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63-69. Indeed, some flexibility may be needed, as the main aim of a study should always guide its research design (Patton, 2002; Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2008). For example, Giesler and Pohlmann (2003) used netnography to understand the meanings and activities surrounding the file-sharing system, which the authors conceptualized as a community based on a culture of sharing music. 4, pp. qualitative. 2, pp. Then, the methodology of the systematic literature review undertaken in this paper is outlined. 653-660. 34 No. Comparing the user response to the brand as compared to other brands. 19 No. 561-566. Hartmann and Ostberg (2013), for example, included content from the official website of Swedish guitar manufacturer Hagstrom in their analysis of discursive struggles over brand authenticity. Finally, netnography can constitute a valuable longitudinal part of a traditional qualitative study or complement an offline longitudinal study. 6, pp. Izberk-Bilgin, E. (2012), Infidel brands: unveiling alternative meanings of global brands at the nexus of globalization, consumer culture, and Islamism, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. Ethnographic research can be undertaken in different ways, such as: Netnography is essentially an extension of ethnography. 3, pp. There are usually multiple demographics that will be interested in your product. You can think of netnography as a particular set of actions for doing research within and about social media. Netnography has become an essential tool for qualitative research in the dynamic, complex, and conflicted worlds of contemporary technoculture. 198-218. Can also drag/drop them to reorder how you see fit. 145-157. Online behavior is at once a psychological, social, and technological phenomena, and qualitative approaches require both rigor and context, which Robert V. Kozinets offers in abundance. 1-21. 49 No. 59-79. In Netnography, as stated above, the data is derived from digital communications in an unsupervised environment. Fller, J., Matzler, K. and Hoppe, M. (2008), Brand community members as a source of innovation, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. Moreover, while Bartl et al. The development of new technology not only creates new digital forms of service but also affects customers current service usage. Dr Medberg has authored journal articles, book chapters and conference papers on these topics. 5, pp. Netnography takes more time and requires more skill than traditional customer satisfaction surveys, feedback forms or online polls. 26 Nos 3/4, pp. 29 Nos 1/2, pp. Second, netnography is an adaptable and flexible qualitative method that has proven useful in various research settings (Kozinets, 2015). Grincheva, N. (2014), The online museum: a placeless space of the civic laboratory, Museum Anthropology Review, Vol. Brown, S., Kozinets, R.V. Hvass, K.A. 597-599. McArthur, E. (2015), Many-to-many exchange without money: why people share their resources, Consumption Markets & Culture, Vol. 43-61. Online video clip. 10 No. 13 No. In this step, 11 conceptual articles and an additional 72 studies that were not labeled as netnographies were identified. The overall sentiment for Listerine users is highly positive (i.e the users are not divided on their opinions), More than 50% of consumers like the germ-killing abilities of Listerine. And who co-creates? 1-12. In the following filtering process, all the articles were carefully read by the authors and a final inclusion criterion was established: for an article to be included, it had to be an empirical study fully or partly using the netnography method. Lindblad, E. and Ostberg, J. Luo, X., Songshan, H. and Brown, G. (2014), Backpacking in China: a netnographic analysis of donkey friends travel behaviour, Journal of China Tourism Research, Vol. 3, pp. (2015), Innovation through institutionalization: a service ecosystems perspective, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. The term Netnography or the Ethnography of Internet is a form of qualitative research conducted by researchers who enter and gather data from the cultural or sociological context (Belk and Kozinetz 2017). As methodological guidelines had been scrutinized previously (Kozinets, 1998, 2002, 2010; Langer and Beckman, 2005), the current study was not aimed at developing or refining the netnography method. 27-54. (2012), Collective authentication, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. (2002), Research on ending exchange relationships: a categorization, assessment and outlook, Marketing Theory, Vol. 1357-1381. 12 No. 322-331. What is Netnography. 14 No. 13 No. Netnographic enquiry is being increasingly used for studying all sorts of marketing topics, not only phenomena that exist exclusively online (e.g. 2, pp. Netnographic studies often focus on how customers relate to a particular product or brand. A classic example of ethnographic research would be an anthropologist traveling to an island, living within the society on said island for years, and researching its people and culture through a process of sustained observation and participation. and Schau, H.J. 14 No. Different online platforms have become important for firms branding activities. 27 No. It is a set of research practices related to gathering data, analyzing data and presenting it in an appropriate format based on the observation of its participants. Yang and Fang, 2004; Pan and Zhang, 2011). 