive in me being able to talk to the therapist of mobile response which dad called. In a world that money is a big motivator and more time with one parent is more money. Ive filed revocation of consent twice, and clerk said since there was no active case, the document couldnt be filed. Instead no I am served with a restraining order that says I told her one day when we argued her days are numbered and she claimed she was scared and went to a shelter? He was never home. So there is a rapist running around JAX Florida because the Duval Country Sheriff didnt do his job. But that doesnt mean I should be ordered to nor see my children until there of legal age 18yrs old. Its sick. I am about to Armor up, Lawyer up and FIGHT for the LEGAL System to realize that I am not dealing with a person who wants the custody of our child. I have a preliminary hearing to get my rights terminated in a few weeks. The courl order was from early july for visitation but the judge didnt even file it until late september. my wife then started the plan I find out that has been in progress before we bought the house. Her father also condoned lying and its sad. i am currently dealing with this exact thing my girlfriend left town with my son and has filed a restraining order in another county in the hopes i will miss the court date and she is claiming i sexually physically abused her and my son i love my son more than anything in this world and the idea that i would hurt him or his mother in any way makes me absolutely sick to my stomach its complete bullsh#t and is nothing but lies to try to get the upper hand in a custody case so far this has almost cost me my job my guns my right to see or talk to my son not to mention all the money i am going to have to spend to defend myself. My name is Dave I am separated from my wife now for a year the day she left me she entered into a relationship with a pedophile he is convicted and he spent 10 years in the penitentiary over molesting an 11 year old girl and sodomizing her. I get away from my door and hide in another room calling or texting my husband that someone unknown was at our door. Im serious i need to find a lawyer that will go after her and her fake lawyer for telling me the yhings he has told me about the case and invited me over to his house telling me he cant stand her and he cant believe the things she had been telling him making me out to be a monster he even had me give him a bid on framing his basement and because i wont sign yhe papers he prepared because theres no way im goimg to stop fighting for my son when she got temp custody and everything based on lies im talking every oart of our papers is a lie. Her birthday was just the other daythe first time in 15 years I havent spent it with her. She lies so much she doesnt/cant remember what she said the first time so she says what she believes in her mind to be the truth at that moment. Now shes so brainwashed and being bought her love that I will probably never see her again. I am not a stereotypical father I do both mommy and daddy duties. Parents may subconsciously start viewing children as pieces of property." Both for putting down unsubstantiated falsehoods on a legal document and for gross incompetence in this case. She was hardly allowed to speak in court bc she had no lawyer. I feel like I am on a hamster wheel that wont stop spinning until I totally run out of money to keep playing. This note was written on 12 feb 2019 and discovered by her dad on her iPad. Its not easy. And had one of her friends that had a tax service business next to my daughters dance class the night I took my kid to dance the friend called on me saying they seen me twist my daughters arm. Nor would she take any of my evidence that I was a great mom, primary care taker and never missed a school event or parent teacher conference. There is hope because our father in heaven is our lawyer and judge. Every accusation against has of course been unsubstantiated because there is none of this happening. He repeats himself over and over after my 3 year old daughter goes back to his house. Just because she had a lawyer and I didnt I was the crappy parent. I cant believe this is legal to do to those boys and I. It is the kids who suffer and the father who wins. I really wish there was a part 2 to this article. I even put calls to enquire with questions Multipe times as an unknown caller at CPS But they only wanted reports if I knew foul play was CERTAIN. A Lady who I thought was my friend for over 20 years was their godmother along with her female partner. I really do not believe that. My daughter and I were inseparable. It was quite difficult to get the actual recordings, but my ex picked up son as usual on a Friday and later that night called 911 and stated a friendeven made up a name called because I told this non existent person I took a bottle of pills. I made the mistake of allowing my 3 year old daughter visit with her father last summer. My family didnt know I had a baby till after I gave birth and they brainwashed me Into giving her up for adoption, I had to wake up at 6 every morning. We had joint legal and physical custody but he has never been active in anything to do with education, medical, or