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The National Protection Unit has granted individual protection measures to hundreds of human rights defenders who have reported threats, providing cellphones, bulletproof vests, and bodyguards. 14 January Fresh violence against indigenous communities in southwest Colombia resulted in the murders of ethnic Nasa indigenous guards Breiner David Cucuame Lpez, who was just 14, and Guillermo Chicame. He is the 120th social activist murdered in 2022. Ferney and Rigo belonged to the FENSUAGRO agricultural trade union and the regional ASTRACAM peasant farmers association. Infographic in Spanish on Colombia and 1 other country about Health, Protection and Human Rights and more; published on 2 Nov 2022 by UNHCR Close to 40 teachers have been murdered since the start of 2018. He had reported receiving threats related to his campaign work. 4 July A well-known former FARC guerrilla, Ronald Rojas, was killed in Palermo, Huila, where he was participating in the reincorporation process, which involved coordinating cultural activities in support of peace. The new government of Gustavo Petro has made confronting the human rights crisis an urgent priority. A bottle packed with over a kilo of explosives was left in the restaurants bathroom. In 2021, at least 32 children under age fivethe. Another man was killed nearby. He belonged to the San Martn Victims Association (ASDESAN). 6 August Environmental defender Javier Usechi was killed in El guila, Valle del Cauca. for the 2022 elections, the chamber of representatives will consist of 188 members: 161 are elected by proportional representation in multimember districts, two chosen by afro-colombian communities, one each by indigenous and expatriate voters, one seat reserved for the runner-up vice presidential candidate, five seats reserved for the farc, and It is the latest in a wave of similar incidents lately in the capital. 8 January Three people, including a pregnant woman and a teenager, were killed in the third massacre of 2022, carried out in the Zona Bananera in northern Colombias Magdalena region. Two men reportedly attacked him while he was riding his motorbike through the town. Nobody was hurt. The ONIC called on the government to quickly provide relief to those at risk, who were in urgent need of clean water, food, healthcare and shelter. Leonardo Martnez Muoz was shot dead in a bar in San Jos del Fragua, Caquet. Quilcu has received multiple threats in recent years, having served as Senior Councillor of the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca (CRIC) from 2003 to 2009. Two-thirds of forest destruction occurs in the Amazon region, driven in large part by cattle ranchers and FARC dissident groups that pressure local residents to log trees, extort farmers, promote planting of coca crops to produce cocaine, and threaten people who support conservation efforts. Reports said it was possible that the three victims were homeless and that they had been targeted in a so-called social cleansing, a long-running practice in Colombia whereby paramilitaries target the homeless, addicts and others deemed undesirables. 14 October Embera indigenous community leader lvaro Bailarn Sapia was murdered in Urrao, Antioquia. 24 January Community leader Pedronel Snchez Gallego was murdered in Puerto Guzmn, Putumayo. At least two environmental activists, one of whom was just 14 years old, and a trade unionist were among the activists killed. Colombia's government did not immediately respond to the letter from Human Rights Watch, which also noted the country's "mostly exemplary" response to Venezuela's crisis, which has caused some 7.1 . Junio 2022 Format Situation Report Source. Community Peacemaker Teams builds partnerships to transform violence and oppression. He had been taken to hospital in Pasto where he was placed in intensive care. 18 October Three people were found dead with gunshot wounds in San Onofre, department of Sucre. The 25-year-old was an indigenous guard for the community of La Concepcin. October 26, 2022. Regarding forced recruitment of boys, girls, and adolescents, the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare (ICBF) reported that, between November of 1999 and June 30, 2021, 7,023 minors have been victimized by that. 8 January The days second massacre, and the fourth of 2022, was carried out in Coln Genova in Nario, southern Colombia. Community members reported that security forces in the vicinity had done nothing to intervene. Voters elected Ivan Duque Marquez president in a second round of elections that observers considered free and fair and the most peaceful in decades. In November, at the global climate summit in Glasgow, COP26, the Colombian government committed to have 30 percent of the countrys territory declared a protected area in 2022. Here is JFCs summary of human rights abuses in August 2022. Some protesters blocked roads for prolonged periods, at times limiting or impeding distribution of food or circulation of ambulances. 27 January The United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia denounced an attack on one of its teams, which saw two official UN vehicles burned in San Jos de Guaviare zone of Guaviare. In a hearing in March, Colombias representative requested recusal of most of the judges and left the hearing complaining of no guarantees of a fair trial. In February, the JEP ordered the government to take measures to protect at-risk former FARC fighters, including by strengthening its response to the Ombudspersons Offices early alerts. His body was found with signs of torture. The UN Human Rights Report 2020 presents the progress achieved in 2020 against the targets set out in the OHCHR Management Plan 2018-2021. A special peace tribunal in Colombia has found that at least 6,402 people were murdered by the country's army and falsely declared combat kills in order to boost statistics in the civil war with . 