2, doi: All the data in netnographic research is available freely to everyone and easily accessible at any time. Originally published at on October 5, 2018. 7 No. and Campbell, D.A. Baron, S. and Russell-Bennett, R. (2016), Editorial: the changing nature of data, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. First, netnographic data are often described as rich and naturalistic, with the ability to accurately depict the lived realities of customers (Kozinets, 2002; Sandlin, 2007; Rokka, 2010). Result-oriented services replace ownership and operation of products, and customers only pay for the outcome (e.g. McAfee, A. and Brynjolfsson, E. (2012), Big data: the management revolution, Harvard Business Review, pp. 24 Similar approaches have been used previously, in qualitative studies of online health-related discussion boards. 63 Nos 9/10, pp. 60 No. Listerine occupies only a small space in the online discussions. The approach began to diffuse . Muiz, A.M. and Schau, H.J. Kozinets, R.V. Luedicke (2006), for example, downloaded and analyzed 200 pictures and 40 min of video content in his netnography on the role of social environments for the Hummer brand community. 4, pp. In addition to online conflicts between customers, conflicts arise between customers and service providers (on various online platforms). For companies already operating globally, netnographic research can be a way to gain deeper insights into, for example, cross-cultural differences in perceptions of their brands and services. An interpretive method devised specifically to investigate the consumer behavior of cultures and communities present on the internet. (Kozinets, 1998). Mkono et al. After hiding the tool, if you would like to re-enable it, just press CTRL+U to open this window. 6, pp. Finally, netnography has the advantage of being faster, simpler and much less expensive than traditional ethnography (Kozinets, 2006). The second refers to the data that the researcher himself creates through interaction with community members, for example, e-mail interviews, chat, instant messaging, and other digital media. 67-84. (2009), Exploring virtual worlds: success factors in virtual world marketing, Management Decisions, Vol. As discussed earlier in this paper, arguments for overt and covert research strategies can be found in the netnography literature (Kozinets, 1998; Catterall and Maclaran, 2002; Langer and Beckman, 2005). 12 No. Research has shown that responding to online criticism in a responsible way is a much more successful strategy than remaining passive (Fournier and Avery, 2011; Xia, 2013). 68 No. Youre spending your money in all the wrong places, Service portraits in service research: a critical review, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Systematic Reviews in Health Care: Meta Analysis in Context, As worlds collide: the role of marketing management in customer-to-customer interactions, Designing solutions around customer network identity goals, So whaddya think? 52 No. smartphone apps) are interesting places for future netnographies (Kozinets, 2006). , It helps increase scientists understanding of human behavior. weeks) or retroactively collect a stream of messages, postings, reviews and other content. 1, pp. 102-103. Another example is a study of what makes online shoppers delay their online purchases, indicating that delays result from negative attitudes and experiences of online shopping, perceived risk and price, locus of control and purchase task complexity (Negra et al., 2008). Users are much more likely to divulge sensitive details and honest, unfiltered opinions in an unsupervised environment. Netnography is not only less intrusive but also provides more data. (2004), Perceptions of marketing journals by senior academics in Australia and New Zealand, Australasian Marketing Journal, Vol. What is a good definition of ethnography? ), Environmental Marketing, The Haworth Press, New York, NY, pp. Much of the netnographic research has focused on different aspects of consumer culture and behavior. Ethnography is a qualitative research method used in design thinking and other human-centered design disciplines. Chandler, J.D. However, conflicts also arise in such online communities (Sibai et al., 2014), and if researchers move out of these often tightly knit communities, online conflicts among customers become even more common. 3, pp. Do existing staff have sufficient knowledge about ethnography? Finally, netnography has been used for illustrative purposes. 225-248. Where can I find updates about the Coronavirus? Furthermore, online communities of practice, in which service professionals learn from each other in the specific domain of interest, is a promising area for future netnographic studies. For example, in an ethnography of three brand communities Ford Bronco, Macintosh and Saab Muiz and OGuinn (2001) discovered the importance of internet forums for brand communities. and Hunt, J.M. It takes time to build trust with informants in order to facilitate full and honest discourse. and Sandlin, J.A. Lusch, R.F. Many new services are accessible via the internet and are frequently discussed by customers online. To identify and gather all the marketing studies using netnography, the descriptors netnography OR netnographic were used in the literature search. Second, while quantitative approaches are usually better at answering very tactical questions, qualitative approaches are often better at answering more strategic, open-ended questions. Have you created a personal profile? In this context, Belz and Peattie (2012) discussed three types of services: product-related, use-oriented and result-oriented. you can save clips, playlists and searches, Navigating away from this page will delete your results. Hence, there is a need for a renewed discussion of the methodology of netnography. 