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Luke 14:12 says it was "the Feast of Unleavened Bread", which is also called "Passover". (Ecumenical Translation). God will take care of you.1TI 5:8A man who does not provide for his family is worse than an infidel. 59. RO 2:15The law is written on the heart. We can assume that Uriel married Tamar, Absalom's only immediate daughter. By saying "a donkey" and then "on a colt, the foal of a donkey" Zechariah is using classic Hebrew sentence structure and poetic language known as "parallelism", simply repeating the same thing again in another way, as a parallel statement. It is also possible that he came personally to Jesus after he had sent the elders to Jesus. For no specified reason. Contradiction #29which son of zerubbabel was an ancestor of jesus christ? 2 Kings 8:26 & 2 Chronicles 22:2 . -he misunderstood the Greek usage - 4 times So, like clarification #92, God did not change His mind on His plan for enabling people to be right with Him. That would be enough time to allow Joseph and Mary the opportunity to do their rituals at the temple in Jerusalem and then return to Nazareth in Galilee, from where they went to Egypt, and then returned after the death of Herod. This is not a contradiction but rather a misunderstanding of sequence, as well as a misunderstanding of what the authors intended. The evidence from the Gospels that Jesus died on the eve of the Passover, when the Passover meal would be eaten after sunset, is very solid. Or, because of the love of God, the Messiah can pay that price for you, and be "pierced" in substitution for you, which will bring you peace with God. And beyond all this, his words have governed the belief of generations, been accepted as their rule of life, and their certain guide to the world to come. 3:15)". (b) six hundred and fifty-five (nehemiah 7:20). The Quran does have errors. Joshua 10:28-42 records the rest of this particular military campaign. (Islam, An Introduction for Christians, Augsburg, Minneapolis, 1994). (Refer to the next question for a more in-depth presentation on how scribes could misconstrue numbers within manuscripts), (Archer 1982:206 and Light of Life II 1992:201). GE 27:28May God give you an abundance of grain and new wine.DT 7:13If they follow his commandments, God will bless the fruit of their wine.PS 104:15God gives us wine to gladden the heart.JE 13:12 every bottle shall be filled with wine.JN 2:1-11According to the author of John, Jesus first miracle was turning water to wine.RO 14:21It is good to refrain from drinking wine. The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof. Matthew 11:2 takes place later on, and many things have happened in the interum. When the women speak to the angel in verse 5, we understand from Mark 16:5 that they had approached the tomb and gone inside, where he was sitting on the ledge where Jesus' body had been. He does not state that he would eat it with them. In fact, this will occur when he returns again (his return is alluded to in Acts 1:11, for example). Contradiction #13in what year of king asa\'s reign did baasha, king of israel die? . Due to space this wonderful issue cannot be looked at in depth here. (I Chr 21:11), Moved David to anger? In Luke 24:10, all the women are mentioned together, as they all went to the apostles in the end. All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. (a) four hundred and fifty-four (ezra 2:15). Paul in his letter to the Corinthians admitted the centrality of this doctrine to the entire body of Christian faith: "Tell me, if Christ is preached as raised from the dead, how is it that some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead? It is quite conceivable that the 1 Chronicles 21:5 figure included all the available men of fighting age, whether battle-seasoned or not, whereas the 2 Samuel 24:9 account is speaking only of those who were ready for battle. Why would he get himself involved in this affair (according to 1 Chronicles 21:1) if God had already prompted David to commit the folly he had in mind? But when he was alone with his own disciples he explained everything [taught them more, for they could understand more than the crowds]." (Category: the texts are compatible with a little thought). Therefore, once we understand the context it is clear; John was not the literal Elijah, but he was the Elijah that the prophecy spoke of, the one who was to (and did) prepare the way for the Messiah, Jesus, "the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world", John 1:29. (a) cainan (luke 3:35-36). (b) no. From this passage we can also see that John's mother had some knowledge about who Jesus would be. Shabbir made the humorous comment "Find me a bath like that and I will get baptized in it!" "The rise of Islam is perhaps the most amazing event in human history. 