10 July Three people were killed in a public establishment in Santander de Quilichao, Cauca, the 53rd massacre of the year. 28 July Former FARC guerrilla Bladimir Herrera Avella and a companion were killed in Fortul, Arauca. 24 August Three people were killed at a home in the town of Buga, Valle del Cauca. 28 Mar 2022. An August Human Rights Watch report stated that the travel restrictions associated with the government's COVID-19 national quarantine severely limited the Wayuu's access to food. Police officers repeatedly and arbitrarily dispersed peaceful demonstrations and used excessive, often brutal, force, including live ammunition and gender-based violence. In October 2021, the Attorney Generals Office charged three prison officers for allegedly torturing and abusing prisoners during and after the riot. 10 January Community leader Nilson Antonio Velsquez Gil was murdered in Medio San Juan in Choc. This year has also seen a rise in massacres (attacks in which at least three people are killed), with 87 committed by the end of October. The warning came three days after three young men were murdered in El Bagre. At around 9.35am, Yazmn received a phone call in which an anonymous speaker warned that her hours are numbered. She has previously led community opposition to the Cerrejn coal mine, located in the northern La Guajira department and which has had a devastating impact on the regional Wayuu population. It also said that the situation was too dangerous for people to buy food or for children to attend classes, which was worsening the humanitarian crisis in the zone. 22 January An armed group reportedly abducted at least six men in Tame, Arauca, although later reports put the number at four. One of the victims was identified as Neider Andrs Collazos Gutirrez, 21 years old, who was killed alongside an unnamed woman. His body was discovered bound and with a bullet wound close to his home in El Doncello, where he worked at the Rufino Quichoya education institute. 2022-11-03T19:59:51.934Z. Along with representatives from the UNs Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the team was travelling to meetings with local communities when it was intercepted by assailants who incinerated two of the three vehicles. The Covid-19 pandemic and measures in place to control it had a devastating impact on poverty and inequality in Colombia. Johnny died shortly afterwards in hospital. Despite Colombias strong legal protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, the human rights ombudsperson and civil society groups have raised concerns about the high levels of violence against LGBT people. In January, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights urged Colombia to protect investigative journalist Ricardo Caldern. As of December, only two officers had been indicted and five others had been charged in connection with homicides committed the protests. Although the new government is acting swiftly on United Nations recommendations to advance implementation of the 2016 peace agreement, aligned with a policy of promoting dialogue with armed actors, addressing violence on such a high scale is extremely difficult. 12 July The body of social activist Jaime Losada was found in Puerto Guzmn, Putumayo, where he was a member of the community council in the district of Costa Nueva. The unstable situation in Arauca, eastern Colombia, escalated to extremely alarming levels, with a series of alarming incidents. 19 July Womens rights activist Mara Piedad Aguirre was murdered in Tumaco, Nario. In October, the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court closed its preliminary examination on Colombia after reaching a cooperation agreement with the government. FECODE also condemned an attack ten days earlier on teacher Lady Fernanda Hurtado Guaza. [3] Boys older than 14 and girls older than 12 may marry with the consent of their parents. According to Quintero, this was occurring even though the event had government backing. The victims were identified as Yobani Ortiz Cabezas, Bautista Ortiz, Manuel Anderson Villacorte Pascal and Jhon Fredy Villacorte Pascal. Under the government of change, the armed forces are acting as if we were in the past, he said. this report covered two years of work, and included exhaustive interviews with more than 50 people, including the victims and their relatives . At the request of the government of then-President Juan Manuel Santos, the United Nations Security Council established a political mission in 2016 to monitor and verify implementation of the FARC peace accord. In June, the Inter-American Commission visited Colombia to document abuses in the context of the 2021 demonstrations, concluding, in July, that police had committed serious human rights violations, and announcing a special mechanism to monitor the situation in Colombia. 24 January Following the double murder of Guillermo Chicame and 14-year-old Breiner David Cucuame Lpez on 14 January, a third member of their communitys indigenous guard in Cauca was killed. Both men coordinated illegal crop substitution programmes under the terms of the 2016 peace agreement. 10 July At least 10,000 people were confined to their homes, leaving them unable to access food and essential services, due to fighting between armed groups in Ituango, Antioquia. 