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The structural and social determinants of the racial/ethnic disparities in the U.S. COVID-19 pandemic. Quinn D.M., Cooc N., McIntyre J., Gomez C.J. Even before the pandemic, studies have shown the many positive aspects of virtual learning, such as direct interaction with teachers, which is more flexible than face-to-face learning [85]. Many are applying frameworks, such this one from Maine Department of Education, to help ensure and support students physical health and safety, social and emotional health, and academic learning. School-family-community partnerships help to improve academic outcomes. Then the coronavirus pandemic moved in and the world as we had known it turned upside down. Many ultimately decided to implement home-schooling as a definite rather than temporary measure. [(accessed on 5 May 2021)]. Education systems worldwide have been affected by a sudden interruption in classroom learning because the coronavirus pandemic forced both the closure of all schools in March 2020 and the beginning of distance learning from home, thus compelling families, schools, and students to work together in a more coordinated fashion. 0 Studies carried out before the pandemic already highlighted some of the challenges in this regard such as the establishment of communication channels between families and schools [76], the importance of teachers [77], financial resources [78], the lack of interest in the use of technology [79], the high level of commitment of families [80], and the establishment of a good two-way relationship between these two educational agents, all of which can positively influence both motivation and student academic performance [81,82,83]. And in Washington State, educators distributed educational materials and packets on bus routes along with daily meals. Global health partnerships (GHPs) have encountered many challenges during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Our primary purpose was to select studies related to the response of families and schools to non-presential teaching scenarios resulting from COVID-19 measures. Woofter S. Book Review: Building Equity: Policies and Practices to Empower All Learners. During this time, I was a Community Engaged Learning Faculty Fellow (CELFF) with Public Scholarship and Engagement. According to the Federal Communication Commission, while 98 percent of the population in urban areas had access to broadband service in 2019, only 73 percent of the rural population and only 67 percent of the population on tribal lands had access to broadband at speeds needed to stream most videos and other educational content. Post L., Culler K., Moss C.B., Murphy R.L., Achenbach C.J., Ison M.G., Resnick D., Singh L.N., White J., Boctor M.J. Surveillance of the Second Wave of COVID-19 in Europe: Longitudinal Trend Analyses. In the first of these studies [51], the home-based educational possibilities offered in Germany were very different from the rest of the analysed studies. On the other hand, many parents have expressed serious concerns regarding the quantity and quality of content provided to their children [12,18,27]; these worries have been aggravated when thinking about the possible resumption of face-to-face classes, about which a vast majority of parents expressed concern due to the low educational level their children had during home-schooling [11,12,20,50]. Rodrguez Fara J.J., Rodrguez Pacheco J.J. Edublog como recurso de la educacin a distancia. Filters: social sciences, psychology, and education; languages: Spanish and English, COVID-19 AND educa * AND (adolescent* OR child* Or adolesc * OR ni *), Subject areas: social sciences and psychology, COVID-19 AND education AND family or familia, COVID-19 AND education AND adolescent OR child. the project is directed by erica marsh, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology, and barbara israel, professor of health behavior and health education, in partnership with 16 organizations from wayne, genesee, kent and washtenaw counties, including four community-based organizations from detroit that are also long-standing partners in The team also discusses data sharing practices as part of the ABC Science Collaborative that led to the implementation of in-person school legislation in early 2021 that required in-person school access for every student and supported the full, in-person reopening of 100 of 115 North Carolina public school districts. Secondary Education in Spain amid the COVID-19 Crisis. students, families, and communities during the pandemic. Jen Brown, MPH, co-founder and director of the Center for Community Health's Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities (ARCC). Many families of color, kids with health issues dont feel confident, More Americans now say academic concerns should be a top factor in deciding to reopen K-12 schools. During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, face-to-face schooling could not be performed continuously, and alternative ways of learning had to be organized. 2 z \qL]K"4 Finally, educators in the Navajo Nation reported that they continue to struggle with access to the internet, sharing that only 40% of homes there were online and the Navajo Tribal Utility Authoritys network only covers two-thirds of the reservation. Kim S., Kim Y.J., Peck K.R., Jung E. School Opening Delay Effect on Transmission Dynamics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Korea: Based on Mathematical Modeling and Simulation Study. Additionally, some studies analysed variables related to the support that had been offered to students with disabilities during home-schooling; three of them mainly focused on the familyschool relationship [54,55,56], another three mainly focused on the familychild relationship [24,57,58]; and a single study combined the three variables [59]. November 11, 2020. Etic@net. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in a staggering reduction in overall life expectancy and widening health and education disparities that will have a profound impact for generations.1 In the United States, >4 million people have been infected with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus and >400000 have died, with infections and deaths disproportionally affecting underserved populations that have been historically marginalized.24 School closures and the early and prolonged switch to remote learning in the United States resulted in unequal access to on-site learning, opportunities to engage in in-person instruction, group interactions, physical activity, and adult supervision and mentorship for underserved youth. The coronavirus pandemic has magnified deep-rooted racial and social injustices and perpetuated educational. The Impact of COVID-19 on Young Children, Families, and Teachers. This is not a new finding since, in previous studies, this groups educational, social, and employment differences have been highlighted [88]. One of the articles carried out in Hong Kong stated that despite home learning being unanimously established [64], there were insufficient specific guidelines and schools had to take the lead. This School Year Has Been Unlike Any Other. In Zimbabwe [24], the ministry made digital services, learning platforms, and radios available to the population so that all students could receive a minimum level of education. First, state and district leaders should set metrics for achieving access and equity in each of the five roles that schools play, not just in academic achievement. However, in studies carried out before the pandemic, it was observed that families present a multitude of issues that entangles these communications (such as materials, resources, low culture, and different languages) [87]. Children in South Korea returned to their classrooms in . This project is looking at behavioral changes and their impact on testing and attitudes toward vaccination. Yldrm B. Preschool education in Turkey during the Covid-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study. Parents lived experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic. Received 2021 Sep 22; Accepted 2021 Nov 3. In a second article by Boutzoukas etal28, the authors examine data on 1102789 students and staff attending in-person instruction in North Carolina and Wisconsin to determine the impact of distancing practices on secondary transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the degree of sports-associated secondary transmission. Schools serve as sites and sources of community resilience in five distinct ways: they distribute social welfare services, promote human development, care for children, provide stable employment, and strengthen democratic solidarity. During school closure, my district, San Gabriel Unified in Los Angeles, recognized the need to rethink our parent outreach. > Finally, a review of both titles and abstracts was carried out, making an initial selection based on the occurrence of the main descriptors COVID, families, or education accompanied by any of those mentioned above while considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Families with children with disabilities were largely overwhelmed, frustrated, and stressed [24,54,59] in the face of assuming new routines [55,57], as well as their childrens educational tasks at home, and not receiving any guidance on how they should manage the curriculum that was being carried out [54,56]. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the NIH. (3) have these three groups (family, school, and students) supported each other sufficiently? The authors apply the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to organize and structure their observations and recommendations and build knowledge based on the field of implementation science and implementation strategies. Borup J. These educators told me that they now have stronger connections to several students and families than they had when in-person learning was happening. Some parents [24,54,57,58] noticed substantial improvements in the development and learning of their children with disabilities. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (. As families have become teachers in the home learning environment, the critical role that teachers play in their childrens education, as well as the lack of preparation of parents and families to assume this role, has become increasingly evident [15,27]. Weaver J.L., Swank J.M. In 2018, for example, 89.1 percent of white students graduated nationally, compared to 79 percent of Black students. Moreover, they fought with other issues exacerbated by the pandemic, such as anxiety, frustration, anger, irritation, fear, uncertainty, confusion, and loneliness [11,15,37,60]. Research coupled with public health practice and cross-sector collaboration efforts may address these concerns. already built in. FUNDING: This research was funded in part by the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx) Underserved Populations (RADx-UP) (U24 MD016258; National Institutes of Health [NIH] Agreement No.s 1 OT2 HD107543-01, 1 OT2 HD107544-01, 1 OT2 HD107553-01, 1 OT2 HD107555-01, 1 OT2 HD107556-01, 1 OT2 HD107557-01, 1 OT2 HD107558-01, 1 OT2 HD107559-01); the Trial Innovation Network, which is an