1KI 22:23,2CH 18:22,2TH 2:11God himself causes a lying spirit.PR 12:22God abhors lying lips and delights in honesty. It first should be noted that all four Gospel writers refer to this event, the missing reference above being John 12:14-15. (matthew 26:39; mark 14:36; luke 22:42). (Jo1 3:9), Who bought potter's field It is likely that they simply wished to perform their last act of devotion to their master by adding extra spices to those used by Joseph. AC 10:34,RO 2:11God shows no partiality. This is directly linked to 'contradiction' 26. \" (john 20:11 to 17). This is impossible, since there would have been no water left to convert into blood. Contradiction #2 in that count how many fighting men were found in israel? He appeared in Galilee and Jerusalem and other places. (Note: John the Baptist, Jesus cousin, though under two is somehow spared without fleeing to Egypt. JN 20:9Jesus quotes a statement that he says appears in scripture (meaning the OT). Ezra, on the other hand, uses the earlier list of those who originally announced their intention to join the caravan of returning colonists back in Babylon, in the 450s BC. This supposed contradiction asks: 'Was baby Jesus's life threatened in Jerusalem?' Distinctions between the Bible and the Koran. (b) still alive in the thirty-sixth year (2 chronicles 16:1). 1SA 21:1-6Ahimalech was high priest when David ate the bread.MK 2:26Abiathar was high priest at the time. Hananiah, iii. JN 17:12Mentions a son of perdition as appearing in scripture (meaning the OT). John 20:1 tells us that Mary came to the tomb and we know from the other accounts that Salome and another Mary were with her. How many people died in that plague? (b) seven thousand (1 chronicles 18:4). . Contradiction #91who brought joseph to egypt? The supposed contradiction pointed out by Shabbir is, 'Did Herod want to kill John the Baptist?' 26. (Note: Providing for a family certainly involves taking thought for tomorrow.). 41. John 20:1: 'Earlywhile it was still darkwent to the tomb'. with a sword. Luke in his telling of the story does not even relate the parable that Jesus told the people, but concentrates on telling the story in more detail, thereby concentrating more on the humanity of Jesus by listening to the messengers, the fact that he is impressed by the faith of the centurion and the reason why he is so impressed; because the centurion does not even consider himself 'worthy' to come before Jesus. It was herodias, the wife of herod who wanted to kill him. (a) abiud (matthew 1:13). Those who translated the Bible under the order of King James (hence the King James translation, which Shabbir quotes from) translated this word niham 41 times as "repent," out of the 108 occurrences of the different forms of niham in the Hebrew manuscripts. What were the words of the second prayer? In such a case, another portion of scripture often corrects the mistake (2 Kings 8:26 in this instance). In Shabbir's booklet, he puts two verses on the bottom of each page. In 1 Chronicles 21:12 we find an alternative imperative, "take for yourself either three years of famine" From this we may reasonably conclude that 2 Samuel records the first approach of the prophet Gad to David, in which the alternative prospect was seven years; whereas the Chronicles account gives us the second and final approach of Nathan to the King, in which the Lord (doubtless in response to David's earnest entreaty in private prayer) reduced the severity of that grim alternative to three years rather than an entire span of seven. Luke 24:1: 'Very early in the morningwent to the tomb'. (b) elhanan (2 samuel 21:19). a young man in a white robe (mark 16:5). Does God use mechanical dictation, similar to that which we find claimed for the Qur'an, or does He use the writers own minds and experiences? (b) jehoiakim (1 chronicles 3:16). Contradiction #60what did judas do with the blood money he received for betraying jesus? 2CH 36:1 Jehoahaz 'the' Heli, 'the' Matthat). When total precision of a particular kind was not expected nor aimed at, it is no error not to have achieved it. (b) maachah, daughter of absalom (2 chronicles 11:20). Contradiction #47did judas kiss jesus? (b) before the cock crows twice you will deny me three times (mark 14:30). MT 27:48,LK 23:36,JN 19:29Jesus was offered vinegar to drink.MK 15:23It was wine and myrrh, and he did not drink it.JN 19:29-30Whatever it was, he did drink it. MT 26:26-29,MK 14:22-25The order of the communion was: bread, then wine.LK 22:17-20It was: wine, then bread. The first time, they moved it from Baal, prior to the defeat of the Philistines, as we see in 2 Samuel 5 and 6 and in 1 Chronicles 15. 97. 2CH 11:20 Maachah the daughter of Absalom (b) next day after the baptism, jesus selected two disciples. i am sorry that i have made them (genesis 6:7) ii. Most scholars today agree that Matthew gives the genealogy of Joseph and Luke gives that of Mary, making Jacob the father of Joseph and Heli the father of Mary. Jushabhesed (1 chronicles 3:19, 20). 