31 October Wayuu human rights groups warned of an assassination attempt on activist Edwin Ceballos in the Mayapo zone of La Guajira. Human Rights Watch (HRW) echoed the UN and Catholic Church's claims in a separate report released on Monday, saying fighting between ELN and dissident FARC forces in early 2022 had caused. Description 16 p. Notes Covers the period 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. 2021. More than 500 human rights defenders have been killed in Colombia since 2016, making it one of the countries with the highest numbers of human rights defenders killed worldwide. In October, the Constitutional Court gave the Truth Commission nine more months to release its findings. 26 January In a brutal attack, armed assailants killed Rosalba Carmenza Tarazona, the widow of lvaro Pea Barragn, murdered the previous day in Tam, Arauca. 3 October The 82nd massacre of 2022 was committed in Soledad in the northern region of Atlntico. As of August 2021, more than 1.8 million Venezuelans lived in Colombia. 5 July Armed assailants attacked the governor of the indigenous council at the University del Valle in Cali. Share this via Printer. Human Rights Watch identified evidence linking the police to 25 killings of protesters and bystanders, in most cases with live ammunition. UN Document in English on Colombia about Protection and Human Rights; . POSITION SUMMARY HIAS seeks an Emergency Mental Health & Psychosocial Support MHPSS Specialist to lead emergency initiatives globally working closely with the MHPSS and Emergency teams The Emergency MHPSS Specialist will be responsible for implementing and managing the technical components of an MHPSS response in emergency settings The Emergency MHPSS Specialist will report to the Director . 21 January Security forces attacked a humanitarian community on the border of the Meta and Guaviare departments. But implementation, especially of measures established under the 2016 peace accord, has often been poor. In Extractives, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, News Archive, Parliament 021/04/2022 Public Statement: International organisations from the civil society reject the assassination of Thuthenas (consejero) Miller Correa. 25 July Three young people were found dead in Sincelejo, Sucre, in alarming circumstances. He was an activist in the Joel Sierra Human Rights Foundation based in nearby Tame. National GDP is projected to grow by 6.1% in 2022 and 2.3% in 2023. But women and girls seeking legal abortions face many barriers. Various others are likely to have been committed during the period. FENSUAGRO has a longstanding partnership with Unite the Union through the international trade union organisationWorkers Uniting. Her body was found a few hours later, while her husband remained missing. Presidential and legislative elections were held in 2018. Share this via LinkedIn He was active in the community council in the district of Las Perlas, where his wife was also the council secretary. Reports said at least four combatants had been killed, leading to an intensification in the clashes. This article does not claim toprovidea definitive list of all human rights violations committed in Colombia. significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings; torture and arbitrary detention by government security forces and armed groups; rape and abuse of women and children, as well as unlawful recruitment of child soldiers by armed groups; criminalization of libel; widespread government corruption; violence Reports said he was intercepted by armed assailants and killed while travelling between the zones of Rovira and Tolda Blanca. He is the first social activist murdered in Nario in 2022. Another two people were injured. OHCHR documented 76 massacres in 2020the highest figure since 2014and received reports of 82 more between January and September 2021. 31 July Four Aw indigenous people were killed and various others injured when armed assailants attacked a public establishment in Barbacoas, Nario. 61-year-old Gerardo was a traditional elder who conducted ceremonies and campaigned to preserve wa indigenous culture. OCHA; The young victims were named as Ricardo Andrade Bravo, 22 years old, Arnold Montero Gallardo, 19, and Esteban Castillo Ordoez, 21. In a statement, the Cauca-based indigenous organisation ACIN said there was maximum alert in all indigenous territories in Cauca and to sister organisations to accompany the Camayo Getio family and the community of Las Delicias in these moments of horror and death. Las Delicias leaders have warned that outsiders have been amassing land in the area to grow coca, the base ingredient of cocaine, with 2020 figures registering 500 hectares of coca in Buenos Aires. 7 August Two male relatives, both of whom were community leaders, were murdered in Ituango, Antioquia, during a family gathering. In a statement, the cooperative said its members had been targeted as they attempted to transition to civilian society. As well as a certified lawyer, he was director of the Voces de Crdoba media outlet. More than 150 people involved in the defense of human rights have been murdered during the first nine months of the year in Colombia, the office of the ombudsman announced on Friday 28 October. Similarly, on the Pacific coast of the southern state of Nario, fighting among various FARC dissident groups displaced over 23,000 people between January and mid-August. The home and killing the first month of the more than 290 former FARC guerrilla Gmez. 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