any other decision making where it came to our son. These judges and court appointed individuals or not people with doing the right thing the systems is Damaged is such a way I pray that getting the word out about the judges and the court And at jeopardy. Well come to find out they did that with purpose wanted to switch weeks because she used it against me as a pre defacto custodian pursuit. No money, didnt even have a car. The court had already awarded him emergency temporary custody without my knowledge. Without the $1 Power Play option, the ticket would have been worth $50,000. I expect that this court will do nothing because wife #4 now known as Mary Elizabeth Arenas decided with the ex to concoct a near drowning of her youngest daughter and the ex lied under oath and fed it to the judge. This happened 2 weeks ago I get every other weekend. . How much blood is on your hands? I never got visitation, because those alligations broke me and I gave up after 3 years in family court. ", Does the state the child lives in have grandparents rights? I have been fighting this corrupt system called family court solo for nearly 8 years in an effort to protect my children from the mental, emotional and physical abuse of their father. Did yall see? He was paying child support and made a lot more money than me, so I didnt want to deny him visitation in fear that he would take me to court. They were my happiness. And after this ex also claimed I was abusing our 10 year old son sexually and coerced him to lie to the judge. Now 9 years later my kids come to my house in the summer and tell me shes telling them all these lies. Its always been possible for evil to hide in plain sight, look at all the people that got away with crimes for years without being caught, it truly is bizarre how frequently circumstances arise that shield these things from coming to light. So I was denied the use of my exhibits and my rebuttal witnesses and exhibits can this be enough reason to be granted an appeal??? Appointed (friends) I mean amicus they appointed are not doing in justice in our courts system their breaking the family down worst than they were when the went in with for some kind of fairness, resolution the court are destroying our childrenGod help our broken court system. I have another lawyer in the same state as ex and they are going after him with an investigation but who knows what damage will be done before this is over. I have seen the system work beautifully in other state courts. She got cancer (removed with minor surgery) and told the kids the cause was the stress of dealing with me, and enacted a family policy that, to save her life, she required everyone to reject me and cut off communication with me to keep her stress down. My ex new live in girlfriend lied to the gaurdian ad litam and told her it was my fault she got a dui. Ive never been convicted of a crime or anything. This is the reason why I am here at this proceeding. They wont involve themselves in custody matters apparently, tho, I dont recall that policy when I was arrested and lost my job, my home, and even some members of my own family who came to see me as a lowlife criminal while I served my time without any charges. you make a report youre making false accusations? She was into drugs and sex and doing real bad in school when she was 1st placed with us. Veronica, Im going to guess that if something was on your daughters phone, isnt that the proof that they need? Thus is not a good system. Very informative I am going through same abuse that my EX is putting on me . All I want is a court date, DNA and the past ten years of support money unlawfully taking from me. Its a sick reality. What if you could control the camera with not just the stick but also motion controls (if the controller supports it, for example the switch pro controller) I would imagine it working like in Splatoon where you move with the stick for rough camera movements while using motion to aim Real christians right? Any bad ruling made on their part ending with negative results doesnt affect them whatsoever. But then he filed for sole custody just to fuck with my life and hurt meso about TRUE monsters? its the courts and the officers of the courts more often than not. Thats a great point that you raise, but I can tell that you have not done your research and I can characterize you as an attorney deeply steeped in legal opinion even without glancing at your credentials. A few years went by and my exhusband had turned very jealous and tried again to hurt me by taking me to court for custody of our son who was then 0nly 6. I had cps case didnt have a lawyer was not allow to say anything the still had all the hearing never got papers after court the dismissal date was on 24 Aug. Talk about a web of lies. },{ All the while I have been buying my sons clothes as she has him in items way to small from him (i.e. The Texas Legislature passed a law in 2019 banning the use of photographic traffic enforcement systems. Keep taking pictures!!! My family always took her side. Im sorry, but our legal system, at least in the area of family law, is a *nightmare*. He set me up, planned ahead and waited until my mom lost her battle to cancer. The I. P. R was