innovative collaboration addressing critical roadblocks in clinical research and accelerating the translation of novel interventions into life-saving therapies; and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development contract (HHSN275201000003I) for the Pediatric Trials Network (principal investigator, Daniel Benjamin). Along with the economy and health care system, schools are an essential third pillar in promoting community resilience and rebuilding communities' physical, economic, emotional, social, and cultural health in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The coronavirus pandemic abruptly and suddenly changed the routines and prospects for many households around the world. Pediatrics February 2022; 149 (Supplement_2): e2021054268C. Dr DAgostino drafted the initial manuscript, conceptualized and designed the study, and reviewed and revised the manuscript; Drs Ko and Haroz and Ms Linde conceptualized and designed the study; Ms Green and Mr Layer coordinated and supervised data collection and revised the manuscript critically for important intellectual content; and all authors approved the final manuscript as submitted and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work. During the pandemic, rural students especially struggled with issues including lack of broadband that contributed to chronic absence, poor grades, and a need for more support. Working families often depend on care before and after school and during school breaks (e.g., summer) for their . Given the viruss rapid pace of expansion and the high rates of infection and mortality around the world [3,4], one of the measures taken by many nations and states was to place the civilian population under lockdown or quarantine measures, whose duration and characteristics were subject to the advance of the virus in each country [5]. In contrast, others analysed the educational response of families with children who have some type of disability. Food banks can partner with restaurants, schools, or private and non-profit organizations to increase their workforce, community reach, and food supply during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the studies on familyschool relations established the design and validation of an assessment instrument of said relationship [35], while the other studies applied a qualitative or quantitative methodology to obtain data. > Another aspect to consider concerning homework is the difficulty of the tasks and the cognitive challenges they present. ReSET: Restarting Safe Education and Testing for Children with Medical ComplexitySARS-CoV-2 testing in school with children and staff. Stakeholder engagement during a global pandemic. As news spread, and the implications and devasting effects of the virus became clear, schools and businesses in rural America and across the nation began to close and emergency planning kicked into high gear. PAAC SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Testing in the Community. Bubb S., Jones M.A. Within RADx-UP, 16 projects (8 of 16 funded in the programs first phase) focus on COVID-19 diagnostic testing approaches for youth and employees at schools in underserved communities to support safe in-person learning (Table 1). In this context, we asked ourselves questions the following questions: (1) how supportive have the relationships between the family and the school and the school and the students been during the pandemic? Hong Kong, for example, implemented an assistance program for the acquisition of electronic resources for low-income families [50,64]. It has affected teaching and activities. The safe return to schools of underserved youth through screening and health education are imperative to mitigate the ongoing negative impact of COVID-19 and promote health equity for underserved populations. In such cases, it has often been observed that the acquisition of basic skills has been diminished, especially in students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds [22,23]. Strengthening the School-Family Partnership in a Pandemic: Free Webinar Training for Educators Join this free webinar on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at 9 am HST (3 pm EDT). Impacto Educativo y Propuestas de Equidad Para la Desescalada. This article is part of our latest Learning special report, which focuses on . Haroz etal24 provide best practices on implementing COVID-19 or infectious disease testing in school settings by describing key barriers to testing implementation and strategies employed by RADx-UP Return-to-School projects to address these barriers. This project will address key testing challenges in schools by building on their collaborations with school districts and with UDOH on COVID-19 testing and existing infrastructure. Parental experiences of homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic: Differences between seven European countries and between children with and without mental health conditions. Similar studies showed that families sometimes have not had the sufficient capacity to be able to combine everything [56,66], coupled with the need to share resources [20,27,62] and spaces [15]. ; with reference FPU16/05225), and the third author (M.P.E. Research carried out in Norway [52] established a differentiating starting point from the rest of the research, stating that schools had laid the foundation for digital learning before home learning began so that all students had a tablet and were accustomed to its use in face-to-face settings. Pea Vlez A., Napal Fraile M., Mendioroz Lacambra A.M. Competencia digital y alfabetizacin digital de los adultos (profesorado y familias). Partnership with the community using science education and community engagement practices has enabled RADx-UP projects to rapidly implement diagnostic testing in underserved populations. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the 36,000-student district has provided more than 2.6 million meals, 35,000 rides to pick up meals, more than 400,000 diapers, almost 8,000 feminine hygiene products, 5,000 dental products, more than 19,500 internet-ready devices and more than 2,500 hotspots for internet connectivity. Understanding their experience is as important as the perceptions of families and teachers in order to know the real impact of the pandemic on the educative process. Gvercin D., Kesici A.E., Akbal S. Distance Education Experiences of Teacher-Parents during the COVID-19. Available online: Huber S.G., Helm C. COVID-19 and Schooling: Evaluation, Assessment, and Accountability in Times of CrisesReacting Quickly to Explore Key Issues for Policy, Practice, and Research with the School Barometer. Yang H., Bin P., He A.J. Table 2 shows the total number of articles and the country where the research was conducted, the main research objective, the educational stage studied, and the relationships established. and (3) have these three groups (family, school, and students) supported each other sufficiently? Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The pandemic has certainly disrupted the way of life at many colleges and universities this year. This project will use a virological and serological testing strategy that addresses multiple health domains to stand up, refine and understand the best strategies for returning this vulnerable population safely to school. Specifically, across all projects, the biggest challenges to COVID-19 testing implementation were related to the perceived advantages versus burden of testing among school stakeholders, recruitment and consenting participants, logistic complexities of testing, results reporting, and contact tracing, all during already packed school days. School administrations have been aware of these concerns and needs, and they have taken according measures. Lee S.J., Ward K.P., Chang O.D., Downing K.M. Its what you do with it that counts. Safely returning underserved youth to school during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic through diagnostic testing and health education is imperative to mitigate the ongoing negative impact of COVID-19 and reduce health inequalities in underserved communities. These questions are linked to the more general objective of presenting critical information about the relationship established between the family and the school in the face of an imposed distance education scenario due to COVID-19. Available online: More Than Isolated: The Experience of Children and Young People with Disability and Their Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic. [(accessed on 24 April 2021)]. From the perspective of schools and teachers, it has been observed that despite some regions having kept face-to-face learning with fully open centres [18], educative centres from other countries have partially or totally closed, forcing students at all educational levels to turn their homes into learning centres in a very short period, thus disrupting their educational processes [15,19]. Assessing Testing Strategies for Safe Return to K-12 Schools in an Underserved Population (Safe Return to Schools), The St Louis area school districts, CareSTL, Betty Jean Kerr Peoples Health Centers, Better Family Life, Beyond Housing. The overall goal of this project is to conduct a needs assessment and communications campaign to identify public health mitigation and communication strategies that facilitate the safe return to in-person learning in 8 underserved school systems in Maryland and to design a communications campaign to address barriers that are identified. Domain: social sciences; databases: Web of Science core collection; languages: English and Spanish; research areas: education, educational research, social issues, family studies, social work, and sociology. Finally, Congress should allocate significant increases in federal funding to support public schools and districts for at least the next two years; these allocations should include strong supports for high-needs districts in particular. The coronavirus pandemic has magnified deep-rooted racial and social injustices and perpetuated educational inequities. A beneficial line of future research may be related to those positive aspects of home-schooling that need further study. the winning intervention, called together we stride, consisted of the following: (1) a family event at the school district that builds social cohesiveness; (2) a series of multigenerational nutrition and pa classes for students, parents, and grandparents led by community health workers outside school; (3) teacher-led nutrition education and brief White Mountain Apache Tribe and Navajo Nation, Community Advisory Board. Muoz M.C. Of these schools, the study found, 85% stated mental. To explore factors that hinder and promote SARS-CoV-2 in-home testing among students in the Nebraska Migrant Education Program and their families, as well as determine the feasibility of mHealth screening tools and programs aimed at addressing socioeconomic challenges specific to this population. In rural Wisconsin, educators shared that even though they had a 1:1 technology program where each student is given a computer, there are locations in their district where internet access was not an option. Stakeholders bring deep knowledge of the historical trauma, lived