263-271. virtual communities, blogs, social networks), texts, images, audios or videos, that is, data whose creation and mediation the researcher is not directly involved in. 103 No. It is a qualitative, interpretive research methodology that adapts traditional ethnographic techniques to the study. Research in the service context, however, has used the method to a limited extent compared to, for example, consumer research. Kozinets, R.V. Online behavior is at once a psychological, social, and technological phenomena, and qualitative approaches require both rigor and context, which Robert V. Kozinets offers in abundance. Please log in from an authenticated institution or log into your member profile to access the email feature. Martin, D., Woodside, A.G. and Dehuang, N. (2007), Etic interpreting of nave subjective personal introspections of tourism behavior: analyzing visitors stories about experiencing Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo, International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. An analysis of afterhours fans responses to the bands participation in the Sanremo music festival, Netnography: range of practices, misperception, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, Brand volunteering: value co-creation with unpaid consumers, Blessed are the geeks: an ethnographic study of consumer networks in social media, 2006-2012, Consumption compromises: negotiation and unification within contemporary families, Using qualitative research synthesis to build an actionable knowledge base, From targets to recruits: the status of consumers within the political consumption movement, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Knee-high boots and six-pack abs: autoethnographic reflections on gender and technology in second life, Online destination image of India: a consumer based perspective, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Branding in the digital age. Kozinets, Robert V. "What is netnography?." The recent service perspective on business views service rather than just intangible products as the supportive process in which value is created for customers (Grnroos, 2008; Vargo and Lusch, 2008; Gummesson et al., 2010). Social media networking communities offer many opportunities for participants to influence and inform one another about products, services, and brands (Muniz and OGuinn 2001). Rageh, A., Melewar, T.C. 57 No. 28 No. 59-75. The following discussion presents empirical contexts that are particularly interesting for service researchers. Understanding customers is critical for service researchers and practitioners. (2013), Watch out: themes in timepiece communities of counterfeit consumption, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 375-384. Palmer, A. and Huo, O. Furthermore, networked gamespaces, instant messaging chats and new forms of mobile communication technologies (e.g. 273-279. Look for the words HTML or . A literature review is an analysis of previous research now on your research topic. Product-related services optimize product use (e.g. The internet has become the main tourism marketing channel for states, municipalities, organizations and companies involved in the tourism industry. In reality, however, products and brands are intertwined in, and dependent upon, large service ecosystems. 75-103. This is not surprising when considering that consumers are much more prone to sharing their consumption stories online than, for example, employees or managers. and Pine, B.J. Rokka, J. 1733-1757. 1039-1062. It takes time to build trust with informants in order to facilitate full and honest discourse. Key Words: Netnography, Internet Research, Ethnography, Online Community, and Research Methods . 3, pp. Hong, S. and Kim, C.-H. (2013), Surfing the Korean wave: a postcolonial critique of the mythologized middlebrow consumer culture in Asia, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Vol. As a result, 404 articles published between 1997 and 2017 were selected for review. Since the introduction of netnography by Kozinets (1998, p. 366) for studying the consumer behavior of cultures and communities present on the Internet, all types of consumers have become increasingly active online. Netnography, or ethnography on the Internet, is a new qualitative research methodology that adapts ethnographic research techniques to the study of cultures and communities emerging through computer-mediated communications. Tunalp, D. and L, P. (2014), (Re)locating boundaries: a systematic review of online ethnography, Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. online communities and e-word of mouth [e-WOM]). Netnography is also compatible with other research methods, such as interviews ( Walther and Sandlin, 2011 ), ethnography ( McGrath et al., 2013) and even surveys ( Adjei et al., 2010 ). 4, pp. Netnography can also be a useful tool for scanning the environment in which a business is operating. 