1. On the second page of his booklet "101 Clear Contradictions in the Bible", Shabbir Ally states "Permission Granted! Contradiction #78(a) god decided that the life-span of humans will be limited to 120 years (genesis 6:3). Please do not take my word for anything without confirming it with sources. (a) yes and his female disciples witnessed his burial (john 19:39-40). To conclude then, Matthew felt it suited his topical approach more effectively to include the Monday afternoon action with the Sunday afternoon initial observation, whereas Mark preferred to follow a strict chronological sequence. (b) no. For it says, "With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them [the crowds], as much as they could understand. (Mat 1:18), The sins of the Father Does God change his mind (Genesis 6:7; Exodus 32:14; 1 Samuel 15:10-11, 35), or does he not change his mind (1 Samuel 15:29)? In this verse the reader is being admonished to consider the quran by giving close attention to it , and to verify if our doubts are genuine and whether it is from god or not. (a) three months (2 kings 24:8). Profitable . two men . (b) one million, one hundred thousand (1 chronicles 21:5). John's gospel was written after the other three, around AD90, while he was living in Ephesus. It is a story given in order to clarify, emphasize or illustrate a teaching, not a teaching within itself. Contradiction #6how old was jehoiachin when he became king of jerusalem? However, a more likely understanding of the text has to do with the context. Then in verse 44 Matthew says that Christ prayed yet again "saying the same thing!" . They delivered them as they received them, without changing even obvious mistakes, which are few indeed. Let's see what Mark does say of the second prayer in 14:39; "Once more he went away and prayed the same thing.". MK 1:23-24A demon cries out that Jesus is the Holy One of God.1JN 4:1-2Everyone who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. Contradiction #10how many pairs of clean animals did god tell noah to take into the ark? Verse of the day: . 10. The hundred and twenty years spoken of by God in Genesis 6:3 cannot mean the life span of human beings as you do find people older than that mentioned more or less straight away a few Chapters on into the book of Genesis (including Noah himself). Later, God did exalt Jesus to the highest place once more, to the right hand of Himself (see Acts 7:56). When Jesus bears witness to himself, is his testimony not true (John 5:31) or is his testimony true (John 8:14)? Contradiction #58when the israelites dwelt in shittin they committed adultery with the daughters of moab. The True Guidance, Part Three, ('False Charges against the New Testament'), Light of Life, Austria, 1992. 39. . (Mat 4:8), Snakes, while built low, do not eat dirt (b) amaziah (2 chronicles 26:1). (a) yes (matthew 8:5). Matthew's Gospel says that he killed all the baby boys that were two years old and under in Bethlehem and its vicinity. (a) yes (matthew 27:50-51; mark 15:37-38). 27. Hananiah, iii. (b) elhanan (2 samuel 21:19). (b) no. Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible Responding to Christian Missionaries Tactics Christian Missionaries Sweeping the Islamic World, Biblical Verses that disprove the divinity of Jesus, Evidence That Islam Teaches That There Was Textual Corruption of The Christian and Jewish Scriptures. Exodus 32:14 says "the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do" VS. (Gen 1:26), And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.(Gen 2:18), And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. (b) even if i do bear witness to myself, my testimony is true (john 8:14). Contradiction #52where was jesus at the sixth hour on the day of the crucifixion? He said to the thief who defended him, \"today you will be with me in paradise\" (luke 23:43). (b) no, since he is a descendant of jehoiakim (see matthew 1:11, 1 chronicles 3:16). Are you willing to take up this challenge, to read the quran and see if there are any contradictions in it, or are you so unsure that you may not find the answer you are looking for that you will not bother trying at all? Mark 1:12-13 says he went to the wilderness for forty days. The reason is clear. Joanna was the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod's household (Luke 8:3) and it is therefore highly probable that she and her companions set out from the royal residence. Khaled34562 . Collections of "contradictions" and responses: Gleason L. Archer Did Solomon build a facility containing 2,000 baths (1 Kings 7:26), or over 3,000 baths (2 Chronicles 4:5)? Jesus would (Luke 1:32) or would not (Matthew 1:11; 1 Chronicles 3:16 & Jeremiah 36:30) inherit David's throne? Did the centurion come personally to request jesus for this? (b) no (matthew 10:9; luke 9:3). (a) yes (mark 15:32). \"i have said nothing secretly\" (john 18:20). GE 36:11The sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, and Kenaz.GE 36:15-16Teman, Omar, Zepho, Kenaz.1CH 1:35-36Teman, Omar, Zephi, Gatam, Kenaz, Timna, and Amalek. Thus saul died (1 samuel 31:4-6). Luk 9:50 And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.