the group that supervised the Illuminatis decision to allow Red China to share in the Opium trade. I was stopped, did a sobriety test, and then handcuffed and put in a police car while my grand-daughter watches, crying and screaming for me, and I could do nothing. All I keep getting told is we will look into it and get back to you and they never get back to me. I was so sick and knew that the abuse I was going thru would be the end of my life. He has to prove it in court. Additionally the boy admits my daughter made it up false accusations against me so she didnt have to live with me. I would never sexually abuse anyone. Please email me [emailprotected] I have so much evidence against him and have tried so hard to get justice in the past years and he still has the power over us because he continues to deceive the courts and pay little to no child support and has never has even been corrected or called to answer why he lied to the court under oath and made our life hell. I am on my 3rd lawyer and everybody treats me like I am the problem. She rode in the back seat so she could stretch out. And you know he probably could knowing what he was able to do before. They have dragged his name through the mud on the news, cost him his job, cost him and my son the opportunity to see each other. She went to a girls house that was arrested twice and smoked. You are disgusting. Time went on and her father really backed down and even acted like he supported me in the way I parented our child. Since shes been out of my care I have been sent a video from a friend of her mother having her in a bar with alcohol in her hands, She has been overdosed dropping her heart rate to 51 and put in telemetry. Im new to all this please help me understand why false allegations make someone lose a child ex 13 years in my case all false, Did you have a laywer to try and show evidence, these stories are so shocking, going thru now,dont know what to expect but reading this not coffident,can u email me please. He made sure that eventually happened because I had no friends, no family in the state, no one to turn to. And shes doing it again. I go to court with my kids and because their godmother told my kids to use the words you feel unsafe and unloved at home they take only my older two and place them with my brother for one night while they do a background check on the Godmother because thats where the kids want to go and even though it I beg them not to because she is the reason why this whole thing started and all you going to do is teach my kids to lie to get what you want. They also had a vicious dog that has since been put down for biting . No, I now have custody of damaged children who hate their mother. I lhave been where you are and know the devastation that you feel. And it seems like the court is only concerned with signing papers and not interested is reviewing statements from both the mother and child asking for control to keep the 15 year old daughter able to choose to keep herself safe? Im terminating grandma guardianship and she lied last time we went to court. "@type": "Question", We provide advice about divorce law, divorce lawyers, family law, custody, support and other divorce related issues along with a directory of divorce professionals. This tells you how much he used her as a pawn. A relationship between parent and children severed, for no reason whatsoever except to thwart an attempt for a father to spend more time with his children. SAD. But she suffered from depression and ptsd that all stemmed from an ugly divorce when she was 10. I went to college for many years to get a post graduate degree for this position. She would call and complain she did not know my where about and began searching for me. Wants to kill himself rather than be with the father and is hospitalized for SI? This is how I feel everyday (feelings arent facts) the only reason I keep going is because I do get to see them here and there, whenever it suits his agenda. I had NEVER been in Therpay PRIOR to this sitation. He has never paid any CS to me and this is his way of trying to get out of it. What do I do?? It s so important to point out we had a signed agreement for co parenting but becuae of the false allegations of verbal verbal I now no longer have contact with my 2 sons is there anyone that can help?? he has went missing again. Join the discussion about your favorite team! But oh no, he tells everyone that he had a wonderful, happy childhood without any abuse. My ex is a disabled veteran with a severe substance and alcohol problem, PTSD, mania, numerous arrests within the last few years. My friend has been served with 2 restraining order twice in 3 weeks. I need help. He has made several different false accusations in court, I am in search of a lawyer to sue him for several different things, I have proof all allegations are false, he has several harassment charges and child charges. Instead of investigating they gave the father a heads up before going to investigate and he said hear say and turned the case around on my family. Not this woman! SO angry that the narcissist seems to be winning. so I had to move to another state. I am going threw this right now, its a long story but I met my kids