3, pp. Gatzweiler, A., Blazevic, V. and Piller, F.T. You need to act like a new member and not a researcher. and Chen, S. (2016), Practice styles and service systems, Journal of Service Management, Vol. Quantitative Ethnography is a masterful weaving of qualitative and quantitative research techniques, showing why just having more data is useless unless we also understand what the data really means. Instead, these studies often focused on product-, brand- or culturally related aspects of consumption. On top of that, netnography offers a less intrusive form of research which is largely carried out by observations instead of disturbing the audiences ecosystem. Kozinets, R. V. (Academic). 3, pp. 276-295. 4-23. and Pearce, P.L. Hsu, S.-Y., Dehuang, N. and Woodside, A.G. (2009), Storytelling research of consumers self- reports of urban tourism experiences in China, Journal of Business Research, Vol. Cocker, H.L. 54 No. often used in exploratory research . (2003), Teaching old brands new tricks: retro branding and the revival of Brand meaning, Journal of Marketing, Vol. Netnography is frequently used in business-to-consumer (B2C) contexts, but no netnographic studies were identified in the context of business-to-business (B2B) marketing. 10, pp. Is experiment qualitative or quantitative? 44 No. (2002), Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods, 3rd Edition, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. Podoshen, J.S. This is the phase where the data collected in the previous step is analyzed and interpreted to derive meaning from it. Compared to surveys, experiments, focus groups, and personal interviews, netnography can be less obtrusive. 472-484. 24 No. This study reveals that a variety of marketing research fields and topics have been researched through netnography over the years. 8, pp. (2004), Adversaries of consumption: consumer movements, activism, and ideology, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. (1985), A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research, Journal of Marketing, Vol. In this landmark third edition, Netnography: The Essential Guide provides the theoretical and methodological groundwork as well as the practical applications, helping . 3, pp. 4, pp. 2, pp. 3, pp. Netnography has seen limited use in service research despite many promising applications in this field. 3, pp. 29 Nos 6/7, pp. 14 No. Netnography has been combined with several methods, such as ethnography (McGrath et al., 2013), interviews (Bengtsson et al., 2005), observation (Podoshen, 2013) and surveys (Chan and Li, 2010). While content analysis converts qualitative information into quantitative data, netnography seeks a qualitative understanding of the community or phenomenon in question. 18 No. 6954, pp. Habibi, M.R., Laroche, M. and Richard, M.-O. 298-314. sign in or create a profile so that you can create alerts, save clips, playlists and searches. and Lusch, R.F. This is a grey area for ethics, you need to decide your course of action in this case. 32 No. Transcending nearly all geographical borders, the internet is an important tool for international market research. The remaining parts of the paper are structured as follows. and Li, S.Y. As such, this free behavior expressing honest perceptions and frank opinions provides a stream of data that can be followed over the long-term, enabling researchers to track and quantify changes over time, and use analytic tools and methods to generate insights. 132-141. 60-71. Pan, Y. and Zhang, J.Q. 20 No. Anthropologists and sociologists used ethnography to make the unfamiliar aspects of their respective groups familiar for others. We will use an exemplar based on a study that used . Even though systematic literature reviews are regarded as more objective than traditional literature reviews (Egger et al., 2008), there is still room for the researchers subjective influence. What are the pros and cons of ethnography? 12 No. (2012), Grief, commiseration, and consumption following the death of a celebrity, Journal of Consumer Culture, Vol. 16 No. in depth interviews, text and video based focus groups, observation, ethnography, netnography. (2011), How Brand communities emerge: the beamish conversion experience, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. Article publication date: 14 September 2018. Black, I.R. 6, pp. (2013), Trash talk rebuffed: consumers defense of companies criticized in online communities, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. The techniques involved in qualitative studies have evolved with the changing nature of the field and the rapid influence of technology in the data . 2, pp. For example, much of firms present brand management is conducted online through social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (Laroche et al., 2013). and Noble, C.H. Data from qualitative user research usually takes the form of quotes, anecdotes, observations, or narrative descriptions and is used to assess how usable a product is. 2, pp. The first consists of directly scraping computer-mediated data from the page of the observed group (e.g. 89-95. Fournier, S. and Avery, J. Netnography provides service researchers with tremendous opportunities to study this transformative process and its implications for customers and society. 1, pp. The findings also show a diversity of ways in which marketing researchers have applied netnography. and Gilly, M.C. Langer and Beckman (2005), for example, used netnography to gain deep insights into customers opinions, motives and concerns regarding cosmetic surgery. Netnography can help service providers learn about how customers use products and services in the course of their everyday routines and consequently uncover needs that customers themselves may not recognize.

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