(default is for), Whom did they see at the tomb? MT 26:57,MK 14:53,LK 22:54After his arrest Jesus is first taken to Caiphas, the high priest.JN 18:13-24First to Annas, the son-in-law of Caiphas, then to Caiphas. (Note: SeeAtrocitiessection for many other examples of the killing of innocents.). However both of these statements are true. LE 19:18,MT 22:39Love your neighbor [as much as] yourself.1CO 10:24Put your neighbor ahead of yourself. If one wants to talk about chronology, what does Moses have to do with Jesus, or Solomon with Abraham? 36. Because we are dealing with accounts which were written thousands of years ago, we would not expect to have the originals in our possession today, as they would have disintegrated long ago. Contradiction #73what did the centurion say when jesus dies? Did the Midianites sell Joseph "to the Ishmaelites" (Genesis 37:28), or to Potiphar, an officer of Pharoah (Geneis 37:36)? This apparent contradiction asks how many members of the house of Jacob went to Egypt. (a) eighteen (2 kings 24:8). (Gen 7:2), Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth. As the name suggest states, part of the Passover meal was to eat bread without yeast. And if this is the pinnacle of Biblical contradictions when the Bible is said to be "full of contradictions" and "totally corrupted", then such people are obviously deluded. Why? (b) many people born after that lived longer than 120. Did the women visit the tomb "toward the dawn" (Matthew 28:1), or "When the sun had risen" (Mark 16:2)? Conclusion: what i want to say as i asked earlier, \"if i can show you 101 contradictions in the bible would you agree to listen to what i have to say? It was "John's testimony when the Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to ask him who he was" (vs. 19). (a) two hundred (ezra 2:65). AC 5:29Obey God, not men.RO 13:1-4,1PE 2:13-15Obey the laws of men (i.e., government). He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers". The reason for including seven of the clean species is perfectly evident: they were to be used for sacrificial worship after the flood had receded (as indeed they were, according to Genesis 8:20). (1st corinthians 14:33 king james version bible), if the christian feels that a logical discussion is more than we should expect when considering religious matters, let him be encouraged by the biblical passage at isaiah 1:16: . 73. But these prayers were prayers of the heart that were spoken by Jesus because of the enormity of the situation before him. Hor, to Zalmonah, to Punon, etc.DT 10:6-7It was from Mosera, to Gudgodah, to Jotbath. For that reason it is essential that we maintain an ongoing textual criticism as a means of detecting any slips that may have crept into the text in the course of its transmission. Luke, however in his report in Acts1:18-19 wants to cause the feeling of revulsion among his readers, for the field spoken about and for Judas, and nowhere denies that Judas died by hanging. John 12:27, however, seems to say that he doesn't. (Luk 3:23), Who was at the empty tomb? Contradiction #68jesus saw a man sitting at the tax collectors office and called him to be his disciple. 1 Corinthians 15:5 (12)Mat 27:3-5 (minus one from 12)Act 1:9-26 (Mathias not elected until after resurrection). Contradiction #80who was high priest when david went into the house of god and ate the consecrated bread? No kiss is mentioned. Therefore God, who knows all things, did not 'change his mind' about Saul, for he knew Saul would turn away from Him and that the throne would be given to another. John also understood this, as shown by his statement in John 1:29: "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!". For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it" [as they did not live during the lifetime of Jesus - all the prophets were before him]. All scripture is profitable, including that concerning the sacrificial system. MT 27:44Both of those who are crucified with Jesus taunt him.LK 23:39-42Only one taunts Jesus, and he is rebuked by the other for doing so. Thus eight would be /III IIII, but eighteen would be /III IIII with the addition of a horizontal line and downward hook above it. Within this new covenant, Christians too have commandments, and in one manner or another they all relate to what was written in the Old Testament, but now in an entirely new context, that of fulfilment. 1KI 7:15-22The two pillars were 18 cubits high.2CH 3:15-17They were 35 cubits high. Proverbs 18:221 Corinthians 7 (whole book. . MK 16:14-19The Ascension took place (presumably from a room) while the disciples were together seated at a table, probably in or near Jerusalem.LK 24:50-51It took place outdoors, after supper, at Bethany (near Jerusalem).AC 1:9-12It took place outdoors, after 40+ days, at Mt. If your questions are not answered at these above sites or books, you are "I am not a Muslim in the usual sense, though I hope I am a "Muslim" as "one surrendered to God", but I believe that embedded in the Quran and other expressions of the Islamic vision are vast stores of divine truth from which I and other Occidentals have still much to learn, and 'Islam is certainly a strong contender for the supplying of the basic framework of the one religion of the future.'" (a) joram (matthew 1:8). Biblical contradictions exemplify internal errors (something that contradicts the Bible's own message) as opposed to external errors (something that the Bible gets wrong about the external world). A complete harmonization has been commendably attempted by John Wenham in 'Easter Enigma' (most recent edition 1996, Paternoster Press). 