experiences, values, and concerns of the community that underline the health inequities and are necessary to consider when developing solutions. Academic institutions may also want to review their policies and create processes that can protect human subjects research but also fast track the approval process so critical programs are available to communities rapidly. Education and the COVID-19 pandemic. We look at these changes and how they impact our lives. The authors of the present work carried out a literature review in several phases. Allen Pratt, Executive Director of the National Rural Education Association, said, I am inspired by the reaction of rural educators and rural communities. This community schools . The Center for Community Health's Alliance for Research in Chicagoland Communities recently hosted a virtual discussion on strategies and challenges to engage and support community-engaged research partnerships during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, the work of public schools to engage the community has been going on for a long time. Rural regions of Wisconsin expanded the signal strength of their wireless routers so students, families, and community members could access the internet from school and library parking lots. The authors found that eliminating student quarantine after masked exposure to SARS-CoV-2 within school was not associated with secondary transmission and suggest that eliminating unnecessary quarantine may help maximize in-person learning. They include, prior to the pandemic: Low levels of employment: 15% of Black people in Buffalo were unemployed versus 5% of white people; Depressed average home values: $48,000 for Black people. The main characteristics from the selected articles for the present systematic review are presented below. Electro. How Filipino parents home educate their children with autism during COVID-19 period. Given the critical need to minimize the negative impact of missed days of education on child development and academic achievement, Boutzoukas etal27 further showcase a study by the ABC Science Collaborative that sought to determine the impact of an in-school COVID-19 testing program on testing uptake and quarantine duration after in-school exposure. School closure during novel influenza: A systematic review. Smith S.J., Burdette P.J., Cheatham G.A., Harvey S.P. Parents took on a role for which most were unprepared. During the December 10, 2020, meeting, military leaders briefed King City Mayor . program, led by a group of dedicated people on the Columbia University Irving Medical School (CUIMC) campus and Copyright American Academy of Pediatrics. The authors also report on the challenges faced and a potential blueprint for future pandemics and overall improvement in child health. The parade did wonders for the students and teachers morale. In the Northeast & Islands region, Maine educators created videos of hands-on activities that aired on public television, and a Vermont school district distributed Chromebooks to every student. In this context, we have asked ourselves questions such as (1) how supportive have the relationships between the family and the school and the school and the students been during the pandemic? Pandemic partnership The collaborative was born over the summer when Dr. Danny Benjamin, Kiser-Arena distinguished professor of pediatrics at Duke, heeded the call of his children's school . Additionally, these projects strive to promote co-learning with school partners and the communities they serve to drive health disparitiesfocused research. World Health Organization Guidelines on Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Sleep for Children under 5 Years of Age. During hybrid and distance learning, schools across the district have been refocusing efforts on building relationships with students and building community within the staff. The work addresses partnerships with schools to promote the safe return to school of youth in underserved communities while building research infrastructure to promote health equity. Emily M. DAgostino, Emily E. Haroz, Sandra Linde, Marcus Layer, Melissa Green, Linda K. Ko; School-Academic Partnerships in Support of Safe Return to Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic. One of the most considerable challenges traditionally tackled by schools is the commitment to forging stronger bonds between the school and the families and between the students and families [35] by opting for more significant family presence and involvement [41]. Without in-person classes and the ability to safely gather, it might be difficult for students, staff, business partners and others to feel like they're still part of a community. de la Pea Consuegra G., Nieves Rivern J.L., Vinces Centeno M.R. (2) how have parents been involved in the task of educating their children during the pandemic? This project will assess whether providing free, at-home COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits to middle school students and staff results in participation equivalent to on-site testing. Black K-12 students who remain. In studies conducted before the pandemic, parental involvement in education was witnessed to be essential in childrens school performance [43,44,45]. One advantage of rural schools is that their size offers educators the opportunity to maintain relationships with students and families. Pozas M., Letzel V., Schneider C. Homeschooling in times of corona: Exploring Mexican and German primary school students and parents chances and challenges during homeschooling.

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