dad when I was 14 he was 20 got pregnant at 15 moved away from home before I was just starting to show and moved to his parents they hid me the whole time i was pregnant from my family. That it was the worst thing about divorcing me. nothing else; dont drink much if at all, dont smoke or do drugs never been in any trouble of any kind; Kind of boring to a point. Crowd. The court system failed these two children. I do not understand I remember my great grandpa and grandma argue oh boy it sounded like World War 3 and they were married for 60 years I have the newspaper article that was written about there marriage how hey were best friends at the end of the day no matter what?? The judge have full custody to my exe whos sexually abused my daughter since she was 6. He is using the court system to continue abusing my daughter. Saying that there are a lot or implying that these Supposed false allegations are always eventually proven to be falseHOW are they proven? My family decided to hate him and turn my children against him and made me look brainwashed abs crazy. If you dont more accusations will magically appear. She is also an ex girlfriend of my ex husbands bow girlfriends son they started talking and she became friends with my ex husband they made up a story about my fiance saying g he sexuallt abused her and physically abuse me, her and the other 5 children we have. Thanks so much for your insight. Cheers! He is accused of sexual abuse but there is no proof of this. You can read my comments on Quora under Nicole Smith aka fake name to protect myself or read everyones testimonies to help you heal and get your strong! Soon as you sign a contract with a lawyer or do not respond properly knowing your rights then you just gave your child and your rights up. They were AFRAID of me! I have been in a garage suffering from the most traumatic event of my life, against deadlines of the court, after firing my Counsel for what seemed almost like collusion with the other side. This has gone on for years now at some point I have no choice but to recognize this as pointless, I am being financially fleeced and my kid and I are being tortured endlessly. You will struggle to maintain a minimal role in the childs life because you love them and you know without your love they wont know love. I am going through this same crap with false sexual allegations against my daughter. And perjury in family law should be punishable, but it isnt in certain provinces. Its disgusting how people use children just to hurt the other partner. His bright eyes no longer seen. Red light camera tickets in California. Like I say Children are innocent human beans that did not ask to come here and suffer. 3 weeks later i had followed him after getting a private investigator involved , from his house to the school he had inrolled my son in, and had waited for him to leave the school and waited a hour. Three weeks in out-of-state prison awaiting extradition (ty texas for using every single hour you were allowed to imprison an innocent person) Afterwards, she refused to let me have the kids unsupervised and demanded I complete her gauntlet to earn back my trust before she would let me speak to them again. My daughter is a straight A all honors student that has never gone anywhere without parent supervision past 7 pm. "text": "Custody cases involving false allegations lead to years of harassment and litigation, not to mention potential job loss, criminal charges, and, most importantly, severe mental trauma for the parties children." I was not allowed to watch my daughter during the day. So, whatever he is calling proof simply cannot be. The judge claimed he was leaving my case open for the 2nd day so that I could provide them copies of my exhibits again and then use them for the 2md half of the trial. YES!! I finally feel like someone has summed up what I am going through. Heartbroken for my girls who were used as tools in a months long crazy-making scheme. Then the next week, she met with Judge Viki Pauler in secret and had her order that arrears should be paid for the time my stepdaughter was living with us, and that child support should be paid by my husband to his ex during the time that my stepdaughter is living with us. The trio: His lawyer, the ex and wife #4 are all extreme narcissist. She ran away and couch surfed for over two years. Even thought I had custody of my son, I never held it against him, I wanted my son to have his father in his life no matter how we felt about each other. I wont continue because my husband died and his school separate allegations of us my. Was some major twisted alienation going on about 2 years I was a he. Possible for him to lie to the extreme to kick me out a Been visiting a councilor parent was given temporary custody without an attorney and we there Complete and the society and their kin of everything they have entered civilly liable father he! 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Used no one will speak with me sure he could have questions that will never be the one help. At this point I was told I can tell his mommy so why are red light cameras illegal in texas works in restaurants home.

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