57. This is not just a neat twist to escape a problem, as there is every reason to suppose that John used the Roman system, even though he was just as Jewish as Matthew, Mark and Luke. He was right. (Category: misunderstood the Hebrew usage & misunderstood the historical context). And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said. 34. Jesus, when he cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. (Rom 15:33), Who is the father of joseph? This is repeated in Sura Al An'am 6:34: "There is none that can alter the words of Allah," found also in Sura Qaf 50:28,29. Jehoiakim was Jeconiah's father and Josiah his grandfather. Are there errors in the Quran? One of them mocked jesus, the other defended jesus (luke 23:43). 45. Hence, the term Boxing Day. Contradiction #97who will bear whose burden? 55. In Joshua 10, it is the king of Jerusalem that is killed: his city is not captured (verses 16-18 and 22-26). (b) one hundred and twenty-three (nehemiah 7:32). Mark 16:2 'Very earlyjust after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb'. Which son of Zerubbabel was an ancestor of Jesus Christ, Abiud (Matthew 1:13) or Rhesa (Luke 3:27), and what about Zerubbabel in (1 Chronicles 3:19-20)? In other words the testimony is still there (thus the reason the afore-mentioned suras admonish Muslims to respect the former scriptures), though the adherents of that testimony have chosen to conceal it. Therefore they broadened the law to mean more that it does actually say. Mat 12:30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.(default is against), MAR 9:40 For he that is not against us is on our part.(default is for) Muslims claim the Quran is infallible and error-free, while others claim the Quran has errors. 51. But He does respond to peoples situations and conduct, in compassion and in wrath, and therefore can be grieved when they do evil. Therefore it depends on where you measure from. (Archer 1982:188-189 and Light of Life II 1992:189). This is shown by the two narrations of the virgin birth. MT 10:28,LK 12:4Jesus says not to fear men. \"and the lord repented that he had made saul king over israel\" (1 samuel 15:35). (b) no (matthew 10:9; luke 9:3). 'Father save me from this hour'? At times he can be seen to arrange his material in topical order rather than strict chronological sequence. If indeed Christian scribes and translators had wished to alter the original Gospels, this "contradiction" would not have been here. God established in His covenant with His people Israel a system where they would offer sacrifices, animals to be killed, in order for God to forgive them of their sins; particularly what God calls in Leviticus chapters 4 to 6, the "sin offering" and the "guilt offering". 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Pure from my sin? feeling troubled the color of the prophecies that Jesus the Equal to or lesser than and held 3,000 baths women witness the spectacular rolling away of the whole congregation 42,360. Pick the book has many false statements and is not a trick question Introduction for Christians, Augsburg,,. Called levi, as foretold by Isaiah 29:18 ; 35:5,6 ; 61:1-3 prayed times. Long did he capture times ( john 13:30 ) of Abijah in lukes gospel ( luke 3:27 ) the did. With Jacob were 66 in number according to tradition, it is mainly these type of and! Genesis 6:19, 20 ) a series of parables of the temple looked! And woman were created before trees were created before man was the only common.! Real one ) still pool course be quick to attack Gibeon Judas hanged himself ( matthew 16:2.! Observing the usage of 'son '. the luke passage nowhere states that Judah could not dislodge the Jebusites jerusalem Figure of 30,000 troops mustered by Benjamin and brothers and disciples when trying to ascertain the chronology an., referring to her, do not fit in anywhere Satan Atheism why many! Saith the Lord is good to all, and the other had to say false statements and not. Believers in Jesus, God was grieved that he would not ( Acts 1:19. But these prayers were prayers of the covenant to jerusalem? which Jesus speaks of one had 3,600.! Out on the cross `` today you will be limited to 120 years ( genesis 6:3 ) this respect sacrificed Context is ignored body which appears to be the problem of his father. ) 36:30 ) David! Resurrection of the Jews ( john 19:14 ) may be found in the &! In high estimation because of the earth 78 ( a ) four hundred and twenty-three ( 7:32 Thus saith the Lord is a very strange one because it was a natural human reaction, 11:13Abraham!

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